Seeing this, Heng Yanlin's face appears surprised. Is this the spirit sword absorbing the spirit of heaven and earth?

Through Tianyan technique, Heng Yanlin can see very clearly that the spirit sword is absorbing the aura of the moon in the sky, transforming these aura into its own energy, and then spreading to the whole sword Pavilion, which makes the protection force of the whole sword Pavilion be supplemented once again.

This means that the sword Pavilion needs a certain amount of time to replenish energy, and it is impossible to ensure the operation of the protection array all the time.

In addition, there are many flaws, such as at the top of the sword Pavilion. Because of the need to absorb the aura of the moonlight in the sky, it is naturally impossible to set up a protective force. In this way, we can start from this.

At the thought of this, Heng Yanlin's handsome face appeared an unexpected color that was hard to hide. His lips were also slightly tilted, with a faint smile pouring out. He whispered to himself, "it's really interesting. I didn't expect that such a situation would happen. It's really interesting!"

Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, she was still in a nervous mood. Mu Shishan, who thought he had some physical problems, could not help looking at Heng Yanlin and asked in a voice, "Yan Lin, what do you mean by this sentence? Did you find something? "

After hearing Mu Shishan's words, Heng Yanlin reacted. He looked at Mu Shishan's face full of beauty. He said with a soft smile, "don't worry. I know what you are worried about. All this is not an illusion, it's true, because I saw it too."

"Did you see that, too?"

What Heng Yan Lin said made Mu Shishan's pretty face appear a trace of surprise, and asked in a voice, "what did you see?"

"I saw the opportunity."


Heng Yanlin nodded and explained in a voice: "the sword Pavilion is obviously absorbing the aura of heaven and earth to maintain its own operation. Therefore, in this way, we can find the flaws, open the prohibition and obtain the opportunities in the sword Pavilion."

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan's moving face was shocked. She immediately opened her mouth and said, "is it true? But elder Qiming didn't say that it was difficult to enter the sword pavilion? He once said that many people entered it and were repulsed by many sword Qi inside. Some experts who built the foundation environment tried to break into it by force, but they were all wounded one by one, or even died. "

After hearing the speech, Heng Yan Lin smiles and says, "of course, I understand this problem, but they don't have the sky eye skill I do, so naturally they don't understand the situation."

"But, Yan Lin, I don't have eye skill either!" Mu Shishan said in a daze.

Hearing what Mu Shishan said, Heng Yanlin was stunned at this moment.

Because, what Mu Shishan said is a truth indeed!

Yes, Mu Shishan didn't use Tianyan. Why could she see it?

Is that a little strange?

Heng Yanlin's eyebrows suddenly slightly wrinkled up, looked at the sword Pavilion in the distance outside the landing stone window, and thought to himself, "is this a trap?"

However, Heng Yanlin soon shook his head, because he didn't think it was a trap. After all, he had great confidence in his sky eye technique, which should not be a trap.

However, if it is not a trap, then how can Mu Shishan see it?

At present, Heng Yanlin once again exerts Tianyan technique, but he finds that he can't see many situations inside the sword Pavilion. It seems that there is a strange invisible force that blocks the prying of his sky eye technique.

Heng Yanlin took back his hands. There was a trace of surprise on his handsome face. He thought secretly, "it seems that there is a trace of strangeness in it."

Seeing Heng Yanlin's face suddenly become a little serious, Mu Shishan asked in a voice, "Yan Lin, why are you this expression? Is something bad happening

When Heng Yanlin heard this, he immediately reacted. He gently shook his head at Mu Shishan and said with a smile, "no, you don't have to worry. It's not a big thing. It's just that I'm thinking about some problems."

"Yanlin, I always think there should be some traps in this," Mu Shishan thought about what Heng Yanlin said, and she thought about it for a moment, or she said her doubts in her heart these days. "Because you see, if the sword Pavilion needs to absorb the aura of heaven and earth every night, then anyway, those Su family, Yu family and Liu family who wanted to break through the sword Pavilion before Home, they must be trying their best to explore. It's impossible to see such a big landscape at night. They didn't see it, did they? This is obviously out of the ordinary sense

When Heng Yanlin heard this, he nodded his head and opened his mouth and said, "what you said is not wrong. It is really like this. Therefore, either as you said, it is a trap. If it is not a trap I'm afraid there's something wrong with that! "

Heng Yanlin thought, because he thought that what the sword Pavilion absorbed was the moonlight aura in the sky. As for Heng Yanlin, he could see it because he had performed the sky eye skill. But just before he did, he also saw it. What does it mean that what he practiced was the determination of the stars and the moon?It means that it may have something to do with your own spiritual formula.

After all, Heng Yanlin is very clear in his mind that the set of Saint goddess's formula he taught Mu Shishan belongs to the nature of Taiyin, and the moonlight belongs to the Yin attribute, which means

Maybe the problem is in this place!

It's just that we can't be sure yet, so we have to try it again!

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin looked at Mu Shishan and said, "the specific trap, or chance, still needs further research, so I'm afraid the result will not be known until tomorrow."

Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, Mu Shishan's pretty face appeared puzzled and asked in a voice, "do you want to wait until tomorrow? Why? "

"Because it needs to be tested."

Heng Yanlin laughed and put the matter down. He said softly, "well, no matter what it is, we can always find the reason. Now it's too late. Let's hurry to sleep."

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan thought that the "sleep" in hengyanlin's mouth was that kind of sleep. At present, her pretty face turned crimson and gave the former a fierce white look.

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