"Overlord, let's talk about it first."

Looking at the Tyrannosaurus Rex, thunderdragon said aloud.

Hearing the Thunder Dragon's words, the Tyrannosaurus Rex nodded and opened his mouth and said, "OK, actually the situation is..."

However, before the content was explained, Tyrannosaurus Rex suddenly reacted and looked at the Thunder Dragon. In his eyes, he revealed his displeasure. Some people said angrily, "are you teaching me to do things? Are you the boss or am I the boss? "

This idiot, how did you get wind again

At present, many dinosaurs on the scene felt speechless and thought of it in their hearts.

As for Lei long, there were some people who couldn't laugh or cry. They had to say, "you are the boss, so you need to start speaking first!"

When Tyrannosaurus Rex heard this, he immediately felt that there was some truth. He nodded and said, "what you said is quite right."

"So please start speaking, boss." Thunder Dragon light a smile, say aloud.

Immediately, the Tyrannosaurus Rex cleared its throat, looked around the people, and then said, "in fact, it's like this. I've been around for a while. When I was about to go back to my hometown, I heard that there was a wave of energy in the triangle. I immediately felt very strange, so I went over to have a look, but I didn't expect that triangle was attacked by a group of human beings, so I went to help Triangle dragon... "

“…… Then, the other side is really too many intrigues, we were trapped in it, there is no way to break free, only passive defense, just when we thought we were going to die, Heng Yanlin appeared, it is also because of him, we can save each other

At this point, the Tyrannosaurus Rex tone is a little hesitant, but soon calm down, continue to say.

I was surprised to hear that the Tyrannosaurus Rex had not come out of the eyes of Tyrannosaurus Rex.

"And then?" Lei long looked at Heng Yan Lin, and then he continued to ask T. rex.

"Then, Heng Yanlin and I went to save the lower horn teeth, and then took this guy in, and then let the triangle rescue the lower wing, and finally came to you, no more." Said the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

After listening to the Tyrannosaurus Rex's story, the Thunder Dragon nodded faintly, then looked at the other three dinosaurs of Triceratops, and asked in a voice, "what about you? Is there anything you want to add? "

"I was directly attacked, but as the overlord said, when I couldn't hold on, it was the overlord who came to save me." Said the Triceratops.

"Wings and horns, and you two?" Leilong asked again.


"The same."

Pterosaurs and pterosaurs are also simple to say, basically the situation and T. rex and Triceratops said that the same.

Hearing what the four dragons said, leilong thought for a moment, then nodded, and then said in a voice, "so, you don't know what kind of identity these humans are, do you?"


"Not bad!"

"I don't know where they came from. If I knew, I would tear them all to pieces!" Said the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

As for Heng Yanlin, however, after hearing what Lei long said, a look of thought appeared on his handsome face. His eyebrows also raised slightly. He looked at Lei long and asked in a low voice, "according to what you said, Mr. Lei long, you think you know the origin of these human beings?"

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, many dinosaurs present were slightly stunned and looked at the Thunder Dragon one after another.

As for Lei Long's eyes, there was also a trace of surprise, because it was really unexpected that Heng Yanlin could understand the inside story from his simple sentence. It has to be said that this human is really smart!

However, Lei long did not deny it. His eyes revealed a faint smile. He opened his mouth and said, "I do know something. I think you should know something about Mr. Lin?"

Heng Yanlin didn't cover up too much. He also nodded. Then he looked at the fire crow around him and said, "what you said is not wrong. I do know some, but I don't know much. I only know that they came from a force called ghost fire cloud clan in the fourth floor of the Da Xuan mansion. Then why do they want to kill you? I'm afraid it's still about you There is something to do with the so-called "spirit thing" that we guard. "

As soon as Heng Yanlin's words were said, the atmosphere of the whole audience suddenly changed subtly. Everyone's eyes at Heng Yanlin became nervous, as if they were worried about what would be discovered.

Feeling the change in the atmosphere, Heng Yanlin's face appeared a faint smile, opened his mouth and said: "what's the matter? There's nothing to hide, right? Although I really don't know, but their conversation really let me hear ah, fire crow, do you say? "Seeing Heng Yanlin shift the topic to his own body, this makes the fire crow who has been observing its change suddenly become confused. Even for a moment, there are some reactions that can't come over. He says in a stunned voice: "ah?"

"Ah, what? I want to ask you something! " Looking at the fire crow, Heng said.

"Oh, oh!"

The fire crow answered twice. The first one was still in a state of consternation, but the next one made him quickly come back to his senses. Then he nodded to many dinosaurs, such as thunder dragon, and opened his mouth and said, "what adults said is not wrong. This is really not a secret. After all, we also paid a lot of price to get down to the second floor, but we didn't think that the sky is inferior to human beings In the end, we failed

Speaking of this, the fire crow can't help sighing.

Indeed, the fire crow is very clear. The ghost fire cloud clan did not know how much it cost, so he prepared this opportunity to come down from the top, in order to break the shackles of Da Xuan Fu, so as to get out of the Da Xuan Fu and have a look at the outside world.

Originally thought that this should be a matter of great success, but never thought that it was destroyed by Heng Yanlin, Cheng Yaojin, who was killed halfway.

Hearing the words of the fire crow, Thunder Dragon's eyes did not have any surprised color, but showed the color of thinking, and said faintly: "so, you are in order to rob the master's spirit, will you specially come down this second layer?"

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