But absorbing the aura of heaven and earth will certainly expose your hidden strength, and you need to refine and eliminate impurities.

In this way, there is no doubt that the aura left behind must be very little.

It's better to be patient.

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin put up with it and didn't use his skills. However, he soon saw that Zimei was ready to move. His lips moved slightly, and his voice said, "don't absorb aura, or you will expose your identity."

Is ready to move, want to untie the seal, absorb the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth. After hearing Heng Yanlin's voice, it is like a basin of cold water pouring on her head, so that she quickly calm down.

At the moment, she looked at Heng Yanlin and nodded gently, not daring to have too much greed.

For a moment, Heng Yanlin felt that a Taoist shadow was catching up behind him. Those people, not others, were Yu's family.

This makes Heng Yanlin secretly happy in his heart. Fortunately, he just didn't take a hand to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, otherwise his realm would be exposed at once.

What's more, hengyanlin feels lucky that she has sealed the realm of purple charm. Otherwise, she will begin to absorb the aura of the world around her at the first time.

This makes Heng Yanlin have to give himself a secretly praise.

At this time, Qiming also felt that someone from the Yu family was catching up. Now, Qiming raised his head slightly, looked at the people of the Yu family coldly, and said in a cold voice, "what are you doing with the rest of your family?"

Hearing Qiming's words, the two elders of the Yu family laughed and said, "this is what you said. Are you going to the second floor? We just want to go to the second floor. It's just on the way. How can we even follow you? Qiming, don't be too narcissistic

Qiming uttered a cold hum, and then looked at Heng Yan Lin, Heng Yan Lin said faintly: "don't pay attention to them, we will continue to move forward according to our goal."

After hearing the words, Qiming no longer said anything more. He walked forward according to the map.

Looking at the Su family's people have continued to move forward, Yu family two elders' face appeared a touch of sneer, a big hand waved, whispered: "follow up!"

In the process of moving forward, Heng Yanlin also began to look around, and found that although it was a secret treasure house, it was actually more like a cave. The land was vast and the buildings were almost visible. It was as if the outside of xuanming real mansion was a cave, but it was actually a different world.

A world of its own?

How could that be possible?!

Heng Yanlin shook his head and felt it was unrealistic. After all, they had already said that it was only a half step miraculous realm for immortal xuanming to stand up to death. If he wanted to become a world of his own, at least he had reached the level of the Lord of laws.

However, if it is created by the master of space, it is another matter.

However, the immortal xuanming is just a monk in the half step spirit elixir realm. Does the space Dharma Master create space for him? What a joke?

Of course, it is also possible that this immortal xuanming is the descendant of a certain master of space, or he has found out the space field opened up by a certain master of space, which is also possible.

"It seems that this immortal xuanming also has many secrets."

Heng Yan Lin faint smile, secretly thought, this can really quite interesting ah!


At this time, the ground suddenly cracked, and soon there were cracks spreading. Then, giant centipedes, tens of meters long, came out of the ground, making a sharp hiss and roaring, and bombarded the people of the Su family.

This is a monster, not a demon clan, but a common centipede. Because of the nourishment of the aura of heaven and earth, it has gradually changed into such a huge monster.

The strength of these monsters is not very good, but their body defense is very strong. These Su family members, especially the younger generation, have never seen such a battle, and suddenly become panic stricken.

Heng Yanlin narrowed his eyes and looked at a huge centipede, waving its sharp feet and stabbing Mu Shishan fiercely.

Heng Yanlin is trying to help, but now she saw Mu Shishan's pretty face without any fear, but full of calm and calm expression. At the same time, her intelligent and flexible eyes also revealed the color of excitement. Miaoman's body seems to have a sense of war in the beginning to release.

See here, Heng Yanlin's handsome face appeared a touch of amazement, but soon convergence up, decided not to move.

Just in time, he wanted to see if Mu Shishan could really cope with this centipede monster.


The centipede monster stabbed at the bottom, and Mu Shishan's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, as if she wanted to see the tracks of the centipede monster. She trampled heavily on the ground, and immediately a force surged out from under her feet, just like a rocket launcher installed under her feet, which made her eject and jump into the air.However, it seems that Mu Shishan still can't master the balance force in the air, so when she jumps out, she has nothing to borrow from in the air. She is a little bit like a drowning person, fluttering about in disorder.

At this moment, the centipede monster saw that his attack was totally empty, so he raised his head and looked at Mu Shishan in the air. He roared angrily, rose from the ground, opened a huge blood basin, and bit Mu Shishan away.

Mu Shishan saw this, and her delicate and pretty face suddenly appeared with a startling color. But soon she calmed down and let out a violent drink. Her feet quickly kicked out, forcibly changed her body's movement track and narrowly avoided the bite of centipede demon beast.

After that, Mu Shishan landed on the ground smoothly. As soon as she stepped on the ground heavily, her body was like a rocket launched out. In a flash, she appeared under the belly of the centipede monster. Her hands were quickly printed, and she drank softly: "concussion fist!"

The voice fell, the spirit surged, and the fists came out.

Mu Shishan's snow-white powder fist, like jade, roared out under the belly of the centipede monster.


Suddenly, a strong force broke out in Mu Shishan's fist, forming a strong concussion force, which continued to vibrate, spread out and blow into the body of the centipede monster.

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