"Can we only dissect it?"

Looking at the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Heng Yanlin's eyes showed a thoughtful look, touched his chin, his face showed a very serious look, secretly thought.

Because now there is no way to have a normal communication with T. rex, in this way, there is no way to understand what they want.

In this way, we can only dissect it, especially its brain

However, if we really want to dissect it, how much damage will it cause?

This is what Heng Yanlin is hesitating about now.

After all, it is rare that there are some things that Heng Yanlin is interested in. After all, with Heng Yanlin's experience and experience, there are not many things in the world that can interest him.

Therefore, Heng Yanlin would like to have a good "communication" with T. rex.

But it seems that some of them are difficult to realize!

Of course, although it may cause a lot of damage, but it doesn't matter. As long as I can learn something I want to know from it, it may be enough.

At this time, Tyrannosaurus Rex also saw Heng Yanlin looking at his eyes. Although he didn't know what the emotion was, this kind of look made Tyrannosaurus Rex feel frightened. There was a strong cold intention in his heart, which made it feel very scared.

What does this human being, this human being, want to do to themselves?

Although Tyrannosaurus Rex does not want to do anything good to him, it is obviously not good for him!

Think of here, Tyrannosaurus Rex is the mouth issued a roar, eyes revealed a trace of fear.


Seeing the fear in the eyes of Tyrannosaurus Rex, Heng Yanlin's face showed a trace of surprise. He thought, "is it really afraid? Does it know what I want to do with it

"The intelligence quotient of this Tyrannosaurus Rex is really high..."

Originally, Heng Yanlin thought that the intelligence quotient of this Tyrannosaurus rex was only about the same as that of human children aged seven or eight years old. But judging from this, I'm afraid it's more than that!

This makes Heng Yanlin more interested in Tyrannosaurus Rex. At the same time, he also has some regrets in his heart, because he is about to cut off the head of T. rex to find out what is in its head melon.

As for the Tyrannosaurus Rex, it is becoming more and more manic and restless. A very strong danger is also surging and spreading in its heart. This makes its whole emotion become extremely angry in an instant, and makes it continuously emit a roar of rage.

At the same time, it is also considering whether it should detonate the nucleus in its head.

Tyrannosaurus Rex still very clearly remember what its master said.

"Remember, if you don't have to, don't detonate your brain nucleus, because detonating your brain nucleus means that you have reached the moment of life and death. At that time, you must disappear, and also cause extremely powerful energy fluctuations. Therefore, you must seize the opportunity, observe the good situation, and do not detonate rashly, Remember... "

This is the original words of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's owner who branded it in its spirit.

But now, it feels like it's really the most critical moment!

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, Heng Yanlin's eyelids suddenly jumped wildly. An unusual sense of uneasiness welled up in his heart and became more and more intense.

"What's the matter? Why do you have this feeling of uneasiness? Did something happen? "

Heng Yanlin raised his head slightly, and then he saw T. rex. Immediately, he felt an unusual breath from T. rex. Especially in the eyes of T. rex, there was a trace of determination!

Resolute, this kind of resolute, only can be possible to appear in the eyes of the same fate!

This Tyrannosaurus Rex, is there anything else that can't be done?

Is it because I feel like I want to dissect it?

Its ability to sense the emotions of others?

If it's really like this That would be terrible!

Heng Yan Lin in the heart is also feel very incredible, completely did not expect, will be such a thing to happen.

This shows that the Tyrannosaurus Rex, really hate is not simple ah!

Can let him have a very strong sense of uneasiness, this Tyrannosaurus Rex's backhand, must be very terrible!

Since this is the case, then in order to find out what means it actually has, can not rashly move!

"No, wait a minute..."

At this moment, Heng Yanlin's eyes narrowed slightly, and thought to himself: "if it can sense the emotions of others, it means that its mood fluctuation can sense my emotions, so to speak Perhaps it can be done by reading and transmitting sound? "Although Heng Yanlin is not sure whether it's useful to read and transmit sound, it's better than listening to Tyrannosaurus Rex roaring here.

Thinking about this, Heng Yanlin took a deep breath and looked at T. rex. He used his power of consciousness and thought to compress it into a voice, which was transmitted into T. rex's mind:

"Hello, Hello, can you hear me, T.Rex?"

The Tyrannosaurus Rex, who was about to explode his brain nucleus, and died with this damned human being, suddenly felt a wave of consciousness and immediately heard a sound.

The owner of this voice, Tyrannosaurus Rex, is very familiar with this human being!

The key is, this human said, it actually understood!

At this time, it was shocked, eyes are staring up, looking at Heng Yan Lin.

Seeing that the vision of T. rex had changed, Heng Yanlin knew that his guess was right.

At the moment, he was in a state of surprise, but soon he pressed down again and continued to deliver the message calmly with consciousness:

"you don't have to worry. I know what you want to do. I just don't think it's necessary. I just want to ask you a few questions. As long as you can answer my questions truthfully, I will not hurt you, What do you think of it

Tyrannosaurus Rex once again widened his eyes, looking at Heng Yanlin's eyes become strange, the mood is also a little messy.

Why does this human know it has a card? Who the hell is he? What questions does he want to ask me? Is it a question about the master? How should I answer him?

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