Heng Yanlin looks around and frowns.

According to what they said, there should be something out there.

But Heng Yan Lin looked around, did not find anything at all, how is this going on?

Heng Yan Lin heart doubt, "you just saw, what is it?"

It's really strange that Master Wang has no one before, and another guy has also died. How can there be anything else?

Think of here, Heng Yan Lin suspiciously turned his head, looked at the people on one side, suddenly eyebrows slightly wrinkled.

"I did see it just now, and there's something that's getting closer and closer. It looks like it's going to be in front of us soon."

Xiao Ling's face was full of panic and said a word. The panic in her voice could be seen by anyone at this time.

Heng Yan Lin saw such a scene, the heart more and more suspicious up, look at this, the other side is not like lying.

At this time, all the girls nodded and their faces were full of panic.

It can be seen that they are all scared, otherwise it would not be like this.

Heng Yanlin did not think much at this time, "are you all seen in the car?"

The crowd nodded, indicating that they had indeed seen it in the car.

Heng Yan Lin saw the eyebrow slightly pick, such words pour is some meaning.

Although I don't know what's going on, it can be seen that the other party is not lying.

In this way, you can go to the car to have a look. Although I don't know why, they have nothing to do after they get down.

But at the moment, getting on the bus is the most real thing. Anyway, what they see in the car is to go to the car to have a look, and then you can know how it is.

With such a thought in his heart, Heng Yanlin did not hesitate at all. He just stepped forward and got on the car.

Heng Yanlin was not polite and sat directly on the driver.

Just after getting on the bus, Heng Yanlin didn't see anything.

Seeing such a scene, Heng Yan Lin eyebrows wrinkled, or there is nothing. Is it difficult to drive the car to the front to have a look?

Such a thought, Heng Yan Lin hesitated for a moment and said to the people outside.

"You go to the lights of the car in front of you. I'll try this car."

It's very likely that you can know what's going on because you have to drive.

However, Heng Yanlin is not sure exactly what is going on. What we can know now is to take a look at what is going on for the time being.

Heng Yanlin is ready to drive for a try.

When people heard of it, they all frowned slightly. At the moment, they were all with a trace of panic.

"No, if you leave like this, what shall we do? What if something happened? "

People at this time, are carefully looking at Heng Yanlin, and then opened his mouth to say a word.

Deeply afraid that his tone would make Heng Yanlin uncomfortable, he just left them and left them alone.

If that's the case, it's a big problem.

Where does Heng Yanlin manage so much? He just thinks that since these people are driving, they encounter such things.

So hengyanlin directly drive to try, you can also know whether it is because of this reason.

Since there is something pestering them, then we can know that if we do not solve this problem, it will not work.

What can be done now is naturally to solve this thing in front of them, so that they can be safer.

"Well, you just stay here and don't move. I'll come back as soon as possible, even if there's something wrong."

Heng Yanlin some speechless, these guys, to this time also make a fuss, no matter how to say, at this moment where has what matter?

Even if there is something wrong, Heng Yanlin thinks that it is no problem to rush back as soon as possible. The problem is that these guys are really a little too fussy.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin can't help shaking his head.

These people don't know what's going on. They just like to make so many things.

The more I think about it in my heart, the more uncomfortable hengyanlin looks at the moment.

What the hell is going on with these people?

Heng Yan Lin in the heart strange, after saying that also did not want to go to pay attention to these people, turned around is directly driving away.

The rest of the guys, seeing such a scene, were stunned for a while, and some of them were afraid.

Cold so let at the moment, the face also slightly changed, she for such things, in fact, also have a bit of fear, but things have come to this time.

She knew that even fear didn't help.The car she had driven before was parked in front of her. Now I look at the dark part of them. At this time, there is some light.

What they can see now is the red taillights.

Such a scene, let her immediately hit a shiver.

After that, they didn't dare to wait much, so they ran to the front.

"What are you still doing here? If you don't run to the front, you won't know when you are in danger. "

Since hengyanlin let them go to the front of the lights, I think it is also the reason of hengyanlin.

Therefore, she did not dare to hesitate, and ran to the front.

It's a place with lights, which makes them feel safe.

Heng Yanlin has been driving at this time and continues to drive forward.

A moment later, I saw something from afar that seemed to be approaching me.

Seeing this scene, Heng Yan Linton eyebrows slightly pick, incredibly still seriously have something?

Besides, it seems that it's really weird after driving this car.

Heng Yanlin continued to drive forward.

Then the psychic forces began to gather and prepare to directly result in this thing.

But I don't know why, just when Heng Yanlin feels that the other party will appear next time, suddenly this thing is directly disappeared.

Heng Yan Lin eyebrows wrinkled, suddenly some strange.

If there was no miscalculation just now, this thing is definitely ready to continue to get close to it. How come it disappeared after that?

What's going on here?

Heng Yan Lin is full of strange feeling that there is something wrong with this matter.

But then the Heng Yan Lin, immediately also responded.

"No, just to go to those people!"

The other party disappears here. It is estimated that he went to find Xiao Ling and others. In such a case, Heng Yanlin suddenly realized that he was abandoned.

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