None of them had thought that the waiter would come back to apologize at this time.

However, to be able to do so, the other side is still some good.

These are the thoughts of the three at this time.

After confirming that the matter has been solved, Heng Yanlin has already eaten almost at this time, and directly gets up to prepare to leave.

At this time, two people on one side also stood up.

"Thank you so much today."

At this time, the waiter was grateful to Heng Yanlin again and said a word.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech waved his hand, "don't be so polite, you can listen to me in the end is a good thing, if you don't listen, I can't actually save you."

Heng Yanlin opened his mouth and said.

When the waiter heard this, he looked a little different.

"By the way, can I ask you something?"

At this time, the waiter looked at Heng Yanlin and said something.

"When I went in, I found that there was no air leakage before and after that.

Do you have the power of prophecy? "

At this time, the waiter looked at Heng Yanlin in front of him, his eyes full of curiosity.

He did not understand this matter and did not know why it was like this.

Heng Yan Lin was shocked at the speech.

One side of lianyueliu at this time, with a bit of funny meaning, will be in front of hengyanlin.

This time in the heart, also directly determined that Heng Yan Lin would really look at the face.

Otherwise, how to explain what happened to the other party.

There is no beginning of things in this, Heng Yanlin has already known, and let the other party in, it is completely a little bit, like this kind of thing, according to the appearance of his mother.

Under such circumstances, she just doesn't want to laugh.

At the moment, after looking at hengyanlin, he is also more and more curious about hengyanlin.

Heng Yan Lin looked at the waiter, pondered for a while and said, "maybe I smell wrong."

That's the explanation?

When the waiter heard the speech, he was stunned for a moment. He always felt something was wrong. Heng Yanlin actually gave such an explanation.

This makes him at this time, are a little touch of defense.

However, after Heng Yanlin finished, he did not say anything to him. He turned around and left.

In such a case, although the waiters have some points in mind, they want to ask something.

But at the moment, also can only see Heng Yanlin leave.

Maybe only such an explanation can make sense?

The waiter thought for a while and finally came up with such an explanation.

Otherwise, what can we do?

Can't it be said that the other party is really unpredicted?

How could that be possible?

Therefore, the waiter also directly shakes his head at the moment and solves the problem.

"Pooh, you didn't see it. The waiter just listened and was stunned. Your explanation is too perfunctory."

Qiaoyue and hengyanlin went out together, full of funny will hengyanlin look at.

Probably did not expect that Heng Yanlin would make such an explanation.

Heng Yanlin looked at each other, see each other at this time is full of funny will look at himself, at the moment also did not shake his head.

What's the point? Is it worth watching yourself like this?

But the other side likes to laugh, that also goes with the other side, in fact, there is nothing difficult to say.

Heng Yanlin at the moment, after thinking about it, did not say anything more.

"Now I really believe that you can do such a thing. After that guy saw it, he thought you were in the dark."

One side of the lianyue willow, after seeing Heng Yan Lin at the moment, opened his mouth and said a word.

In fact, she did not expect that this would happen.

Heng Yanlin looks at each other, see each other at the moment is full of strange will oneself look at, also just nodded.

"It is. Didn't you believe it before? How can we emphasize the last time at this time? "

Heng Yanlin looked at each other, some speechless inquired.

Lian yueliu hears the speech and nods gently.

"To believe is to believe, but after all, I haven't seen it with my own eyes. There are some differences between them."

Say, it is for Heng Yan Lin mischievous smile.

Heng Yan Lin heard the words but did not say so much.

Just showed a hand in front of the side of these guys, are already met, do not know how many times.Heng Yan Lin thought, in fact, it doesn't matter.

This smart month, I just hope the other party will not talk about it everywhere.

Thinking of here, Heng Yanlin's footstep slightly pauses, and then looks at Qiao Yue.

Qiao Yue saw Heng Yan Lin in the eyes, and suddenly felt a bit bad.

Looking at Heng Yan Lin, it seems that he just has something in his eyes.

"What's the matter?"

Qiao Yue looks at Heng Yan Lin and says a word with a bit of nervousness.

Heng Yanlin looked at the other side and opened his mouth with a smile. "Before, I told you not to tell some things. It seems that you didn't abide by it. I wonder if you can still abide by it next time."

Qiao Yue hears the speech, suddenly in the heart slightly a convex.

"Of course

Qiaoyue at this time, regardless of so many other things, at this moment is to open his mouth to say a word.

While speaking, there was a trace of panic.

She is really afraid, the other party will not seriously do anything, right?

After all, with Heng Yanlin's ability, if he wants to do something, it is still very possible.

Therefore, at the moment of the Qiao month at this time, are a bit scared.

Extremely afraid, Heng Yan Lin will not believe in himself, and want to do something.

Hengyanlin's ability, she to now also did not understand, but also know, hengyanlin really want to do.

I think she can't stop it.

At this time, lianyueliu also felt that the situation was not very good.

Looking at Heng Yanlin in front of him, he was a little frightened.

"Well, I think you can trust her. After all, she seems to have told me alone."


Heng Yan Lin smell speech, can not help but is a frown, feel as if something is wrong.

Qiao Yue saw the shape, and suddenly the heart was slightly jump.

"It's true. She's the only one!"

Qiao Yue said, is to look at his good friend, will not talk ah!

Don't speak, don't say, what is like, you can tell her a person good!

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