Heng Yanlin tirelessly in the experimenter, as if he has been incarnated as a erudite researcher, constantly testing and researching.

However, no matter how he studied, there was no way to solve the violent force produced by the condensed spirit balloon. He was completely unable to grasp the balance and stabilize it.

This is a difficult problem for Heng Yanlin.

However, although this situation makes hengyanlin feel uncomfortable, it doesn't matter. Although he is in a bad mood, he is very patient. After all, if he can develop it, it will be a big killer!

Therefore, hengyanlin will be so hard to carry out research.

However, although Heng Yanlin is very interested, but for the entire inheritance assessment space, it is very uncomfortable.

Because when Heng Yanlin studied the spirit balloon, he was constantly extracting the energy in the inheritance assessment space, so the energy running in the inheritance assessment space was also constantly being consumed. In this way, the entire inheritance assessment space could only continuously transmit energy.

But the problem is that the assessment in the inheritance assessment space is not in progress, and the sky ladder is also in a closed state, but now there is energy continuously extracted, leading to some confusion in the center of energy output undertaking the inheritance assessment space.

Obviously, the assessment is not in progress, but the energy in the inheritance assessment space is continuously consumed. In this way, if you want to keep the inheritance assessment space not closed, you can only continue to transmit energy into the inheritance assessment space.

But the problem is that the assessment in the inheritance assessment space is not running at all. Where is the energy consumed?

Therefore, should we continue to transmit energy to the inheritance assessment space?

All of a sudden, the operating background system has become a little down, and the message continues to pass to the information base of the system.


At the same time, in the unknown.

In the dark, there is a mighty power, like countless dragons roaring, which is frightening.

In the void, an ancient huge black stone is suspended, with the air of desolation.

On the black stone, there is a figure in black clothes sitting cross legged.

He sat there, just like a storm, and like the gorgeous sun, emitting an extremely bright breath, in the whole void space, it was particularly dazzling.


At this moment, the dark figure sensed something. Even if he raised his eyes slightly, there seemed to be stars in the broken eyes, the sun and the moon were disillusioned, just like the kingdoms of gods were crumbling.

A puzzled voice came out of his mouth and murmured to himself, "my great Xuanfu Is there something that even the idea of space can't solve? What's the matter? "

The dark figure closed his eyes slightly and began to feel what happened in the great Xuanfu. Immediately, a message came out of his mind. Immediately, he had learned the truth of the matter. At the moment, there was a strange color on his face. The mood in his heart was full of crying and laughing, and he thought to himself, "is there such a wonderful person ? This is really interesting... "

"It's a pity that I can't go back now. I can only let my own body solve it."

However, the black figure is also how can't think of, in the outside world unexpectedly still can have such person existence.

"Is it fear of responsibility? I don't think it's possible? So, what is it for? "

no matter what, the black figure is surprised, but also has some expectations. What kind of surprise can this boy bring to himself.

After all, the time of sealing is almost coming!

Thinking of this, a touch of sadness appeared on the black figure's face. With a sigh, he thought to himself: "it seems that only hope that there will be a successor who can inherit my road..."

With the fall of this voice, the whole chaos and nothingness is once again gradually subsided.

At this moment, in the inheritance assessment space, Heng Yanlin is still constantly studying his compressed spirit balloon.

He felt that he had tried so many times, so according to the truth, he should be about to succeed.

He has this intuition that he must succeed.

Once you succeed, you will have a big killer, and this big killer will become more powerful along with your own realm improvement, and it will never be out of date!

However, when Heng Yanlin was thinking about it, he found that there seemed to be a strange situation around him.

In that moment, Heng Yanlin quickly sensed this strange situation, because he found that he had no way to absorb the surrounding empty energy."What's the situation?"

When Heng Yanlin felt this situation, he frowned slightly and couldn't help shouting. He thought in his heart: "was it that the great Xuan King discovered that he was collecting wool, so he stopped the energy transmission of this inheritance assessment space?"

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin's face is the emergence of a touch of horror, can not help but exclaim: "is not it? Are you kidding? No, I don't want to be kicked out like this. My spirit balloon has not been completed yet. I still need a lot of energy to help me build it! "

Yes, at the beginning, Heng Yanlin really wanted to be kicked out, but now he really wanted to stay. After all, to compress Reiki, it takes countless energy as research resources to gather the compressed Reiki into a stable energy sphere, so that he can keep experimenting.

If he's kicked out of here, it's hard for him to try again, unless he's in the inner world.

However, if you want him to look at the current situation, I am afraid that only the place in front of him is safe, and there is almost unlimited energy available for him to carry out experiments, so he is not willing to leave.

"Maybe I'm hallucinating myself?"

Heng Yanlin thought in his heart like this, and immediately he closed his eyes and operated the star and moon resolution in his body to see if he was wrong.

However, in fact, hengyanlin did not feel wrong.

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