But now, with Fu Ziyi in, he doesn't have to be afraid of anything. Anyway, he relies on him. Even if Heng Yanlin has any power, it won't be Fu Ziyi strong.

Holding this idea, the director's face sank, looking at Heng Yanlin's eyes, with a look of fierce.

"What are you doing? Take him down for me!"

Listening to the director's words, the people hesitated for a moment, and then they slowly leaned towards the hengyanlin. No matter whether there is any power behind hengyanlin, it has little to do with them.

Because at the moment, if they don't, they'll be in bad luck. At present, the director is their immediate superior.

Even if Heng Yanlin wants to deal with them, he has to go through many departments. What's more, with so many people, it's impossible to deal with them. He just takes them all.

Think of it, as long as the time comes to treat Heng Yan Lin, a little gentle, not too violent, as long as hengyanlin will not hate them for this, it is OK.

Seeing these policemen, he slowly leaned towards himself. Heng Yan Lin's face was slightly heavy. However, he was very tired of this. There was also the person who kept stirring up the flames and slandering him, which made him angry.

"Stop it. What are you doing?"

In Heng Yan Lin's heart is full of impatience, a hard drink sound up, the director heard the voice, slightly stunned, only feel the sound, slightly familiar, immediately turned his head to see.

After seeing the familiar face that had seen several faces, his legs were slightly soft and almost did not lie on the ground.

"Secretary, why are you here?"

Seeing the middle-aged man, the director immediately ran to the middle-aged man, and then said with a kind face, this is really a leader. He can't tolerate his disrespect. If the other party talks a little, he has to take off his clothes.

"What a big thing happened here, can I not come?"

As soon as the Secretary heard this, he immediately pointed to the gangsters who had been kept under custody from the yacht, and then said to him with a gloomy face.

In fact, he had come early in the morning, but something happened on the way. After he came here, he came in because the outside was already surrounded. Outside, he lost some words.

Originally, he was extremely anxious. Now he was in such a delay that he was going to be furious. After he came in, he saw these people and wanted to catch them again. He told them in person that he wanted to keep them and how he could keep them in his mind.

"Here, it's good to have my command. How dare you bother the Secretary to come here?"

Hearing this, the director immediately felt a little embarrassed, and then began to say. During his speech, he looked at the people on the side and thought of the words just scolded by the Secretary, and his heart was filled with a bad premonition.

"I'm not coming? If I don't come, you will cover the sky. Tell me, what are you going to do? Do you dare to catch a second lieutenant? "

The secretary listened to this and looked at the surrounded hengyanlin. He saw his face full of discontent and sweat on his forehead.

The big man in the military, however, called in person to let him never let Heng Yanlin get angry, otherwise the consequences would be very big, although the other side revealed that hengyanlin was only a second lieutenant.

But he is not stupid, just a second lieutenant's words, why need a big guy to come and call, and let them not let him get angry, such words, said in the big man's mouth, let him have some scalp numbness.

Listening to the Secretary's words, the director looked at Heng Yanlin, his scalp was numb, and he was cold-blooded in his heart. Damn it, this time it was really a disaster. Otherwise, how could even the Secretary be shocked out!

At the thought of this, he glared fiercely at Fu Ziyi. The damned guy didn't say that the other party was just an ordinary person. How could even the Secretary run over to protect him.

As for the Secretary, it can only be said that the secretary is not a shock, but this is not a secretary.

What's more, it is enough to show that such a young guy can be a second lieutenant, which is very unusual. How can he not be surprised.

"Well, secretary, it was this man who told me that he was with the gangsters. Now it seems that I was wrong."

The director wiped the cold sweat on his face, then opened his mouth to the Secretary and said, "ghost knows that this guy has such a terrible background. Originally, he thought that he was paid by Yi, and how powerful the other party was, he couldn't compare with paying from Yi.

But where did you think that even the secretary came out and didn't know the background behind each other.

Not only was he not clear, but also the Secretary himself was not very clear. At that time, the other party did not say much, and he did not ask much."Well, with just one word, you dare to arrest people? It's lawlessness

The secretary listened to this, but he was very dissatisfied. He said with a cold hum, and it was no wonder that he was angry. Someone had already explained this matter to him and asked him to help.

But it was the director who almost let him screw up everything. How could he not be angry!

The director listened to this, braved a cold sweat, and then nodded his head again and again. He didn't dare to refute at all. Then the secretary looked at Fu Ziyi on one side. In his eyes, there was a look of embarrassment.

There are also some people in the Fu family who are colleagues with him. According to reason, because of the big man's relationship, he should have taught Fu Ziyi a hard lesson.

However, it is not very good for some people in their families to abandon them or their descendants if they are friends with their colleagues.

When he thought about it, his face was cold and fierce, and he began to yell at Fu Ziyi.

"What's the matter with you? Who told you that he had a connection with the gangster? Without evidence, without witnesses, you let the police arrest them? "

When the Secretary said this, he was not polite at all. With one hand, he would point to Fu Ziyi's face.

When Fu Ziyi listened to this, his face was pale, but listening to this, he did not dare to retort a little bit, but he was a bit submissive.

When the Secretary knew him, he naturally knew this man. He didn't expect that even he came out to show up for Heng Yanlin. He always thought that Heng Yanlin was just an ordinary bodyguard.

A guy with a terrible identity, what's wrong with him? Run to be a bodyguard for others? He thinks he is a dandy, but compared with this guy, he thinks that he is weak.

Where is someone, put a good rich childe do not do, to do what bodyguard, is idle egg pain, is not this kind of play? This matter, one is not good, but will die!

If Yanlin doesn't use the gun on the yacht, he will not use the gun on the yacht! Fu was full of Tucao in his heart, but he knew he was planted at the moment, and listened to make complaints about the Secretary's voice.

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