The terrifying energy wave diffused out of the sword like dragon, making a ferocious roar, as if it were a real dragon, and rushed towards hengyanlin.

Heng Yanlin's face suddenly changed. He immediately uttered a deep cold drink in his mouth, and then his body was moving backward towards the rear, and his hands were also quickly printed.

A series of seal methods send out a mysterious breath, which changes between Heng Yanlin's hands. At the same time, the aura in his body is also flying out. It quickly converges into Heng Yanlin's hands and diffuses out. In the void, it forms a strange Rune and emits a strong breath.

"Burst light method!"

With the appearance of these talismans in the void in front of Heng Yanlin's body, a bright light broke out in his eyes, just like the blazing sun, filled with the breath of terror. These symbols were interwoven in an instant, forming a huge array. Then, with a "bang", a dazzling blue light wave burst out of it Shooting out, sending out a terrible atmosphere of destruction, bombarded the dragon.


The huge and incomparable blood color sword spirit dragon, fiercely bumped into this blue light wave, broke out the earth shaking sound.

The next second, at the point where the two collided, an extremely strong energy wave broke out, spreading in all directions, causing the whole sword pavilion to tremble slightly, as if to collapse.

The destructive power of terror rips through the void, as if to destroy everything. It makes people feel a shivering breath.

After a short time, two powerful energy continuously intertwined, squeezed, collided, and finally a loud and loud "bang" sound. Then the energy fluctuation exploded, forming a strong and incomparable energy wave, which spread out in all directions, causing the void to tremble slightly, as if to tear apart, which was extremely shocking.

This powerful and incomparable energy wave swept over, shaking Heng Yanlin's body back and forth, tearing a huge gap on the ground, which was extremely frightening.


After stepping back more than ten meters, Heng Yanlin's foot was heavily trampled on the ground, and immediately made a thunderous noise, which made the ground split apart. However, his body also stopped regressing and completely stabilized.


When Heng Yanlin's body stopped, he suddenly raised his head and saw a huge dragon head running towards Heng Yanlin with a ferocious breath in the dust and smoke.

Seeing this, Heng Yan Lin's handsome face showed a color of fright that was hard to hide, which filled his heart with shaking emotions and called out in his heart: "how can it be!"

The spirit skill that Heng Yanlin just performed was called the breaking light method, which was the third level spirit skill. And under his transformation, the power of the breaking light method was no less than that of the fourth level spirit skill.

After all, this breaking light method was a chance that Heng Yanlin had just stepped into the world of cultivating immortals in his previous life. Later, when his own strength became more and more powerful, this breaking light method was no longer needed to be used.

Until he was reborn here, he was practicing again.

In fact, he had no difficulty in practicing his unique skills before. Even because his state of mind was too profound in the past, he could reorganize and revise it.

It can be said that this rebirth is actually to let Heng Yanlin go back to the way he used to be.

Moreover, it can be more perfectly combed and become more powerful.

There is a new opportunity to sort out and break the obstacles encountered in previous cultivation.

Therefore, to be honest, Heng Yanlin was really confident about his breaking light method, and felt that he could smash the scarlet sword spirit at once.

But in fact, it was beyond Heng Yanlin's expectation. The power of the scarlet sword was so strong that he couldn't resist it. He didn't expect it to be like this.

Under helpless, Heng Yanlin can only quickly pinch the seal again, condense a light shield, to counter.

"Dong! Bang! Dong... "

All of a sudden, in the whole sword Pavilion, there are a series of terrifying energy fluctuations, which make hengyanlin's light shield collapse.

What's more, hengyanlin felt that the strength of the scarlet sword spirit seemed to be constantly growing stronger, which made him feel a little hard to deal with for a while.

Heng Yanlin did not expect that it would be such a situation.

This makes Heng Yan Lin's heart suddenly become hesitant, whether to open the seal in his body.

However, Heng Yanlin is very clear that once he opens the seal, he may be noticed by the God of time and space. At that time, he is afraid that he will bring disaster to the world here.However, if you do not open the seal, then you are likely to die here.

For a moment, Heng Yanlin was hard to choose.

At this time, Mu Shishan had come to the bottom of the silver spirit sword, raised her head slightly, looked at the silver spirit sword, and asked in a voice, "I have come to you. What's next? What should I do? Do you recognize the LORD with blood? "

Because Mu Shishan has read many novels, it seems that many spiritual tools need blood to recognize the Lord.


A crisp sound of swords sounded in Mu Shishan's ears, and an idea immediately reached Mu Shishan's mind.

"Release your aura and infuse it into me."

Mu Shi Shan has sensed the content of this sentence. Now, the funny face has been showing a strange color. In the heart, he can not help but Tucao: "how can I make complaints about this sentence?"


However, at this time, there was another loud noise in her ears. Mu Shishan turned around and looked at the past. She saw that the sword like dragon directly beat Heng Yanlin out and hit the wall heavily.

This makes Mu Shishan's pretty face suddenly change, and she doesn't dare to hesitate any more. She runs the saint goddess formula in her heart, and immediately a dazzling light blooms in her beautiful eyes. Then a low voice rings in her mouth, and then she claps it towards the spirit sword.

The next second, a snow-white aura rushed out of Mu Shishan's palm and poured into the spirit sword.

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