"I'm a nurse. Let me have a look."

At this time, a woman also came forward. After seeing the blood on the ground, her face was a little pale.

But at this moment, or hastily opened his mouth to say a word.

Listening to this, one side of the woman quickly stood up and gave up the position.

"Please, help my daughter!"

Although at ordinary times, she has always seemed to be superior, but now encountered such a thing, she has been a run out of shape.

In the past in the appearance, at this time also all disappeared.

At the moment, her heart, also full of panic, did not know what to do.

At this time, Heng Yanlin also stepped aside.

Seeing a little girl with a pale face, she couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

Look at this situation, the little girl's injury this time is very serious.

What's more, Heng Yanlin can see clearly that the other party's breath of life is constantly weakening.

I'm afraid it won't take long for the other party to die.

After the nurse took over, he began a very professional examination. He saw a scratch on his lower leg, which was gurgling with blood, and his face changed slightly.

He tore off a piece of cloth and bandaged the wound.

"I've already called an ambulance. Just wait for the ambulance to come."

The nurse saw one side of the woman, at the moment a face flustered appearance, hurriedly opened his mouth to say a word.

The woman now also has a little bit of six spirits, at the moment smell speech quickly nod.

At the same time, looking at his pale daughter, his face is full of regret.

Just now, if she didn't answer the phone call and left with her daughter.

Even if the glass fell down, it would hit her.

In this way, even if their daughter will be affected, it will not be too big.

But why did she answer that phone call just now!

At the thought of this, her heart felt very remorseful, only felt that this time she had made a wrong number.

If not, where would such a thing happen to my daughter?

The more she thought about it, the more regretful she felt at the moment.

Heng Yanlin looked at the side, saw that the nurse has no other move, eyebrows can not help but slightly wrinkled.

"I'm afraid she'll die if she can't wait for an ambulance."

Hengyanlin some can't bear, just looked at this girl, that is incomparably lovely.

Under such circumstances, hengyanlin is really a little impatient, and the other party died like this.

Therefore, Heng Yanlin at this time, step forward to say a word.

I just hope the other party can understand that this is not the case. I have to let the little girl have the rest of the treatment.

Listening to this, the woman suddenly in the heart slightly surprised, turned to see is Heng Yan Lin, eyes in the show a touch of surprise color.

Naturally, she knew Heng Yanlin.

Just two people have met in the elevator, she is not so forgetful, how can she forget like this?

What is the meaning of Heng Yanlin's words?

What do you mean

The nurse listens to Heng Yanlin to say so, immediately the eyes slightly a congealed way.

"I'm very clear that the little girl is still losing blood, and your actions are not very helpful. There are several internal bleeding in her body, and now she has a lot of bleeding.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will shock in a few minutes, and then I will die. "

The nurse listened to what Heng Yanlin said was so professional, and her face slowed down a lot.

"Are you a doctor, too

Said, she got up to give the position to Heng Yanlin.

She's just a nurse. She doesn't know how to treat diseases. If hengyanlin were a doctor, she would naturally like to give up her position and let him help.

Heng Yan Lin stepped forward and shook his head at this time.

"No, but I know medicine."

The body of the nurse who had already got up was slightly stiff at this moment. When she turned her head and looked at Heng Yan Lin, her eyes were full of anger.

"You're not a doctor?"


Heng Yanlin is very honest response.

But the nurse's attitude can not be so good, see Heng Yan Lin admit that he is not a doctor, immediately a bit angry.

"Are you not a doctor? Don't you know the patient is in danger now? You, an outsider, come here and move around at will. It's easy to cause secondary injury. Don't you know that? "

Said, she is ready to let Heng Yanlin leave.If a professional comes, she won't stop it.

But a layman came over, how could she let Heng Yanlin fool around? This is not responsible for the patient!

Heng Yanlin eyebrows slightly a wrinkle, saw the other side did not make way for the meaning, turned his head to one side of the woman to see.

"I have told you that your daughter's condition is not long. According to the time when the ambulance comes, at least it will take more than 20 minutes. In this way, do you think your daughter can hold on?"

Heng Yan Lin took a look at each other and asked calmly.

When the woman heard the words, she hesitated.

Heng Yanlin's words really scared her, and the nurse had no other way.

It seems that Heng Yanlin is more reliable, but he is not a professional. The other party just said that he is not a doctor.

In this way, she was a little worried. How dare she give her daughter to Heng Yanlin at will?

One side of the nurse at this time, also very nervous mouth said.

"Can you easily believe what he said? How can he, as an outsider, handle such a thing as this?"

The nurse is still a little worried, this woman was moved by Heng Yanlin.

Let an outsider come here and make a mess. The patient will die if he doesn't die.

This is not what she wants to see. After all, it is a living life!

Heng Yan Lin saw the other party hesitated, frown slightly, he saw this little girl is really lovely incomparable, also do not want to each other what happened.

Therefore, hengyanlin just came out to help, otherwise, where would hengyanlin manage such a thing.

"Think about it for yourself. How can your woman have no internal injury when such a large piece of glass falls down? This time, it was very serious in her body.

Now you are hesitating. You are speeding up the time for your daughter's death. Think about it carefully. It's better to see if you can do something like this. It's better to see a cold corpse when the ambulance comes

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