Xiao Ling thought of this, and she was angry, but there was no way.

Heng Yanlin at this time, has been directly towards the front.

Seeing such a scene, it was cold, so Rong ran down in a hurry and let the others drive away by themselves. He caught up with Heng Yanlin.

"What are you doing here?"

Heng Yanlin felt that someone was close to him. He turned his head and looked at the cold side, so rongdun was stunned.

Go back with you

Heng Yan Lin smell speech some speechless, this guy follow oneself to do what?

"I just want to go back. I don't have to send it."

Heng Yanlin at the moment, looked at the other side, and then said a word.

You don't want to let the other party send you, do you? It's almost as good to say that the other party asked him to send it.

now, why does hengyanlin start to feel uncomfortable.

Cold so let smell speech, looked at the Heng Yan Lin in front of him, "yes, you don't need me to send you, but you have to know that I came to see you because before, I came to find you personally. Now that I come to such a place, how can I say that I have the obligation to send you back?"

Speaking of this, Lenggu Rong is extremely helpless to look at each other.

I don't know what's going on in front of him.

What's the matter? Don't you give it to the other party?

As for the situation at the moment, you can find the other party and put it here, regardless of it directly?

This is more or less bad, so she wanted to send Heng Yanlin at this time.

Where to know, hengyanlin this brain to think of things, let her feel a bit helpless, also do not know how this hengyanlin is in the end.

At this time, Heng Yanlin took a look at the guy in front of him.

See the other side did not want to leave, want to send themselves, a little silence is nodding promise.

When the other party wants to give him away, Heng Yanlin feels that he has no other reason to refuse.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Heng Yanlin nodded his head and answered.

"Well, that's delivery."

Heng Yan Lin should a, and then go to the front.

In fact, the road is not far away. Heng thinks he can go there.

Therefore, there is not much hesitation, is to go straight ahead.

One side of the cold so allow to see, also tightly followed up.

Heng Yanlin at this moment, with the forward together.

"Did someone just send you a message?"

Lenggu Rong hesitated for a moment, and then asked.

After hearing this, she was naturally curious.

"Well, the news from my sister is that I should go to her."

Heng Yan Lin nodded, for the other party know this matter also did not want to ask what.

Listen to Heng Yanlin such a say, cold so the face slightly relaxed.

Who did she think it was just listening to those guys?

I didn't think it was Heng Yanlin's sister. When she thought of it, she felt a little funny.

However, it is also not much to think about, since it is Heng Yanlin's sister, there is no need to ask what.

Therefore, she nodded gently at this time, and there was no more to say.

"If you follow me like this, you won't be too tired."

It still needs some time to walk back here. Hengyanlin doesn't feel anything, but the other side's words.

Heng Yanlin thought of here, took a look at the side of the cold so Rong, opened his mouth and said a word.

The other side follows here, but will be too tired?

Heng Yan Lin in the heart of such a thought, looking at the convenience is to have such a sentence.

Cold so let smell speech slightly a Zheng, and then quickly shook his head.

"I'm ok. It's sports to walk more."

She does not want to because of this evil spirit, can't walk with Heng Yan Lin more.

She thought in her heart or hope that she could walk with Hengyan Linduo.

It's also good to talk more freely.

Listen to the other side so said, Heng Yanlin looked at each other, see the other side really did not want to leave here, is nodding.

Thinking in secret, he shook his head again.

Forget it.

Heng Yanlin thought, is to directly move his hands, one side of the cold so Rong has not found, but do not know that at this time, he can start to move quickly.

Heng Yanlin did not say much. After a moment, the two men were walking hundreds of meters.

This is Heng Yanlin secretly used magic, similar to shrinking into an inch.

"So you're leaving tomorrow?"Cold so let looked at Heng Yan Lin, eyes slightly a bit erratic.

"Yes, I'm leaving tomorrow."

Heng Yan Lin nodded and said a word.

Heng Yanlin naturally won't delay what his sister has explained.

Think of here, Heng Yan Lin is actually a bit trance up.

Because, he and this sister have not seen for a long time.

Now it can be seen that there is some joy in my heart.

Hengyanlin said so, the cold so let on one side gently nodded, but also said something.

Suddenly, Heng Yanlin raised his head, "I have arrived."

Said, Heng Yan Lin pointed to one side of the corridor.

Cold so let smell speech immediately Leng for a moment, then quickly raised his head to see the corridor in front of him, suddenly was stunned.

She never thought of why she had arrived at hengyanlin's home so quickly.

What's going on? It's going to take a long time? What's going on?

Cold so the look in the eyes is full of astonishment, looking up at the corridor in front of him.

"Why, come back so soon?"

Cold so allow murmur to oneself, then looked at the side of the Heng Yan Lin, some puzzled way.

"It's faster."

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, smile to answer a sentence.

Cold so allow is full of doubt will hengyanlin look, eyes full of distrust look.

"How can it be, even if it's fast, you can't get home so soon? Did you do anything? "

Cold so allow to think about, the only possibility is Heng Yan Lin moved what hand and foot.

But why does she feel nothing? What is the matter?

"Well, you can go back and be safe."

Heng Yanlin looked around and said something to the other side.

It's time for the other party to go back.

Therefore, Heng Yanlin did not have much hesitation, and said this directly to the other side.

Listening to this, one side of the cold so allow to think, is also a nod.

Although do not know how to return a responsibility, but want to come is the hand that Heng Yan Lin moves is.

If you go back directly, there is no hesitation.

Heng Yan Lin does not say, that is not to ask.

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