Hearing this, Heng Yan Lin's mouth slightly tilted, emerged a faint smile, but this smile has the meaning of senhan in which diffuse.

"So, do you think it's for you to travel when you enter xuanming real mansion? No danger at all? If you don't want the dead, you can get the natural material and the earth treasure. What's the chance

Su Bai smell speech, immediately face slightly a change, said: "I, I did not say so."

"If you want to be stronger, you have to sharpen in blood and fire. If you have such an idea, it means that you have become very cowardly and doomed to be unable to be a strong man," Heng Yanlin's handsome face climbed up with a very indifferent expression at this moment, and his voice became extremely cold. "In my team, I don't need to be so greedy for life Those who are afraid of death and don't want to leave will stay. I don't care. "

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Su Bai's face suddenly changed and became very red. He roared angrily, "I'm not a coward!"

"I don't care."

Heng Yanlin glanced at Su Bai. He was too lazy to pay attention to it. He immediately looked at Qiming. Su Yu said, "count out the number of people. Who likes to go or not except you two. My purpose is not to protect all people. If you are afraid of death, don't follow me. Besides, even if they do come, they may become a burden to us It's better not to come! "

After saying this, Heng Yanlin also did not give anyone's reaction, turned and walked toward the door.

However, this all of a sudden point burst the mood of all the people in the audience, one by one became extremely angry.

"Master Su Yu, look at what he said?"

"What a burden, are we insulted like this when we come here?"

"We risk our lives and look for opportunities. We are not ridiculed like this!"

Many of the Su family's children are full of anger and indignation. After all, they are said to be rubbish and cowards by one person. No matter who they are, they are extremely angry.

"Shut up

Hearing these people's opinions, Qiming's face suddenly became cold and cold, and he cried out in anger, "didn't you just say that? Do you think it's dangerous? Now Mr. Lin has given you a choice. You are still talking about it here. Why? Do you really think this is for sightseeing? Looking for opportunities, but also choosing the right time? If you guys can really do anything, it's really a joke! "

Qiming coldly exclaimed, and the powerful power oppressed all the people present not to say anything more. Although they were unwilling in their hearts, they all shut up honestly.

"Now, you can make your own choice. If you want to go with us now, you can go out and stay in the stronghold if you don't want to go out!" Seeing that all the people were silent and unwilling to speak, he immediately gave orders.

Hearing that Qiming really sent the ghost, all the Su family's children who were present were startled and felt very incredible.

"Can you really not go?"

"Then I don't want to go. How nice it is to stay here honestly. There is no danger!"

"Yes, the aura of heaven and earth here is so strong that I can practice it."

At present, many people decided to stay in the Su family stronghold. After all, there is no such strong aura of heaven and earth here as that outside. Moreover, it is very safe to stay in the base. In this case, what do they have to go out for? Do you really want to go out and die?

Of course, some people are willing to stay. Naturally, some people want to go out.

"Are you kidding? I'm sure I'll go with you! If you get any big chance, won't it be able to fly into the sky directly? "

"Yes, and we went to the third floor. It's said that there are a lot of immortal xuanming's inheritance. If we can get the chance, the strength will certainly become very strong."

"It's not bad. Although it's a little dangerous, there must be many dangers in the way of practice. If it's not easy to hone, how can you make yourself stronger?"

Some Su's children feel that Heng Yanlin is right. Although his words are really mean, they want to escape when they are in danger. How can they become more powerful themselves in the future?

So, people began to come out.

Two minutes later, Qiming saw four people coming out.

The rest of us stayed.

After all, there are four people who are not allowed to enter xuanming's mansion. After all, there are some people who are not allowed to enter xuanming's residence. There are some people who are not allowed to enter xuanming's residence.

Obviously, he just yelled the most, but he actually wanted to go out, which is really a little interesting.

Qiming took a look at him, but didn't say much. He just said, "OK, even so, let's start now."

At present, Heng Yanlin, who was waiting at the door, heard the sound of his feet behind him. In a moment, the voice of enlightenment sounded in his mouth: "Mr. Lin, we are ready to start at any time."Heng Yanlin, with his hands on his back, heard the sound and turned slightly. He saw that there were six people in his sight, including Qiming and Su Yu.

Immediately, Heng Yanlin saw from the other four people that one of them was su Bai, which made his eyebrows slightly pick up, and unexpected eyes appeared in his eyes.

Seeing Heng Yanlin's eyes staring at him, Su Bai's face suddenly became a little unnatural. He gave a cold hum and tried to look at Heng Yanlin's eyes and said in a deep voice, "I just want to tell you that I am not a coward!"

"It doesn't matter. I don't care. I don't care."

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, just cold and heartless said a, immediately to open mouth to say: "lead the way, set out."

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words of scorn, Su Bai's whole face became extremely red. If it wasn't for his strength, he would have rushed up and beaten the former. However, he was very clear that he could not say that he had to rely on him. He could only lower his head helplessly.

Now Qiming heard what Heng Yanlin said, but also responded. He quickly raised his wrist, quickly opened the three-dimensional map, and then began to draw the map route to the third floor, and then said to Heng Yanlin: "this way."

Heng Yan Lin nodded gently, and then he followed Qiming forward.

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