Finally, Su Yu was impatient and said angrily, "in this case, I'll see how I can break you up!"


As the words fell, Su Yu's feet were heavily trampled on the ground. Immediately, his body shot out like a quick cheetah. At the same time, he clenched the five fingers on his hand, and a fierce breath was diffused from his fist.

"Tiger fist!"


Su Yu, like Su long before, is all tiger boxing.

However, Su Yu's tiger boxing is more vigorous and fierce. Even vaguely, you can see a trace of tiger like condensation.

It can be seen that Su Yu's attainments in tiger boxing are much higher than Su long's.

Sure enough, there is a big difference between Tiger boxing and tiger boxing.

Looking at Su Yu, he was really like a tiger coming down the mountain. There was a fierce breath on his fist. Heng Yanlin raised his eyebrows slightly, and his face showed an unexpected color. Because Su Yu's strength was really strong. Although he was only able to strengthen his body and eight levels, but the fist contained At least it has reached the level of Qi refining.

It seems that the strength of this guy is still very strong!

Unfortunately, for me, it's useless!

Heng Yanlin thought so in his heart, spinning even slowly raised his finger, one toward Su Yu's fist.

Seeing Heng Yanlin pointing out again with a finger, the faces of many Su family members who were present suddenly changed. Even Qiming felt a little desperate and said to himself, "it's over, Su Yu is really finished."


A thunderous crash broke out, and soon Su Yu's fist and Heng Yanlin's fingers touched each other. Then Su Yu felt that there was a terrible force on Heng Yanlin's fingers, just like thousands of troops rushing forward, which made his fist power dissipate.

In the end, Su Yu couldn't bear it. There was a very strong force attacking his fist.

Su Yu's body immediately flew back out, just like a broken scarecrow, fell heavily on the ground.

At that moment, there was no room for silence.

They all looked at Su Yu lying on the ground, struggling for a long time, but could not get up at all. His eyes were full of amazement and disbelief.

Yes, they really don't believe it.

Su long lost to Heng Yanlin, which is what we can expect.

After all, Su Ming is the leader of the Su family. No matter what, he can't invite a weak person to participate in their exploration of the secret treasure house of the Su family.

But, to their surprise, Su Yu was defeated!

Su Yu, the strongest one in their generation, was beaten away with one finger.

Is this guy that powerful?

No one expected that this would be the case.

For a moment, the whole scene became silent.

As for Qiming, he came to Su Yu's side. After a little exploration, he found that Su Yu had suffered from some force shocks and had no life worries. This made Qiming breathe a sigh of relief.

Then, Qiming stood up slightly, arched his palm to Heng Yanlin, and said gratefully, "thank you for your high hand and spared Su Yu's life."

Yes, Qiming is very clear. With Heng Yanlin's strength, it's easy to take Su Yu's life. But obviously, Heng Yanlin doesn't intend to do so, which means that Heng Yanlin doesn't want to be too right with their su family, perhaps because of the secret treasure house.

However, no matter what, Heng Yanlin did not kill Su Yu, which is also a very lucky thing for him. Otherwise, even if Su Yu was really killed by hengyanlin, Su Ming could only swallow his anger, but for Qiming, there was still some trouble.

Hengyanlin heard this, but a faint smile, whispered: "it is inevitable that the younger generation is frivolous. If you don't understand the beating in the society, I'm afraid he will not know that there is a heaven out there, and there are people outside."

After saying this, Heng Yanlin looked at Su Yu and asked, "now, have you taken it?"

At this time, Su Yu has been helped up. He looks at Heng Yanlin, and his eyes show a helpless look. He has been defeated by one finger. What else does he want to say?

No matter how unconvinced, I have to obey.

He can't even compare a finger with others. How can he refuse to accept it?

Therefore, Su Yu had no choice but to lower his head and say in a voice, "I'll take it."

"What are you doing?"

At this moment, a voice full of rage began to ring in the void.Hearing this sound, many Su family members present changed their faces!

Because the owner of this voice is not someone else, but Su Ming!

Su family should be the leader of the vein!

Everyone looked at the past and found that not only Su Ming, who was full of anger, appeared in their sight, but also many elders of the Su family.

On weekdays, these elders are rarely seen, but today, they all come out all at once.

This made these Su family members panic.

They didn't expect that this time the whole senior level of the Su family would be shocked. What a joke?

This Heng Yan Lin, really have such a big face?

When Su Ming learned that his servant told him that something like this happened at the gate of the Su family, Su Ming felt extremely cold, because he did not expect that the younger generation of the Su family would do such a thing. If hengyanlin was offended, they would have to finish the whole Su family!

Therefore, Su Ming naturally did not have any delay, so he came here in a hurry.

As for the other elders of the Su family, they never thought that the younger generation of the Su family would be so bold. However, some elders of the Su family thought that there was nothing wrong with such a practice. After all, if you don't have a good test, who knows if Heng Yanlin really has real materials?

But no matter what, seeing Su Ming was so angry, these elders naturally came along to have a look.

At that moment, Su Ming came to Su Yu angrily. Su Yu opened his mouth and just said, "father..."


Before Su Yu's voice was finished, Su Ming raised his hand and slapped it on Su Yu's face. The applause rang out in the void, and everyone felt numb.

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