Hengyanlin saw Qiao Yue standing by his side, also did not want to go to say hello to other female students, suddenly some strange will her look.

"There should be your classmates over there. Why don't you go and say hello?"

Heng Yan Lin looked at each other, some strange way.

Qiao Yue hears speech, suddenly some speechless will hengyanlin look at.

Is this guy a wooden head, or is there something wrong with EQ?

I'm here, of course, I'm afraid of Heng Yanlin alone, and then boring or something?

He and Xiaoai both left. What is Heng Yanlin doing here alone?

"It's OK. It's all students see every day, and they don't have to go to say hello."

Although some speechless Heng Yan Lin such a puzzled amorous feelings, but the words in the heart that is naturally not easy to say out, at the moment the Qiao Yue can only be perfunctory.

Ding wugen smell speech, eyes a bit gloomy will Heng Yan Lin look.

Although qiaoyue didn't tell the truth, Ding wugen could see clearly that qiaoyue was afraid that hengyanlin was too bored to do so.

So it seems that hengyanlin seems to be more important in each other's heart.

Among the two girls, in fact, he prefers qiaoyue.

Compared with Xiao AI, Qiao Yue will be more beautiful and more gentle in temperament.

But at this moment, it seems that qiaoyue is better for hengyanlin's senses, which is a little difficult to do.

Ding wugen's face was a bit gloomy, and there was a slight twinkle in his eyes. He didn't say anything.

It's not appropriate to say these words at this time, or the atmosphere will be stiff. Qiaoyue, in order to take care of Heng Yanlin, is afraid that she will leave directly.

In this way, he would have paid for his wife's loss.

"Let's go. Let's get to the car first."

Qiao Yue did not pay attention to one side of Ding wugen, directly pulled Heng Yan Lin toward the side of the bus.

Before going to the mountain, they need to take a bus to the place before they can enter the mountain.

After putting their own equipment in place one by one, the two men then got on the cart.

Ding wugen watched the whole process. Seeing such a scene, his face became more and more gloomy.

But then he took a deep breath.

Anyway, it's really hard to tear your face at this time.

Thinking of this, he took a deep breath slightly, and then beckoned the people on the side to seize the time to get on the bus.

"It's faster. We need to get to the foot of the mountain, then enter the mountain as soon as possible, and then find a place to camp."

The words fell, the people on the side quickly nodded, one after another to one side to put the equipment down, and then began to walk into the car.

"The two of you are sitting here, and you are not looking for a seat for three, so that I can have a seat."

Seeing two people sitting directly in two seats at the moment, Xiao AI said something helplessly.

Qiao Yue hears the speech, purses the mouth to smile to have a look at it.

"Who let you come so slowly, I told you that I would get on the bus. I didn't call you because you were happy to play below."

Xiaoai smell speech, immediately helpless turn an eye, this is what and what.

If you're down here, it doesn't prevent two people from calling for themselves, finding an extra seat, and then helping them to occupy it?

However, at the moment, both of them have already sat down, so this matter will be ignored.

At this thought, she just shook her head and took a seat beside her.

"Well, what's your relationship? How do I feel that your relationship is very good?"

One side of a female classmate, listening to two people in such a said, suddenly some curious turn over.

Look at the meaning of these two girls, they are all fighting for Heng Yanlin.

However, she was shocked.

Now I looked at Heng Yanlin, and nodded in my heart. The rest didn't say. Anyway, hengyanlin was handsome enough.

It's really good at this point, but it's not enough.

She also took a bit of curiosity in her heart. She did not know what relationship Heng Yanlin had with the two girls.

Why do the two girls have a deep relationship with Heng Yanlin at this time?

What's going on? She's a little confused.

Xiaoai smell speech, looking at the other side's gossip like eyes, slightly shaking his head.

These students, ah, sometimes the heart of gossip is not extinguished.

However, this problem is not only the female students, but also the male students on the side. At this time, they all moved their ears intentionally or unintentionally.

It seems that these two women are very popular in this place.If not, how could it attract so many people's attention?

Seeing this situation, Xiao AI also knew that if she didn't say it, she was afraid that these people would be confused.

One side of Ding wugen at the moment are looking over, but he pays more attention to what is the relationship between hengyanlin and qiaoyue.

I guess it's not a boyfriend, right? Neither of them means to slim hands at the moment.

Well, if you look at it like this, you can make sure that the relationship between the two people is not right.

Although the heart is such a thought, but he is still quite concerned towards this side.

"In fact, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that we lived together. We happened to get together when we rented a house. Heng Yanlin and I have a lot of skills. If you have anything in the future, especially those things that are difficult to understand, you can actually find him.

If you have him, those things are not things, and will let you... "

" Keke Ke Ke... "

Xiaoai is just like flying himself now. He starts to blow up hengyanlin wantonly on one side. Seeing the other party's meaning, he clearly wants to blow hengyanlin to the sky and the earth, and no one can compare with him.

Heng Yanlin in the side is listening to some embarrassment, hurriedly is dry cough a few.

In addition to do not want the other side to say more, that is the rest of the people really ask for hengyanlin, hengyanlin also do not want to pay attention to.

After all, these people have nothing to do with Heng Yanlin, who doesn't want to help them.

Heng Yanlin's own ideas still exist. If there is less trouble, there will be less.

In addition, I'm afraid it's too much to let her go on like this. These people estimate that they'll all talk nonsense about the rest behind their backs.

Heng Yanlin naturally can't let this matter go on like this. After interrupting each other, Xiaoai just reacts.

When I was excited, ur said so much nonsense.

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