The trick that hengyanlin just showed was called "breaking through boxing". The reason why the leader of black man can't understand it is because it was cultivated by hengyanlin who entered the world of immortality in his previous life.

Although this technique is not good, it has the effect of breaking through. The higher the level of the boxing itself, the higher the breaking and preventing penetration force will be.

Although the leader of the black man said that he was eight times in building the foundation, his cultivation of spiritual secret should not be a high-level spiritual secret. Therefore, the spirit he cultivated could not resist the breaking effect of piercing the fist.

However, hengyanlin is also very clear that he should be suppressed quickly if he can not give this guy any more chance to take any more.

Without him, because he just remembered his promise to Mu Shishan, he would like to go to the Sujia stronghold as soon as possible to meet her.

Moreover, to be honest, hengyanlin is really a little bit uneasy about these guys in Su family. After all, if they take mushishan as a chip to threaten themselves, it is really a bit bad.

Of course, hengyanlin still believes in the Su family. Otherwise, it is not good for mu Shishan to follow Qiming and go with them. However, if he does not go back for a long time, it is inevitable that Su family will have any other ideas.

So, we should solve it as soon as possible!

Thinking about this, hengyanlin is faster.

In that moment, his fist was a remnant, like a thousand hands Guanyin, and a strong and unmatched energy breath erupted, covering the leader of the black man.

The leader of the black man changed his face greatly, and he was crazy about his body spirit. Meanwhile, his hands were also changing the knot quickly. A heavy drink was sent out in his mouth, which formed a light shield and blocked him.

"Bang Bang..."

In a moment, the leader of the black man felt that his shield was hit by the storm and wind, which made the whole shield shake violently.

Feeling this fierce force, the black man leader's face appeared a startling color, and his inner emotions burst: "how can this be possible? How could this guy be so powerful? "


With the idea of the head of the leader in black, the light shield in front of the leader of the black man appeared in the next second, and it was shattered.

Then, the black man leader's pupil was a fist in the rapid enlargement, appeared in his eyes.


The body of the leader of the black man was hit by the fist of hengyanlin. That is, the leader of the black man felt that he was not hit by the fist, but was hit by a heavy hammer. The leader of the black man made a miserable scream in his mouth, which means that the body was flying backwards and hit the ground heavily.

The leader of the black man felt his chest sagged down at once, with several broken ribs, and the severe pain spread through every nerve of his body, just as if he wanted to tear his whole body apart.

The leader of the black man never thought that hengyanlin's fist broke out such a terrible force, and he was seriously injured.

This let his mood burst, completely did not understand the strength of hengyanlin so strong, it is too terrible!

Taking back his fist, hengyanlin looked at the leader of the black man who fell on the ground. A faint smile appeared on his face and said, "it's a pity. I thought your strength was very strong. I didn't think you were so weak. I knew I would not give you such a cruel hand!"

Hearing hengyanlin's words, the black man leader's eyes are a glimmer of panic, and he roars angrily: "who are you? Why can we have such a strong strength? "

Indeed, the leader of the black man never expected that the strength of hengyanlin burst out and directly injured him.

We should know that he is the eighth largest building area, and many means are enough to fight against the nine heavy construction conditions. Even if the construction environment is complete, it can be easily countered.

But this is the situation It really surprised him.

He has many means not yet to be put into play, how can he be seriously injured?

Hearing the black man leader's words, hengyanlin's handsome face just showed a faint smile and said softly, "who am I, it doesn't matter. What's more, your life is in my hands now."

"So, if you don't want to die, answer my question honestly."

The leader of the black man heard hengyanlin's words, and then a startling color appeared on his face: "you don't know our ghost fire cloud clan?"

"Ghost fire cloud Zong?"

Hearing the words of the leader of the black man, hengyanlin was stunned.

The leader of the black man thought this guy was sent by their enemies. Unexpectedly, he was not? And they don't even know about the cloud clan?At the moment, the face of the man in black became particularly gloomy. He said in a cold voice, "you don't know our ghost fire cloud clan? It's really interesting. Do you know how strong our ghost fire cloud clan is? In the great Xuanyu area, but there are not a few sects dare to attack us! Now, leave honestly, don't disturb our good business, or you will die miserably

At this time, the leader of the man in black has begun to threaten hengyanlin.

"Ghost fire cloud sect Da Xuan domain, is there such a sect in Da Xuan domain

Hearing the leader's words, Heng Yanlin raised his eyebrows slightly and thought in his heart. He immediately showed a very calm look on his handsome face. Looking at the leader of the man in black, he said faintly, "is that right? I'm really sorry. I think I don't have to be afraid of you. After all, Daxin district is still the world of central court. If you want to commit crimes, you should also consider the central court. "

"Central court?"

Heng Yanlin's words, the face of the man in black appeared a surprised color: "what is that thing?"

Seeing the expression on the face of the leader in black, Heng Yanlin was also slightly stunned and asked, "you don't know what the central court is?"

"So, are you from a force called central court?"

When the leader of the man in black heard this, he said in a cold voice: "it's really interesting. I haven't heard of it. However, no matter whether you are the central court or the central court, you will surely die if you disturb our ghost fire cloud clan."

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