The walls in the cave are all emitting a kind of light and quiet light, which seems to be covered with moss, which is very strange.

Of course, this is not weird. What's more, there are countless stone pillars standing in the forest. It looks like a forest of stones, which makes people feel very surprised.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin picked his sword eyebrow, and his face showed a touch of thinking. He immediately went to a stone pillar and looked at it. It seemed that there were some strange things in it.

However, just as Heng Yanlin was about to get closer and have a look at what was strange about the stone pillar, a voice rang behind him:

"Mr. Lin."

heard the sound, Heng Yanlin's body shook his head without any trace, suddenly turned around, and glared at the man who suddenly burst out of his voice without any interest. If he hadn't kept his cool and strong face, he'd spit out a straight tongue. Even so, he could not help but make complaints about himself:

, "your brother-in-law." Are you silent when you walk? Who do you want to scare to death? Forget it, I'm an expert. I'm a strong one. How can I be scared to death? No, I won't. I'll calm down. I'll calm down. "

As for the person who came to hengyanlin, it was not others, it was su Bai.

When Su Bai saw the look in his eyes that Heng Yanlin suddenly turned around, he was really shocked. All of a sudden, the whole person was suddenly shivering and took several steps back.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Su Bai, Heng Yanlin retreated as if he had seen a ghost. He immediately responded and immediately restrained his eyes. A cool color appeared on his handsome face under his eyebrows. He looked at Su Bai and asked in his voice with a master's voice.

Seeing Heng Yanlin's demeanor of being a world expert, Su Bai became a little confused for a moment. He couldn't help thinking in his heart: "did I just read wrong? Hallucinations

Seeing Su Bai's serious thinking, Heng Yanlin naturally knew what he was thinking about. At the moment, he asked faintly: "how? Do you have anything to do with it

Hearing hengyanlin ask himself for the second time, Su Bai responds quickly, nods slightly to Heng Yanlin, hesitates for a moment, then opens his mouth and says: "I, I come to thank you, thank you for just helping me."

When Heng Yanlin heard the speech, he was surprised because he never thought that Su Bai would thank him. You know, before he left the stronghold, he had great opinions on himself!

However, although he felt that there were some accidents, Heng Yanlin didn't care too much about it. He just nodded slightly and asked, "and then?"

"And then?" This sentence of Heng Yanlin then directly asked Su Bai.

"And then what else?" Heng Yan Lin asked indifferently.

Su Bai shook his head subconsciously and replied, "no more..."


Seeing that Su Bai has already said so, hengyanlin naturally won't say any more nonsense. He turns and approaches the stone pillar.

As for Su Bai, he was also in a daze. Immediately, he finally reacted. His inner emotions became a little irritated. He thought to himself, "what do you mean? I thank you, you are actually such a reaction, my thanks are not worth it? Do you need to be so wild? "

At last, Zhang Yanyue said, he couldn't help thinking of it

Hearing Su Bai's cry, Hengyan Linton felt helpless, thinking in his heart that you are the end of this guy, how can you be as mother-in-law as a woman?

At the moment, Heng Yanlin turned around and looked at Su Bai. He asked indifferently, "what else do you have?"

Looking at Heng Yanlin, who was a light hearted man, Su Bai wanted to question him angrily, but he didn't dare to have any temper. He just bit his lip and immediately asked, "why do you want to save me?"

Heng Yanlin heard this question, his face immediately had a confused color, climbed up, and asked: "I save you, do you need why? Don't you want me to save you? "

Heng Yanlin frowned slightly and thought to himself, "this guy, do you think you are meddling? I shouldn't have saved him? "

Because from what happened before, Heng Yanlin felt that Su Bai's idea should be like this.

However, if he is really like this, he should not be afraid of death. Why should he argue with himself in the Su family stronghold?

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Su Bai opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer. He could only say, "I don't mean this..."

"What do you mean

Heng Yanlin's tone became a little cold at this moment.He didn't care about what happened before, and helped him with good intentions. Now he seems to want to question himself. For Heng Yanlin, how can it be a thing that can make him feel better?

There seemed to be a chill in Heng Yanlin's tone, which made Su Bai shiver. But he quickly responded and said, "I just want to ask you. When I was in the stronghold before, I always contradicted you. Why are you willing to help me? Shouldn't I be killed by the insect King regardless of my life or death? "

Hearing Su Bai's words, Heng Yanlin understood that the core of Su Bai's problem was here. Now he couldn't help but emit a silent smile.

Seeing that Heng Yanlin actually laughed, in Su Bai's eyes, he felt that he was sneering. Suddenly, he became unhappy and asked in a voice, "what are you laughing at?"

"Against me, those things are all harmless. For me, I didn't pay attention to it at all. As for saving you, there is no other reason. It's just that I can save it. Then I will save it. No matter how you say it, you are also a life. You can't see the death without saving it."

Heng Yan Lin said faintly, and immediately stopped taking care of Su Bai. Instead, he walked towards the stone pillar with green and quiet air.

"A life?"

Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, Su Bai was stunned. He always felt that there was something wrong with this sentence!

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