"Have you paid the bill?

Heng Yan Lin step forward, looking at the other side a bit speechless.

At this time, the other party should also know what happened?

In that case, you should leave. You shouldn't be sitting here.

This is the idea of Lin yanheng.

He said this just to make the other party more interesting. Now that he knows that there are some problems at home, he can leave, but there is no need to continue to stay here.

Stay here, but it's disgusting.

Heng Yanlin looks at each other, this words a, pause time let Huang Yao's face can't help but slightly change.

At this time, he suddenly remembered Heng Yanlin's words before.

Hengyanlin in the previous time, can be said such words, said that is his home problems, said he did not have this money.

At that time, hengyanlin also let him call, he did not believe at all.

He still remembers the previous events clearly, because he refused Heng Yanlin's proposal.

Looking back at this moment, I found that this matter seemed to be in the expectation of Heng Yanlin.

This immediately made him feel a little chilly all over his body.

What the hell is going on here? Who is Heng Yanlin?

In the past, the other party knew what happened in their home?

Or is it that the things in my home are actually caused by Heng Yanlin?

When he thought about it, he suddenly felt cold in his heart. If he really said it, it was not impossible.

The more he thought about it, he immediately felt that this matter, seems to have some kind of bad.

This guy, it seems, is more difficult to deal with than he thought.

Huang Yao was a little flustered. He didn't know what the situation was at the moment. It should not be like this.

But a closer look at the situation, he has a little more details.

"How did you know that before?"

Huang Yao looks at Heng Yan Lin and asks in a cold voice.

Have arrived at this time, he felt that if he did not ask Heng Yan Lin to inquire clearly, the matter could be bad.

After thinking about it, I still feel that we must ask hengyanlin for a clear answer.

In how, that also needs to know the other party before, is how to know what happened in their own home.

If things are what Heng Yanlin did, then there will be a target of revenge.

If it's not for Heng Yanlin to do it, it's even more important to ask clearly.

How does the other party know and how does it know?

Huang Yao was really very puzzled about this. He was also very strange. According to the principle, the other party could not know. But why did the other party just know?

What the hell is going on here?

Where does Heng Yanlin think so much, see the other side chase oneself not to put, frown slightly.

"What do you want me to do about your family?"

Heng Yanlin just let the other party know that you have no ability, and also know what happened at home. Now, you'd better leave as soon as possible. Don't sit here.

Keep sitting here. What's that about?

When Heng Yanlin thought of this place, he couldn't help shaking his head.

Anyway, Heng Yanlin has been lazy to say so much.

Just in front of Huang Yao, but did not think that this matter is such an end.

Seeing hengyanlin at this moment, he began to push the ball like appearance, and his eyebrows could not help wrinkling, and his eyes were cold.

"What do you mean, that's exactly what you do, isn't it?"

Huang Yao couldn't help but yell at Heng Yan Lin.

He is to see, in front of the hengyanlin is absolutely a problem, to this time, he asked the other party directly impatient to leave.

There is an absolute problem.

Therefore, where could Huang Yao tolerate such a thing?

Looking at Heng Yanlin, his eyes are cold, and he is forced to tell the truth.

Heng Yan Lin is speechless. What's going on with this guy? He has to say something himself.

"Can you be smart? What do you want to do with that? I can see what happened in your family. You won't believe what you say. What do you say? You'd better go back and see if there's anything you need at home

Heng Yan Lin is lazy to take care of this guy. He doesn't want to say anything more.

Therefore, after a look at the other side, it is the words.

Huang Yao in front of him heard the speech and felt a little angry in his chest.What's the name of this guy?

"No, you knew these things before. What happened in my family was actually what you did!"

Huang Yao's face with a bit ferocious, looking at Heng Yan Lin is roaring.

He doesn't believe it. He doesn't believe so much. In his opinion, this is definitely what Heng Yanlin did.

Otherwise, where are so many other unexpected possibilities?

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that hengyanlin had done it.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech is astonished, also have no language at this moment, this guy is exactly how to return a responsibility, the brain is afraid not to have what problem!

What's the meaning of this? According to the other party's request, this thing is done by oneself?

I was just in front of the time, and the other side said a, in the previous time can be do not know each other.

If you really want to do it yourself, it is not so fast.

Heng Yanlin took a deep breath, and felt that the other side's brain seemed to be not enough.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin shook his head slightly.

"You really want to know. How do I know that?"


Huang Yao responded coldly.

The words have already said on this share, still ask oneself whether really want to know, really don't know this guy's brain, what's in it!

Heng Yan Lin speechless, but see each other are so firm, can only say.

"That's because I can look at your face. Your face is covered with black. The black is like a thin line that goes directly through your high bone. This is your atrium position, and you have not married. The atrium represents your home. Do you understand that?"

Heng Yanlin replied.

The other side said so, hengyanlin naturally can only return to each other.

The other party doesn't want to know, just say it.

It's no big deal.

Listen to this, Huang Yao Leng Leng Leng, in raise a head to look at Heng Yan Lin, the look in the eyes suddenly some not good-looking.

This guy, don't you think he's a fool?

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