To tell you the truth, Master Wang never thought that his method was so easy to crack in hengyanlin.

It's just that he never thought of it.

Before this time, see hengyanlin hands empty, think hengyanlin nothing.

Inevitably, it is the heart with a bit of contempt.

How to say, how to deal with a peer, how can you bring nothing?

This is the way to do it, but it is totally wrong.

The problem is that Heng Yanlin in front of him doesn't know what's wrong with him. It's just like this.

And he after, also see thoroughly, Heng Yan Lin really has some problems.

And that's not what he wants to see.

"You can give up."

Heng Yanlin didn't want to talk nonsense any more. After taking a look at each other, he opened his mouth and said a word.

Master Wang's face coagulated after hearing the speech, "don't think you can make me surrender if you solve my means like this. It's totally impossible!"


If a fellow follower surrenders in this way, what kind of face will he have in the future?

At the moment, it's impossible. The guy in front of me is dreaming!

In the heart such a thought, in looking at the Heng Yan Lin in front of, the face is ferocious matchless.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, looking at the other side is still a picture does not give up the appearance, suddenly eyebrows slightly a wrinkle.

"You should know that you can't win me at all. Why do you have to do this?"

Heng Yanlin has some helplessness. Is it not good to surrender directly? It's like the other side can beat itself.

Master Wang sneered.

"You'd better do less of the things you dream about. I'm absolutely impossible to surrender. When you see two colleagues fighting, who will surrender?"

Heng Yanlin looked at each other, listening to the other said, it seems that there is a little bit of truth.

Just, the other side continues to struggle, that is also meaningless.

When Heng Yanlin thought of it, he shook his head again and again.

"Of course you are right, but the question is, do you really think you can beat me when you are shooting? Before that, you've already made two moves, both of which have failed. But I haven't done it yet. Do you think you can still live after I've done it? "

Heng Yanlin shook his head.

One side of the Master Wang smell speech, face slightly changed, rare began to hard up.

"I don't care so much. One of us will disappear this time. Even if I surrender, I can't live. Don't think I don't know!"

Master Wang didn't believe in hengyanlin at all.

Heng Yan Lin eyebrows slightly a frown, "actually also can let you a horse."

Master Wang was at the moment, but his face was solemn, "is it necessary? Since I do this, if I fail, I will only die. I have thought of it earlier

Heng Yan Lin smell speech slightly a Leng, then carefully looked at the other side.

At this time, Heng Yanlin can clearly see each other's face, full of firm color.

In such a case, Heng Yan Lin was slightly changed.

A moment later, Heng Yanlin raised his head with a different color on his face.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a stubborn person in this company, which is really something I didn't think of."

Heng Yanlin's face at the moment, became dignified a few minutes, looking at the other side, said.

To be honest, there are not many people who are so ready to accept death.

On this point, Heng felt that the other side had enough to win his respect.

Heng Yanlin's words just fell, but master Wang didn't have much expression in front of him, so he started to do it.

Heng Yan Lin saw this and sighed a little in his heart, but he was not accommodating to each other.

The palm of the hand gently hit the ground, as if it was connected to something in general.

Master Wang on one side was stunned. He stopped to watch hengyanlin's hands.

"I haven't changed the geomantic land before, but now you can feel it."

With that, Heng Yanlin stamped his foot gently, and then the ground began to shake.

Master Wang looked at his face and changed a little. "You used such a method secretly. I thought it was used up."

He really thought that hengyanlin had completely destroyed the Fengshui land here.

I didn't expect that Heng Yanlin could be used again.


A clear voice sounded, and then master Wang's face suddenly startled. He saw that a hole had already cracked under his feet.

Master Wang did not have much preparation, but he fell in.Heng Yanlin walked to the front. After a moment, he came to the entrance of the cave. "Don't worry, you won't be too happy. Some Yin Qi inside can directly make you lose all consciousness.

Being buried in such a place is a good home for people like you. "

Master Wang is not dead yet. He hears the voice and says quietly.

"Yes, for feng shui masters like us, to die in such a precious land is actually a kind of creation, but I didn't expect that there would be another cave below."

Master Wang sat at the bottom very calm, looked around one eye, is the voice said.

Heng Yanlin's face is full of color.

That is, Xiao Ling and others on the side are all different at the moment.

They probably did not think that such a villain could have such backbone at this time.

Generally speaking, people like this will change into other people before they die. There are many kinds of begging for mercy.

But now, this is a direct change for them.

In this case, people at this time, but also looked at the side of Heng Yan Lin.

"Otherwise, let him go?"

Such people, they suddenly feel dead, seems to be a little too bad.

The other side has such backbone, obviously can do better, also can use very good place, why should so?

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, looked at these people, at the moment repeatedly shook his head.

"Don't think about it. He already has such a meaning. If you let him go, you are humiliating him. It's worse than killing him."

"Yes, I don't need your pity. I know what I did before was wrong, but I can't choose such a path. Now that I fail, it's just a death."

Master Wang didn't show any politeness at all. He spoke directly.

And for him, they really don't need their pity.

For Heng Yanlin such words, he is still very happy.

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