"You're welcome!"

Mu Shishan said faintly, and then her eyes revealed a trace of tension. She said in a deep voice: "I'm coming, purple charm!"

Hearing Mu Shishan's cautious tone, Zimei immediately became nervous, but she also pursed her lips and said, "OK, madam, you can do it!"

At present, Mu Shishan took a deep breath and kept thinking in her heart: "I can do it, I can do it!"

At the thought of this, Mu Shishan's hands began to seal, and at the same time, her mouth was full of words. A formula was ringing out of her mouth, and then the aura in her body began to surge.

Under the control of Mu Shishan's mind, the aura surged out of the Dan field, swam quickly between the meridians, and finally converged on her arm.

At present, Mu Shishan raised her hand slightly, five fingers close together, like a sharp knife. Then the aura gushed out of it. Under Mu Shishan's control, these auras were like sharp knives.

However, Mu Shishan was very difficult to maintain, and her forehead was covered with beads of sweat.

Then, Mu Shishan was struggling to maintain the blade on the jade hand and moved towards the golden light net.

Looking at Mu Shishan's appearance, Zimei is frightened.

She felt that the aura gushing from Mu Shishan's hands was very powerful, so she didn't worry about whether Mu Shishan could break the golden light net.

Purple charm is now worried about whether Mu Shishan will be cut together with her.

Mom, I'm so scared. I really shouldn't have come out. It's terrible!

Mu Shishan doesn't know what Zimei thinks in her heart. She only knows that it seems difficult for her to control this aura.

"No, I must control it. I must prove myself!"

Mu Shishan felt that the aura in her hand was like a loach, and it could run away at any time, so that Mu Shishan had to work hard to maintain it. In this way, Mu Shishan's delicate body was trembling slightly and struggling.

However, the more like this, the more determined Mu Shishan was, the more she wanted to control the aura, let it stabilize and not let it escape. Finally, she was cutting towards the golden light net.

On the other side, Heng Yanlin condenses two fingers and bombards the water column of fire. After a standoff in the void for a moment, the fire column and water column collapse and dissipate in an instant, and then the finger light is like a sharp spear, which bombards the bodies of red yellow scarf and blue yellow scarf.

"Bang! Bang

All of a sudden, a hole appeared in the body of red yellow scarf and blue yellow scarf, which was particularly miserable.

The yellow scarf Taoist priest saw this, but a slight cold hum, a cold smile, the ring bell of the palm of his hand shook again, and now he was again in his words. In a moment, the green yellow turban warrior who had been standing still slightly raised his hands, and immediately there were two green lights burst out, towards the red yellow scarf and blue yellow scarf.


Suddenly, the two bodies out of a hole in the yellow scarf at this moment was gradually healed over, once again burst out a strong breath.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin's face appeared a touch of surprise. He looked at the green yellow turban behind the red, blue and yellow towel. He opened his mouth and said, "it's really interesting. There are still some yellow turban warriors who can be treated. It seems that there are some things in your yellow scarf sect."

Taoist priest Huang Jin sneered and said, "that's natural. Don't think we can't get on the stage of Huangjin Taoism. We are very strong!"

When Heng Yanlin heard this sentence, he immediately felt that he was speechless, but he just gave you a little sunshine. How could it be brilliant?

At present, Heng Yanlin shook his head helplessly. He immediately looked at the yellow scarf Taoist priest and said coldly: "I'm tired of playing with it. If you don't have any other means Then, I'll ask you to die! "

As the voice dropped, Heng Yanlin raised his hand slightly and grasped it with five fingers. A powerful aura rushed out of his body. As soon as he shook his hand, the aura suddenly formed a huge dragon. A roar came out of his mouth, and he dashed towards these yellow scarf warriors!

"Bang! Bang! Bang... "

All of a sudden, the bodies of these yellow turban warriors were heavily hit by this dragon and flew out, and then fell heavily on the ground and disappeared.

Then, the Dragon fell from the sky towards the yellow scarf Taoist priest, opened a huge blood basin, and bit him away.

"Ah --"

at the moment, Huang Jin's eyes widened, and at the same time, a look of despair appeared on his face. In his mouth, he uttered a shrill scream. Finally, the whole body was swallowed up by the dragon. With a "bang", the Dragon exploded, the powerful energy wave spread, and the Yellow turban Rex was completely blown to pieces.After solving the Huangjin Taoist priest, Heng Yanlin gently patted his hands and walked towards Mu Shishan.

Immediately, Heng Yanlin saw that Mu Shishan was running her own aura, condensing into a Qi blade, and was trying to cut the golden light net that covered the purple charm.

Seeing this scene, Heng Yanlin's handsome face appeared a look of horror that was hard to hide, and almost called out.

However, even so, Heng Yan Lin's inner emotions are full of shock.

"With gas condensate? How is that possible? Are you kidding me? With gas condensate? I can't read it wrong? "

Yes, hengyanlin really thought he was wrong, but in fact?

He didn't get it wrong, Mu Shishan. It was really gas condensate.

It's nothing to do with gas condensate. The problem is that Mu Shishan is only a gas refining realm!

Yes, when you reach the realm of Qi refining, you can release aura and release aura. Through some spiritual skills, you can gather all kinds of powerful forces.

However, after reaching the foundation construction environment, the monks were able to condense all kinds of concrete objects with gas condensate.

Because he was a real monk only after he arrived at the foundation area.

The realm of Qi refining is just a stage for you to adapt to Reiki.

But now, we can see that Mu Shishan was using gas condensate when she was in the gas refining area.

This is simply subverting Heng Yanlin's cognition.

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