Compared with the Terrans, the life span of monsters is longer, which means that they have been practicing all the time from the moment they were born. Therefore, it is natural that the Four Eyed golden lion has such power.

The Four Eyed Golden Lion and the golden giant launched a fierce fight. The most primitive fight was that every time the Four Eyed Golden Lion bombarded, the light on the golden giant was gradually dimmed. Obviously, the golden giant could not resist the Four Eyed Golden Lion, but similarly, the energy in the seal script was also greatly consumed.

Seeing that the golden giant's body had gradually begun to become transparent, Su Yu knew very well that the top priority was to let the golden giant stop the golden lion.

At that time, Su Yu's mouth gave out a roar, and immediately threw out a seal script in his hand.



After the enchantment was thrown out of Su Yu's hand, the amulet burst into a dazzling golden light in the void, just like a golden sun, and in a moment formed a dazzling golden light, which ran through the void and poured into it from the back of the golden giant.


All of a sudden, the golden giant burst out a stronger than just a breath, immediately a blow out, that burst out of the power, like the destruction of mountains, especially terror.

The Four Eyed golden lion also felt the power from the golden giant's fist, and took it seriously. A roar came out from his mouth. Suddenly, a sound wave spread out from his mouth. The real roar of the lion made countless trees break apart. At the same time, the ground was also full of "rumbling" cracks, flying sand and rocks, and the dust and smoke rolled like a giant Like waves, it's amazing.

The two energy waves hit each other so hard that the explosion sound is continuous. The terrible energy fluctuation spreads out, and then an energy storm is formed, which seems to tear the whole world into pieces.

Seeing this scene, Su Yu's eyes suddenly burst into a bright light, and immediately threw out a seal script again.

"Flame enhancer!"

The seal script quickly bloomed in mid air, forming a flame, which penetrated into the body of the golden giant.

The golden giant's body surface immediately had a red line of lines emerging, like a flame. Immediately, the golden giant roared and spread out with fierce energy fluctuations, forming a flame light column, which traversed the sky as if to burn the sky, and bombarded the golden lion with four eyes.

Naturally, the Four Eyed Golden Lion did not have any fear. It also opened its huge mouth basin and spewed out a golden light column to meet it.


At this moment, the sky and the earth are occupied by a loud noise, and the terrible energy fluctuations continue to spread, which makes the void seem to have a layer of ripples, which is extremely shocking.

For a while, the fight between the Four Eyed Golden Lion and the golden giant became extremely fierce at this moment.

Su Yu is also with a lot of Fu Zhuan, and the Four Eyed golden lion.

Only the dull two headed green tiger is lack of interest when he sees the scene in front of him, because he is very clear that the power of the golden giant is only temporary, and there is no way to last for long.

Moreover, the double headed green tiger can clearly see that the power of this golden giant is based on the seal characters in the hands of the human boy. When the seal characters in the hands of the human are used up, the golden giant will naturally have no energy to support. I'm afraid that without the help of the Four Eyed Golden Lion, the golden giant will collapse on its own?

Therefore, after understanding this point, the double headed green tiger is not willing to help the Four Eyed Golden Lion, and it is rare for such a long time that someone comes to play with him. If he takes the risk of getting involved, what should he do if he is not happy to fight himself?

This kind of thing has not happened, what's more, to fight a puppet, to be honest, the double headed green tiger has no interest.

At this moment, the double headed green tiger no longer pays attention to the battle situation of the Four Eyed Golden Lion and the golden giant, and turns its head to look at the battle between the scorpion Red Ape and Heng Yanlin on the high platform.

Immediately, the double headed green tiger was surprised to find that the scorpion Red Ape had no way to suppress hengyanlin. Instead, hengyanlin was advancing step by step, which made it a little surprised.

After all, this is a rare thing. You know, the red scorpion ape is the strongest among the three of them. Is it releasing water?

The double headed green tiger could not help but think about it. However, it quickly denied the idea, because it was very clear that their duty was here, so it was very clear that the scorpion Red Ape could not release water.

If the red scorpion did not release water, it means that the human who fights with the Red Ape does have the strength to compete with the red ape.

This really surprised the double headed green tiger. After all, such a thing never happened. After all, all the people who came here, except for their sleeping time, all the people they met were defeated.Don't say it is a breakthrough to the ladder on the high platform, even on the high platform can not go up.

But now this kid

Although it is said that the speed of his rush is really slow, but it is really moving forward, is climbing, not backward.

In this way, it is enough to give the double headed green tiger a great shock.

This let double headed green tiger eyes can't help but brush a fine awn, can't help but think in the heart: "this can still be very interesting ah!"

At present, the double headed green tiger squinted his eyes and yelled at the scorpion Red Ape: "Red Ape, I'll help you!"

After that, the double headed green tiger got up and stepped on the ground. At the same time, there was wind at the foot. There was green light flowing around. It was very fast. It ran towards the battlefield between hengyanlin and scorpion red ape.

Seeing the double headed green tiger running towards his side, the scorpion red ape who was fighting with hengyanlin just glanced at it lightly and didn't say anything more, because this boy is really very difficult to deal with. If he is not solved, it is possible to let him escape in.

However, for Heng Yanlin, his face changed slightly. He thought in his heart: "it's really like this. I know that this double headed green tiger will come to do things. Otherwise, I will surely grind this scorpion Red Ape to death, but fortunately, I have already prepared for it."

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