Lin Hui at this time, the heart is naturally regretful.

I knew that, I just don't feel like a fool when I think about it.

Such a thing, even if she thinks of every time after will be embarrassed.

A little deep breath, Lin Hui lost the thought in her mind to one side.

At the moment, hengyanlin and Leng Gu Rong have already been on the car.

Cold so let me think about my daughter, and I am driving the car a little faster now.

Hengyanlin felt that he didn't say anything after that, but he just let the other party speed up the car.

"Is your daughter in danger now because of the glass in the blood vessel?"

Hengyanlin thought, and asked.

Cold reason allow Wen Yan slightly Zheng, although already knew that hengyanlin big probability will know this matter, but at this moment listen still can not help but be surprised.

Before that, hengyanlin did nothing, just looked at his daughter and touched it, right?

In this way, the other party has already known the situation of his daughter at the moment, what kind of miracle doctor this is!

However, the other side is so powerful, so it is much easier to ask for help and hengyanlin.

Think of here, cold so face slightly relaxed a little.

"Well, after the doctors checked the people over, there was no wrong place. I talked to my daughter for a few words, and my daughter began to spit blood.

At this time, they did a thorough examination, which was followed by the discovery that my daughter's blood vessels were glass.

It is almost impossible to get these glass out now, because some of the glass is rushed into the heart. At this time, if one is not careful, it will break the heart. "

Speaking of this, cold so the face is a slight trembling in the heart.

She is not a doctor and knows how much trouble and danger the situation is.

Moreover, it is almost impossible for such a situation to save people. Only hengyanlin can see the problem at a glance, even if there is a means to cure his daughter.

I think of this in my heart, so I can take a deep breath.

"Mr. Heng, can you help with such injuries?"

Cold so face show a touch of worry, and a thick fear, she does not want her daughter to leave her.

She was regretful of the thought that her daughter had taken such a injury at this time.

At that time, if she did not leave her daughter half step, then want to come her daughter will not have such a injury.

At least, her height can help to stop.

And my daughter will never be right.

The more so, she is in fact in the heart of regret, has been regretting how she would have answered the phone before.

And she in the heart, vaguely is to think of in case of her daughter, so leave their own what to do?

"Yes, but I hope you can understand. Since you asked me to go, you should listen to me for what I do later. You should guarantee 100% trust for me. Otherwise, I will turn my head and go. If your daughter dies, I will not turn back."

Before that, hengyanlin has been questioned once, this time hengyanlin does not want to be questioned.

Previously, because of too many people, there was no way to take out the glass from the other's body in addition to too much time.

And this time since we want to do it, we still need to give the other party more trust.

Cold reason let me hear words and nodded hurriedly, "Mr. Heng is relieved that as long as you want to do anything, I will believe it. When we arrive, I will give you everything."

For hengyanlin, she was no longer thinking about questioning what.

Those doctors have no such means to treat people well.

So, I think it was already known when doctors talked about it. Those doctors said they wanted to have surgery, but the success rate was only about one percent.

But if you don't have surgery, there's no hope.

If there is no other way to sign this word, she can only sign it.

But now it is different. With hengyanlin, she is naturally the choice of hengyanlin.

See each other nodding to express understanding, hengyanlin nodded gently.

Since the other party understands that is the best.

Otherwise, after waiting for the other side to hesitate to go, hengyanlin felt that he was better off now.

I talked to the doctors before. I want to check the little girl.

What is the situation in the body of the little girl, hengyanlin is very clear.At that time, when they went back, as long as they had direct surgery, they could probably take out the glass without any other trouble.

But those doctors didn't listen, and now they put the trouble on Heng Yanlin's side.

Heng Yanlin slightly thought, are feeling a bit of trouble incomparable.

But the good thing is, if it's so cold, if it's easy to talk, Heng Yanlin feels that he doesn't have a trip.

Lenggu Rong quickly and incomparably drove the car to the hospital, and then pulled Heng Yan Lin off the car, immediately ran to the outside of the emergency room.

Now the doctors have been waiting for a long time.

Now it's just waiting for Leng Gu Rong to sign and they can start the operation.

Although the operation is too difficult, but after thinking about it, it still needs to be done.

The little girl's present situation is not good, if this does not do as soon as possible some good hand speed, that can be the end.

"Ms. Leng, you are here. Since you are back, please sign it. Ningning's time is not much. If you delay it for a long time, your life will be in danger at any time."

A doctor saw the cold so allow to come back, immediately is to come forward to say a word.

At this time, a nurse also handed in an agreement.

During the operation, as long as it is not an accident caused by man, the hospital is not responsible for the rest of the things.

This is also an important part of the agreement.

Therefore, the signature is still very important.

Lenggu Rong took a look at the agreement and immediately took his eyes back.

She didn't even want to sign it. After she signed it, her daughter would go to surgery.

Bring back Heng Yan Lin is to avoid this situation.

Lenggu Rong pushed the agreement aside and said with a firm face.

"Please wait so long for the doctors, but my daughter is in my own charge, so I don't need your help."

With that, she waved to a group of doctors to let them go.

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