At the moment of suppression, the terrifying energy fluctuation was diffused out, tearing the layers of corpse gas defense in an instant, and severely pressed on the body behind the corpse.


A roar full of despair was heard in the mouth behind the corpse, and there was only a loud noise.


The golden pagoda was heavily suppressed and fell on the ground. At that moment, the whole cave was shaking violently, and the whole ground was shaking slightly. Countless dust and smoke swept out like a huge wave and spread in all directions. The impact waves also made many stone pillars fall and fall on it, becoming countless Crushed stone.

The walls, also because of this, have been hit, there are cracks on the surface, frightening.

No one thought that it would be such a situation.

Hengyanlin finally broke out one of his strongest strength and means, and suppressed the corpse.

After Heng Yanlin suppressed the corpse, his eyes became more vigilant at this moment than just now. He raised his head slightly and looked up at the sky. His hands were clenched. A very serious look appeared on his handsome face. He wanted to see whether the rules of heaven and earth in the second layer would really come and punish him.

However, after waiting for a moment, Heng Yanlin found that there was no rule of heaven and earth, as if he had thought of those, all just lies.

This makes Heng Yanlin's handsome face appear the color of amazement, let him how did not expect to be like this, let him in the heart head can't help thinking: "what? Really? How could this be the case? Isn't there punishment according to the rules of heaven and earth? Where? Is it that Thunder Dragon is cheating me

Heng Yanlin thinks like this, but he is also very clear, since there is no heaven and earth rules to punish himself, then it should be a good thing to do, but why does Lei long say there will be? Did it remember itself wrong?

It's impossible. How can it remember something so important? Unless, you know, something happened in this.

But what exactly is the accident

Well, Heng Yanlin didn't know what the accident was, and he didn't want to know.

Since there is no punishment from the rules of heaven and earth, this is naturally the best thing, and it also saves him from worrying all the time.

After all, although he said that the previous life was the highest celestial realm, he did not know how many disasters he had experienced. He should never worry about the punishment of the rules of heaven and earth.

But don't forget that hengyanlin is just a monk who is just building the foundation. He is very weak. If there is a punishment according to the rules of heaven and earth, he may not be able to withstand it.

So in short, you don't have to punish me according to the rules of heaven and earth.


When Heng Yanlin was thinking like this, he suddenly heard a shrill roar coming from far to near.

Now Heng Yan Lin suddenly turned around and saw a zombie flying towards him.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin's eyes shrunk a little, immediately raised his fist, and his heart moved slightly. A spirit rushed out of his body, quickly converged on his fist, and then stormed out towards the zombie.

"Chuanjin Quan!"


All of a sudden, a golden fist awn broke out on Heng Yanlin's fist, and directly bombarded the zombie who came towards him.


This zombie's strength is too weak to be Heng Yanlin's opponent?

So, with one punch and a loud noise, the zombie was blown apart and turned into slag and splashed on the ground.

After that, Heng Yanlin ran and plundered to Qiming.

At this time, Qiming is in a very dangerous situation, because the zombies keep flying towards them, so that Qiming has no room for rest at all, and can only fight against the attacks of these zombies. But in this way, Qiming's aura will be greatly consumed, and Qiming's power will be more and more consumed Now, he has no strength to carry on.


A roar sounds in Qiming's ear. Qiming's face suddenly changes. He suddenly raises his head. He sees that at what time, a zombie has already burst into front of him, waving his claws and grabbing at his chest.

Qiming's mouth let out a deep drink, and his hands were shot forward with a loud "bang". The powerful aura spread out like a tiger descending the mountain and roaring out. It was severely bombarded on the corpse's body. The huge force immediately drove the zombie out, just like a broken kite, hitting the stone pillar heavily.However, after the attack, Qiming was breathing heavily because he had almost exhausted all his strength.


At this moment, a sharp sound of breaking the air sounded. Qiming suddenly raised his head and saw another zombie flying. His hands were straight like javelins, and they were bombarding Qi Ming's chest.


Qiming has just shot a zombie, but now there is another one, so he has no time to react, so there is no doubt. Finally, he still can't resist it. He is directly hit in the chest, and his body flies backward like a broken straw man and falls heavily on the ground.

No one thought that Qiming still had no way to resist, or was injured.

Seeing that Qiming uttered a dull hum, his body flew upside down and fell on the ground. Su Yu and others, who were exploring the exit, saw the scene, and their faces were full of horror and yelled: "elder!"

When the voice dropped, he was ready to rescue Qiming.

But now, they want to rescue, but it is too late.

Because Qiming is lying on the ground, but a zombie is very fast. When he flies past, he waves his own straight claws like javelin and claws at Qiming's chest. It looks like he is going to crack Qiming's chest.

And its speed is one point faster than Su Yu.

Seeing this, Su Yu and they were in despair.

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