Then, they finally saw a figure fly backward, hit a big tree.

Then, people saw the figure standing in place, it was Heng Yan Lin.

However, if it's Heng Yanlin, it means that the one who just flew back out

The leader of the man in black!? Their elders!?

When they thought of this, their faces changed greatly. They suddenly turned their heads and looked at the past. They immediately saw the figure that hit the tree. It was their elder!

"Fire crow elder!"

"Elder fire crow, you're OK!"

Seeing the fire crow elder fly out, impact on the tree, even his chest is still up and down, "wow" sound, directly spewed out a mouthful of red blood, so that the other people in black on the scene are greatly changed, among them, two people in black with relatively high status flash out, and quickly come out of the fire crow elder's side, looking at him nervously on his face and asking in a voice.

Hearing what his subordinates said, the fire crow elder just shook his head, waved his hand, and said, "I have nothing to do."

However, although he said so, his eyes revealed a thick dignified color. Looking at hengyanlin in the distance, his inner emotions were full of fright, just like the waves.

"This boy What happened just now? I did not feel the slightest aura fluctuation, but at the moment of touching, it actually broke out. What means is this? Who the hell is he? Why is there such a strange move? "

The fire crow elder thought in his heart: "besides, he actually appeared with T-Rex. Is he the successor of the" that one "? But it doesn't look like it

The fire crow elder's heart is full of confusion, but at this time, it is useless to think so much. Now he takes a deep breath and presses all these doubts in his heart.

Because the urgent task is to solve this unknown boy. If we don't solve him, I'm afraid their task will not be completed.

Once the task is not completed, the consequence is

Thinking of this, the fire crow elder also couldn't help but fight a shiver, and a trace of fear appeared in his eyes.

The price that the fire crow elder didn't want to touch in his whole life.

"Elder, what should we do now?" At this moment, after hearing the fire crow elder saying that he was ok, one of his two subordinates asked in a voice. There was a worried color between his eyebrows, and said softly, "this boy, it seems that it is more difficult than we think."

Hearing the inquiry of this subordinate, elder huoya narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were filled with murder opportunities. He said softly: "his strength is really very strong, but it is not difficult to deal with. If his strength had run over us, he would have done it directly. It is impossible to compare with us here. Therefore, his strength should be stronger than me, but not much better So I'll hold him in a moment. You two will find a chance to rush directly to his side and explode your cyclone

"What!? Elder, you are... "

Hearing the words of the fire crow elder, the faces of the two men appeared with the color of horror and the color of fear in their eyes.

"Calm down!"

Seeing these two subordinates suddenly became flustered. The fire crow elder immediately gave them a cold drink. At the same time, his eyes glared at them fiercely. They immediately became excited. They immediately lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything more.

However, the bodies of these two men are still shaking slightly, because they can't imagine that the fire crow elder would want them to die!!

Seeing that the bodies of the two men were trembling, the fire crow elder sighed, and a very serious look appeared on his dry face. He said to them in a low voice: "I know that it is not what I want you to commit suicide, but you have also seen that the boy's strength is not ordinary, and his means are ancient Strange, I have to have someone to distract me. You should all be aware of the consequences of mission failure. "

"You are all people who have already established a family and business, and so do I. once our mission fails, not only we but also our family members will be in bad luck. You should be very clear about the rules of our clan. Besides, this time, the clan paid a great price to let us down to carry out the task, in a sense In fact, we are all chosen by heaven. If we succeed, we will be greatly rewarded by the emperor! "

"But you have seen that Cheng Yaojin was killed on the way. If we don't solve him, we will not be able to successfully complete the task. In that case, do you think that our family members in the clan can be safe?"

"So, think about it yourself. I won't force you!"

With this sentence, the fire crow elder did not speak any more.However, this sentence was introduced into the ears of these two men, but it was in the heart of scolding mother.

Do you call this not forced? If you threaten us with our family, do we have a choice?

However, the two men in black are also very clear about what elder huoya said, because what he said is true. If this mission is successful, they will definitely receive numerous commendations, but if they fail, they will really die.

Of course, if they are alone, the fire crow elder wants them to die, which is absolutely impossible!

However, they had lived in the guihuoyun clan for many years, so they had already established a family and had many children.

It is because of this, the fire crow elder will take them to death, so that they have no way to resist.

"Elder, I can make a sacrifice, but I'm worried that my sacrifice is useless. After all, that guy's strength is stronger than you, so we've just started to blow ourselves up again. Will it hurt him, instead of our strength?" Said a man in black.

After all, what the man in Black said was not unreasonable.

The two men in black are double and triple, and the fire crow elder's accomplishments have reached the Ninth level. Therefore, if the fire crow elder himself says that the other side is stronger than him.

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