This is also no way of things, after all, such a situation, to be able to save it is very good.

Over the years, he has been nurturing broken star sword, which has recovered a lot. However, if he wants to completely break through the ranks, he must go to the inner world.

After all, there is no heaven and earth aura in the outside world, so it is impossible to recover the broken star sword.

Seeing that hengyanlin has even broken the star sword, Su Yu and Su Bai immediately become very nervous.

At this moment, Heng Yanlin took out several pieces of Fu Zhuan, handed them to Su Yu, and said, "you can have a good look at these Fu Zhuan. After a while, I may not care about you. You can use these Fu Zhuan to protect yourself."

Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, Su Yu was slightly shocked. However, he also knew that this situation was not a time for affectation. He immediately responded and took over all the Fu Zhuan in Heng Yanlin's hands. Then he nodded to Heng Yanlin and said, "we will protect ourselves."

Heng Yanlin no longer said anything more. He held the broken star sword in his hand a little, and his eyes under the eyebrow of the sword revealed his vigilant eyes and stepped forward.

When Heng Yanlin saw the high platform, he had a very uneasy feeling in his heart, and the uneasy feeling was extremely strong, which made his head have a tingling feeling. Therefore, Heng Yanlin was very clear that there must be a very terrible danger near here!

So he had to take out the broken star sword.

The broken star sword is the most suitable one for him. The power burst out has a great bonus, but in other words, only when he feels a very strong danger will the other side take out the broken star sword.

Even Heng Yanlin took out the broken star sword. It can be seen that this road to the high platform is not very easy to walk.

The breeze, slowly blowing, let Heng Yanlin body's windbreaker is accompanied by slight ups and downs.

In the quiet space, there is a very disturbing feeling in the air.

Hengyanlin step by step, although it seems casual, but his nerves have been tense, there is no relaxation at all.

When Heng Yanlin stepped out of the distance of 10 meters, he stepped forward again.

The moment he stepped out, Heng felt a very strong uneasiness. His eyelids leaped wildly and his scalp became numb. Then, there was a sharp whistling sound around him. The next second, there was a huge object over his head.

Heng Yanlin, who had been prepared for a long time, could not have been hit by the black shadow falling from the sky. At the moment, his feet were heavily trampled on the ground. With a "bang", his body shot out like a flash of lightning, and quickly opened up tens of meters away from his original ground.


The huge object fell on the ground, and then the sky shaking sound came out. Countless dust and smoke rolled up, emitting a terrible breath, as if to tear the whole earth apart.

Immediately, a huge figure like a hill appeared in the sight of all the people present.

This is an ape, the whole body is red, tail is crab tail, scarlet eyes revealed a very terrible breath, as if to tear everything into pieces.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin's pupils in both eyes slightly contracted for a while, thinking in secret: "it's a scorpion Red Ape!"

The scorpion Red Ape, a five grade monster, is very strong. It transcends the existence of the elixir realm and reaches the "Yuan Yin realm". However, it seems that because of the second layer of rules, this one scorpion Red Ape does not have that kind of fierce breath, but is in the perfect state of the foundation state like Heng Yanlin.

However, don't forget that the scorpion tailed ape is a monster, and it is still the top of the five grade monsters. Therefore, its power has reached at least the middle or even the later stage of the elixir realm!

However, there must be no danger in the entrance of the third layer.

"Bang! Bang

However, at this time, there were two heavy sounds. There was a strong vibration between the steps. The whole ground was shaking slightly.

Immediately, there are two huge things from both sides of the forest, showing two towering hills like figure.

On the left is a golden lion, fierce and incomparable. It looks like an ordinary male lion, but its eyes are not a pair, but two pairs!

On the right is a fierce blue tiger with two heads.

Four Eyed golden lion!

Double headed green tiger!

These two monsters, are the same as the scorpion tail Red Ape, belong to the five grade monster!!

When the three heads and five grade monsters appeared at this moment, all the world hundreds of meters around were covered by their strong evil spirit. The temperature dropped rapidly, making people feel cold, and the fear continued to breed and spread.Heng Yanlin's eyes at this moment also become very dignified.

Originally, a scorpion red ape has been very difficult to deal with, but now there are four Golden Lions and two headed green tigers. There is no doubt that we don't want them to enter the third layer!

Among them, the three monsters belong to the king level. Although their strength is weakened by the rules of heaven and earth, they are still the masters worthy of being compared with those killed by hengyanlin.

Therefore, at this moment, even Heng Yanlin had to consider whether or not to move forward.

After all, a scorpion Red Ape is hard enough. Now there are so many King monsters that are comparable to the scorpion red ape. Even if Heng Yanlin thinks that he is no longer strong, he can not fight against it!

At this moment, the three monsters stood at the foot of the platform, without any movement, and looked at the three people of hengyanlin in front of them.

Obviously, the three monsters are very intelligent, and they didn't take the first move. Obviously, they were warning Heng Yanlin not to let them get closer, otherwise they would take the move.

Of course, even their gaze is full of pressure, enough to make their mind appear fear.

Su Yu, for example, saw the three monsters standing in front of him like a hill, and the ferocious power that came out was as continuous as a torrent of rivers. His body was shaking slightly and his legs were shaking involuntarily.

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