The man was scared, feeling that these people are not willing to let go of themselves, this time he is absolutely doomed.

Xiao Ling sneered at the speech.

"I was almost fooled by you. Even if we let you go, it would be a camp with you. How can we fight over the guy over there? You want to die, but we don't want to! "

Xiao Ling's face showed a look of anger, and then took a deep breath, a stone hit the past.

The man was hit, the moment is a exclamation.

There's blood on the head.

"Well, it's your turn."

With that, Xiao Ling changed people directly.

Another person is also quite decisive, directly picked up the stone is to hit the past.

One by one at this time, one by one, the man only felt that the stones had been smashed one by one, and he didn't know how many times he had been hit on his head. He felt like he was taking a Venus.

Heng Yanlin suddenly felt that these people had started to do it.

At this moment, I was stunned for a moment, and then I took a look at the past.

Tut, I didn't expect that these people would dare to do it.

Heng Yanlin at the moment, look at the situation in front of him, and then can't help but say a word.

I thought that these people might be threatened by the other party, and then began to rein in the precipice or something.

It never occurred to me that these people really started to do it.

Heng Yanlin was unexpected, but he was very satisfied.

At least, these people's way of doing things is quite satisfactory to hengyanlin.

Heng Yanlin looks over, let Xiaoling and others get more and more nervous. They think that they are not satisfied with each other.

When staring at another person, they are strict.

One of the girls, a little worried in her heart, didn't dare to do it at the moment, but the rest of the people threatened to bury them here together if they didn't.

Under such a threat, this rather weak girl also began to join the ranks.

The man is trying to avoid these attacks, trying to protect his head.

But he at this moment, also had been hit the head, blood dripping.

Such an end, see people at this time, are a burst of nausea.

But for a moment, these people are finally finished, hengyanlin began to walk towards this side.

After looking at this guy, I looked at these women again.

Facing Heng Yan Lin's eyes, these people were scared, and then they bowed their heads one by one.

In any case, the situation at this time still scares them very much.

"Well, is that all right?"

Cold so allow but did not think so much, looked at the side of the Heng Yan Lin, is to open the mouth to ask a sentence.

She felt that this was enough.

If it is not enough, it is a few more good, anyway, these people have already started, I think it is not too bad to do so.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, suddenly is a smile.

The rest of the people are stunned, and then inexplicably look at hengyanlin. They are not sure why hengyanlin is like this.

Suddenly, why do you laugh like this.

"I didn't ask you to do it, but you have a lot of things to do, and you hesitated to do it yourself. As for it?"

Heng Yanlin is also a little speechless.

Originally, I felt that this was already the case, and there was no need to continue like this.

They directly put their hands to solve these people, which is not good?

It is these people who, at this moment, have to look like this.

This makes Heng Yanlin have no other way at all.

What's more, these people say that's what happened after that? It's like I'm afraid to do something.

Make Heng Yanlin is helpless very much.

These people, really do not know what is doing, let Heng Yanlin feel headache very much.

The women were stunned at the smell of speech, but after careful thinking, they felt that what Heng Yanlin said was really true.

There is nothing wrong with what Heng Yanlin said.

Before that, it should not have been like this.

Heng Yan Lin did not let them do it, that is, they wanted to do it themselves, and then they were intimidated by the other side.

Even if it's not enough, why do you like to make so many things?

Make almost is and Heng Yan Lin turn against each other?

The more you think about it, the more ugly their faces are at the moment. No one has ever thought how this thing can become like this.

But as far as the situation is concerned, things are already like this, they are regretting and there is no other way."What would have happened if they didn't do it?"

Cold so let in one side carefully will Heng Yan Lin look at, and then asked a sentence.

It's not wrong to say that, but what if Xiaoling and others didn't do it before?

Anyway, Heng Yanlin said before, let them start.

But what will actually happen is not known.

Heng Yan Lin heard the speech and took a look at these people.

Xiaoling and others at this moment, are also extremely nervous will hengyanlin look.

They also want to know what would happen if they didn't do it in the first place?

"In fact, your worries are superfluous. At least you will not die."

Heng Yanlin took a look at these people, then opened his mouth and said a word.

People were stunned at the words, but they didn't believe it.

How possible, they have already been like this, absolutely do not believe that hengyanlin will not have any other practice!

In the heart think of here, they look at Heng Yan Lin, feel more and more some bad.

"Although it won't die, there are some ways that you won't go around talking nonsense, such as becoming mute or insane. This kind of thing is very simple for me."

Heng Yanlin didn't hide the meaning of these people, and he just said his plan.

This word falls, originally is some people who do not believe in, suddenly took a cold breath in the heart, at this time is pale incomparable.

What's the difference between this and death?

Let them how to think, it seems that there is no difference!

The more such a thought, they are more and more frightened at the moment, at the same time, in the heart also began to celebrate.

Fortunately, at the end of his time or that cold, so let talk.

The direct way is to listen to what Lenggu Rong said. Otherwise, who knows what this thing will become?

It is absolutely possible that hengyanlin should really make such a thing.

What's more, hengyanlin also has such ability.

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