Because they did not expect that the Su family would be so straightforward and decisive.

Originally, it was thought that the Su family should bargain with them, and before entering the third level to fight for the inheritance of xuanming immortal, it would be impossible for them to engage in a big fight. In this way, they would have to enter the level of bargaining.

Yu felt that it would be very good to get the bodies of two centipedes from the Su family.

After all, Yu Laoer doesn't want to fight with the Su family at this time.

But did not expect that the Su family actually left all the centipede monster carcasses, direct evacuation.

"Is this trying to slow us down?"

After all, Yu Laoer was not an idiot, so he soon thought of the reason why Qiming did this. He murmured to himself, and a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. His eyes were full of scorn: "it's really stupid. Do you really think the third floor is so easy to enter? Idiot

"Well, since the Su family don't want it, we'll accept it with a smile. We'll take the time to dissect the corpses of these monsters." Yu Laoer drinks loudly to let the people of Yu family start to act.

After all, it will take some time to dissect the corpses of these monsters.

"Why? Elder Qiming, why should we hand over these monsters that we have painstakingly captured? Are you afraid, elder Qiming? "

"Yes, are you afraid?"

"We are not afraid of death!"

"Big deal with them!"

"Spell it

The evacuation of the Su family, the mood has become particularly irritable, the atmosphere is more and more depressed, finally someone is not willing to cry out, looking at Qiming, questioning.

This question, like the fuse, began to attract other people to shout.

The mood ignited at this moment.

Qiming saw that the mood of all the people became extremely resentful. His face suddenly changed. Even though he was gloomy, he said in a cold voice: "shut up

This voice is mixed with a trace of aura, leading to a sudden rise in tone, directly covering the voice of all the audience.

In a flash, the whole scene became silent.

However, they look at the eyes of Kai Ming, still full of resentment, anger, not accept.

Qiming looked around the audience, and then he said, "what you said is really relaxed. You can spell it. OK, now go and spell it. What about the back? If you encounter something better later, or even the inheritance of immortal xuanming, then you will all have finished your life. What else do you want to fight with others? "

"But it's just a few monster corpses. Is it worth your attention? There are a lot of good things in xuanming real mansion, which are more valuable than those monster corpses. I don't know how many of them are. Do you want to lose a lot of money for small things? "

"Or do you think that your life is worth just a few monster corpses?"

"If, you all think so, OK, you go back now, go back and fight with them!"

"When you finish, I'll tell the pulse Lord how stupid you are that you think your life is only worth the value of a few monster corpses!"

"Let's have a look at how cheap the lives of Su's children are!"

Qiming's angry voice and indifference made everyone silent.

Because what Qiming said is really reasonable.

Their lives are not so cheap!

Su Yu also calmed down at this time. He glanced at the people present, then looked at Heng Yanlin, took a deep breath, and said to Qiming, "elder Qiming, what you said is very reasonable. But isn't it that people think that our children of Su family are too counselled? What's more, don't we still have Mr. Lin? And miss Mu and miss Zi, I think we can deal with them with our strength! "

Hearing Su Yu's words, Qiming uttered a cold hum and said, "do you think I don't know? But as I said just now, just for the sake of a few monster corpses, we have to expose our cards. Do you think it's worth it? "

"What's more, we have cards. Do you think the Yu family won't have cards? You see, there are so many people in Yu's family who are in the state of quenching body. Do you really think that few of them are in the realm of Qi refining? "


When Su Yu heard this, he opened his mouth and didn't know how to refute it.

Because Su Yu is so young, how can he know so much?

Not only Su Yu, but also other su family members lowered their heads and their faces were full of shame.

Because, like Su Yu, they just want to act recklessly with enthusiasm and enthusiasm. They never think of the consequences.

Seeing the crowd, Su's younger generation were all silent, and Qiming's face was a little more relaxed. Looking at the crowd, he opened his mouth and said, "I understand your mood. You are very upset and not satisfied. You want to have a big job. There will be opportunities, but not now. As the saying goes, if you can't bear it, you will make a big plan. Our main goal is not just a few monster corpses. We came to xuanming real house to make the Su family have a better future and better opportunities for you. So, be patient. Are you right? Mr. Lin? "Speaking of the end, Qiming's eyes looked at hengyanlin, obviously to let hengyanlin say a few words to calm the people.

After all, hengyanlin is the strongest.

Moreover, these Su family children have been beaten by hengyanlin, so they are naturally convinced of the words.

Hearing Qiming's words, hengyanlin slightly raised his head, and he saw the color of request in his eyes.

At present, hengyanlin nodded at him, looked around the many Su family members present, and his handsome face was filled with calm color, and said softly, "elder Qiming has a little wrong words."

Hearing what Hengyan Linkou said, many Su family members were stunned, even Qiming was a daze.

"We don't give the bodies of the monsters to others. We are going to let the rest of us keep them for the time being. Do you understand? It's just custody. Otherwise, we have to take so many things with us, not to be tired? "

When it comes to this, hengyanlin's mouth slightly, confidently said, "so let them keep it for a while, and then we will take it back from their hands."

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