After finishing the meal, Hengyu left the restaurant with Yansi.

Standing in front of the hotel, Heng Yanlin looked at Siyu with a faint smile. His eyes were spoiled and he asked in a voice, "sister, where do you want to go next? I will accompany you. "

When Siyu heard this, she just shook her head and said, "no, I think today is very good. Thank you. I'm really happy to be with me today."

Hearing Siyu's words, Heng Yanlin's smile on his face became particularly bright. He said faintly, "you are happy. Since you are like this, are you supposed to go back?"

Siyu nodded her head and said, "yes, although I have been off for a few days, there are still some studies that need to be done."

"In that case, I'll send you back." Heng said.

"It's OK, brother. We can go back by ourselves."

Siyu shook her head, but she soon remembered another thing.

Because hengyanlin came to her, if he wanted to stay with him for a few days, he must find a foothold.

Thinking of this, Siyu looked up at Heng Yanlin and asked in a voice, "brother, have you found a place to live?"

Hearing Siyu's inquiry, Heng Yanlin gave a faint smile and said, "not yet. It's OK. Anyway, there are so many hotels in this city. I'll just find one to live in."

"That's what I said."

Siyu said nothing more and nodded: "brother, we will go back first."

Heng Yan Lin nodded and said, "pay attention to safety on the road, and tell me when I get to the dormitory."

"Well, little, let's go!" Siyu looked at Heng Yanlin and said.

"Ah? Is it time to go? "

A trace of reluctance appeared in her little eyes, but she also knew that, after all, there was a long way to go for such a rich and handsome man. How could he not let him run away? So she looked at Heng Yanlin and said with a smile: "brother Lin, don't worry. I will take good care of Siyu. I always treat her as a sister and will not let her suffer To the aggrieved. "

"Little, what are you talking about?" Siyu suddenly felt speechless.

Hengyanlin is also a Leng, but see the small eyes in the emergence of that vision is quite ambiguous, he is already a reaction.

At present, Heng Yanlin laughed, but he didn't say much. He just said, "thank you for taking care of Siyu. I'm afraid her life will trouble you a little more."

"No trouble, no trouble, after all A family Little pretty face turned red, and her voice was a little small.

"What family? What are you talking about, little When Siyu heard this, she immediately responded, pursed her lips, and said with a little reluctance, "I don't care about you!"

With that, Siyu turned around and left.

"Hey, Siyu, wait for me. Brother Lin, let's go first." With that, Siyu looked at hengyanlin with a smile and ran after Siyu.

Looking at the two women from their own line of sight, Heng Yanlin just gently shook his head.

But just at this moment, Heng Yanlin's eyes were widened in vain, and his fierce eyes passed by, but they soon converged.

Because Heng Yanlin sensed that there are three breath, Ruo Yin Ruo is looking at himself behind his back.

However, the breath of the three is very weak, but all of them are quenched.

Of course, it's the quenching period. More importantly, Heng Yanlin feels that behind the three, there is a more powerful figure staring at himself in the dark.

This guy has already reached the realm of gas refining.


Heng Yan Lin faint smile, with his current strength, these guys are just easy to kill.

However, he has always been a person not to offend me, I am not a prisoner, so he did not pay too much attention to, after all, only a few mole ants.

Moreover, Heng Yanlin can also feel that they do not seem to have any malice towards themselves, and ignore them.

So, Heng Yanlin inquired about the best five-star hotel in the city and took a taxi.

Tianbei Hotel

Heng Yanlin came to the front desk. Looking at the beautiful front desk lady with slender waist and slender limbs, he said faintly, "open a room."

"Hello, sir. What level do you want to open?" Said the receptionist, with a professional smile on her face.

"The best of you."

"The best?" The front desk lady opened her eyes a little, and looked up and down at Heng Yan Lin without a trace. She couldn't help but say in her heart, "this is Gao Fu Shuai!"

"What? No? "

Looking at the front desk miss so infatuated looking at himself, Heng Yanlin slightly frowned and asked in a voice.

"Yes, yes, we also have a top-notch luxury suite, but we need 500000 a day.""Half a million?"

Hearing the words of the front desk lady, Heng Yanlin just raised his eyebrows, took out a card directly and put it on the desk. He opened his mouth and said, "swipe the card!"


When the front desk lady heard this, she couldn't help saying in her heart, "domineering!"

Then he took Heng Yanlin's gold card and began to check in.

At this moment, another bald man wearing black sunglasses and a black leopard fur coat came over with his face full of arrogance and arrogance under the arm of two sexy women with heavy make-up.

The bald man came to the front desk and stood beside Heng Yanlin. He opened his mouth and said, "open the room, room 8888!"

Hearing the bald man's words, another front desk lady quickly said: "OK, Mr. Liu."

However, when she inquired about it, she could not help showing a look of embarrassment on her face and said in a voice, "Mr. Liu, that, suite 8888 has been occupied by others. Do you think it is possible to use other Suites?"

"What!? You're kidding

Hearing this, the bald man suddenly showed a cold look on his face. He slapped his hand on the table in a rage and roared: "what a surprise! Don't you know that this 8888 suite is specially for me to live in? How dare you live for someone else? How do you want to die? "

"No, you've got to get that flat out for me. Otherwise, the labor and capital will make you suffer."

Hearing the bald man's words, the receptionist's face changed: "Liu, Mr. Liu, I didn't mean to, and I didn't think it would be like this."

"Don't talk nonsense. Let the owner of that suite get out of here, or you'll be finished!"

Liu zongsi was not polite and did not give any affection.

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