Heng Yanlin smiles and whispers to Mu Shishan, then raises his head and looks at the yellow scarf Taoist priest.

At this moment, the smile on Heng Yanlin's face suddenly converged. At the same time, a strong murderous spirit broke out on him.

He stepped toward the yellow scarf Taoist priest. Every step he took, the momentum he burst out of his body became more fierce and murderous.

At that moment, the expression on the face of Taoist priest Huang Jin, who was originally full of ridicule and scorn, was also gradually changing and became extremely frightened.

Because just now he thought that this man was just an ordinary man, and he didn't care about it.

However, what we didn't expect was that the man actually released such a terrible murderous spirit, which directly made his breathing difficult.

This makes Huang Jin Taoist feel like he met an ancient fierce beast in a flash, which is especially terrible!

How could that be possible!?

How could this man have such a terrible murderous spirit?

It's terrible!

It's really terrible!

No, I have to run!

Run away!

If he doesn't run away, he'll be finished!

At the thought of this, the yellow scarf Taoist turned around and wanted to run away!

Even purple charm did not pay attention.

The reason why the Yellow turban Taoist priest has been able to survive is that he values his life very much. In any crisis situation, even if it is only a little bit, he will quickly detect it and then leave quickly.

But I don't know why, in front of this man, he could not feel a trace of breath, is it because he restrained the breath?

However, how can this breath be restrained?

Unless His realm is too high!

But how could that be possible!?

Can have even breath of convergence of the strong, are not some of the living hundreds of years of old antiques?

This kid, is that kind of antique?

Are you kidding me?

How could that be possible?

Whether it is or not, the yellow scarf Taoist priest knows very well that he has to leave!

If you don't leave, I'm afraid I will die here!

Seeing the yellow scarf Taoist priest running, this makes Heng Yanlin's handsome face appear a touch of surprise.

Yes, he was really surprised. He didn't think that Taoist Huang Jin would want to run away so soon after he felt the murderous spirit escaping from his body. He was too timid?

Oh, no, correctly, it's because he has an instinctive avoidance of danger.

Such instincts are rare.

"It's a pity that the person you meet today is me."

Heng Yanlin murmured to himself, and the corner of his lips rose slightly. His eyes showed the color of forest cold. The soles of his feet trampled heavily on the ground, and then a low, dull sound of "bang" rang through. Then Heng Yanlin's body jumped into the air and directly leaped over the head of the Yellow turban Taoist priest, and then "bang" fell on the Taoist priest's escape In front of.

Then, Heng Yanlin slowly turned around and looked at the yellow scarf Taoist priest who was full of panic. He gave a faint smile, but the smile was full of senhan. He slowly opened his mouth and said, "what? Where do you want to go

Seeing Heng Yanlin jump and block his way, Taoist Huang Jin's face changed, and his face became ferocious. He roared: "boy, don't bully people too much. Don't really think that there is no way for the Taoist to take you!"

"Oh? Is it? If you have a way, why run away? "

When Heng Yanlin heard this, he couldn't help laughing. Then he slowly raised his hand, Yang Yang at the yellow scarf Taoist priest, and said, "you're using your method. I'd like to see what the so-called Huangjin Taoist school has."

"If you want to die so much, then this way will help you!"

Seeing Heng Yanlin's insistence on not letting himself escape, the yellow scarf Taoist priest roared angrily, and immediately took out his own ring bell again. He quickly turned it. His mouth was full of words and chanted the mantra. He immediately changed his seal with his other hand and made a seal.

"Hum! Hum! Hum

All of a sudden, the dazzling golden light flashed out on the bell, and then formed three streamers, which bombarded the ground, and immediately became three yellow turban warriors.

The three yellow turban Rex is more powerful than the Yellow turban warrior who just called out to intercept the purple charm. The main thing is that the colors of the three yellow turban warriors are different.

Red, blue, green!

The three yellow scarf warriors roared, among them, the red yellow scarf warrior rushed to hengyanlin, opened his mouth, and spewed out a flame, as if to burn hengyanlin.Heng Yan Lin saw the situation, eyebrows slightly up a pick, the corner of the mouth to outline, a faint smile, said: "it's really interesting, it's even fire."

Heng Yanlin felt that the temperature was not an illusion, it was really a flame.

It's just that you want to kill him with such a small trick. It's too belittling to him?

At the moment, Heng Yanlin slightly raised his right hand palm and patted it forward. At the same time, his heart moved. The true Qi in his body was rolling out and converged violently on his palm and turned into an air shield.


The flame bombards the air shield for a moment. The flame dissipates, but the shield is still intact.

Seeing that there was no use in spitting fire, the Taoist priest's face suddenly changed, and he immediately said in an angry voice, "I don't believe it!"

When the voice fell, the Taoist priest yelled again, and the bell in his hand shook again. Suddenly, the blue yellow turban warrior roared angrily, took a step forward, shook his hands with ten fingers, and then gave a fierce blow to his fists. Next to his fist, there was a water column surging out and hitting the air shield again.

Then, the red and yellow scarf Hercules opened his mouth again, forming a pillar of fire and hitting the air shield.

Water and fire mingled, and the power that erupted was pounding on the air shield. Unfortunately, after a short period of time, there was a faint energy ripple on the surface of the air shield, but it did not move.

"What!? How could that be possible? "

Seeing that his own fire, water, and yellow scarves and strong men's joint attack did not destroy the air shield of Heng Yanlin, his eyes were widened and his face was full of horror. He couldn't believe it.

Heng Yan Lin's heart moved and the air shield in front of him dissipated.

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