Lianyueliu has no choice but to communicate with hengyanlin. She didn't expect a guy who suddenly appeared and took people away.

I don't know what the relationship between them is.

Think of here, she is to see one side of the Qiao Yue.

"Who is the man just now? Do you know him?"

Qiao Yue smell speech, immediately eyebrow slightly a wrinkle, followed by shaking his head.

"It's just a meeting, not an acquaintance."

He said that he had seen him once, or that time he came out of the mountain forest with Heng Yanlin, so he just saw him.

How can you get to know each other in such a situation?

The woman in front of her always feels that she is not in the same world with herself.

Heng Yanlin can know such a person, but she can't.

Lian yueliu listened to this, and immediately frowned slightly, "you and Heng Yan Lin don't live together, how do you know each other's people, you don't know?"

"Qiao Yue smelled speech a bit speechless," said as if, you and I know him also know you, if not today this matter, he is afraid that all don't know you. "

Lianyueliu listened to this and thought about it carefully and felt right.

Just think of here, she also has some helplessness.

To tell the truth, she still wants to know more about hengyanlin.

But did not think of, the other party did not prepare to know the meaning of their own, it is a bit helpless.

After thinking about it, I shook my head slightly at the moment.

It was just like this, but he had no other way.

"It's a pity that he just left. I wanted to ask him to go for a walk and see if I could know something I didn't know."

Lianyue willow has some helplessness. I feel that if I put it in the past, I can definitely know more.

I didn't expect the other party to leave like this.

After thinking about it in my heart, I didn't get entangled.

Put in this matter has been like this, in the tangle also has no other what role.

Qiao Yue smell speech, gently nodded, put in this thing is really like this, as for the rest also need not think much.

Heng Yanlin on the other side, looked at the side of the cold so Rong, face a bit surprised.

"Well, you haven't said why you came to me?"

Hengyanlin looks at each other, a bit strange to, the other party suddenly find, hengyanlin or a bit strange incomparable.

Originally also thought, oneself ate after can go back, did not expect the other side unexpectedly to find directly up.

What's more, hengyanlin doesn't know what he is looking for.

Actually can find this side directly, do not bring oneself to make a phone call.

One side of the cold so let smell speech, turned to look at Heng Yan Lin, at the moment is still continue to drive.

"There's one thing I want you to do for me."

Cold so allow one side to say, while slightly biting the lip, seems to be a bit hard to open the appearance.

It's strange to see hengyanlin like this.

I don't know what happened to the other party. What can't be said directly?

But then again, I'm afraid it's a little difficult to handle?

Otherwise, why does the other party want this?

With such a thought in his heart, Heng Yanlin looked at the cold, so he took a look, and then said in a deep voice, "what do you have to do? You can say it directly. I'm here to listen."

Hengyanlin spoke directly. No matter what it was, hengyanlin felt that he could cope with it.

It's just that whether you want to or not is another matter.

Hengyanlin said so in one side, the cold so let's have a look at hengyanlin and feel a little relieved.

After thinking about it, she said, "in fact, I'm still a friend of mine. I've been in trouble recently. I feel that among the people I know, you are the only one who can help."

Said, is extremely praying will hengyanlin look at, "please this time you can help ah."

Heng Yan Lin Wen Yan eyebrows a pick, "in the end is what thing?"

The other side said for a long time, Heng Yanlin did not recognize what it meant.

Looking at each other at the moment, there is a bit of doubt.

In any case, it is necessary to make clear what the matter is before he can explain whether he can help or not.

Apart from this, what does the other party want to do by himself? Heng Yanlin doesn't know, and how can he help?

Listen to Heng Yanlin at the moment such a say, one side of the cold so rongdun cry and smile, at the moment is not talking.

Seeing such a scene, Heng Yanlin is a bit speechless. What's the matter with this guy's appearance.What things do not say, and how can Heng Yanlin help?

Under such circumstances, Heng Yanlin felt that there was no way for anyone to come?

Lenggu Rong didn't hesitate for a long time, and then he said, "it's mainly my friend. It seems that he always says that he will see some dirty things recently. I don't know what the situation is."

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, suddenly in the heart suddenly, he thought it was something, did not think it was because of this kind of thing.

Slightly silent down, one side of the cold so allow at this moment, after looking at Heng Yan Lin, is the focus of inquiry.

"Do you think that really happened?"

Lenggu Rong doesn't know what's going on. In principle, it's impossible at all, right?

if she hadn't known Heng Yanlin and had seen Heng Yanlin's ability, she would have felt that her friend was lying or something.

But even under such circumstances, she still felt that her friend might have encountered something else.

The other side is just a little nervous, so there will be such a statement.

In this case, it is not impossible.

Cold so allow to look at Heng Yan Lin, heart a bit suspicious, looking at Heng Yan Lin also have a bit nervous.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, slightly silent for a moment, and then looked at the other side, is gently nodded.

"In fact, there are still some things to be said seriously."


Lenggu Rong was still driving the car. Suddenly, he was stunned by Heng Yanlin's words. Even at this time, the steering wheel almost didn't make a turn.

Heng Yanlin looks at the other side so surprised appearance, also does not wonder the other side this kind of reaction, only thinks that the other side how can encounter such a situation.

In principle, this kind of thing is not so easy to come across.

It's just that since the other side said so, there are some possibilities.

What's the situation? We need to go and have a look.

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