Hengyanlin's mouth slightly hook, and then gently touch the font, the font is gently dropped, and then a burst of white light, all things below are completely illuminated.


At this time, a series of slight noises were heard, and then we could see that the creatures in the nether world below were directly filled with thick white gas, as if they had been directly political and legal.

When they saw this, they were all stunned for a moment, and then there was a flash of joy on their faces. No matter what means Heng Yanlin used, it was obvious that the impact on these nether creatures was extremely great.


Under the light of the white light, these creatures in the nether world suddenly made a sound, a very painful roar. What the hell is this thing, shining on them, has a burning feeling.

"Hurry up and get rid of all these things!"

Under the light of the white light, everyone was stunned for a moment. Commander Wu on the side of the Party saw this and immediately snorted. Then he said, these things are obviously suppressed. In this case, these things are solved, but they are just right.

As commander Wu said, the crowd quickly recovered. Then they opened fire and killed all these things on the spot. But in a moment, all the dense things were killed.

At this time, people have time to look up and look into the air. In the middle of the sky, a mysterious and incomparable font is slowly rotating, constantly emitting a very white light, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"This is the letter?"

People looked at it for a while, although the font is incomparably complex, but they can see that it is a normal character.

As a matter of fact, this is a proper character. Among the orthodox sects handed down to the immortal cultivation world, this sect can be regarded as a very upright sect, and this seal was obtained by Heng Yanlin by chance.

Once the seal is used, any place with positive Qi can add infinite power to the font. It is to make use of the healthy qi and suppress all the heresy.

The positive Qi was originally the killer of this kind of thing. After Heng Yanlin used it, these low-level guys could not resist the erosion of the healthy qi.

Seeing that all the creatures in the nether world below were killed and killed one after another, there was no other thing running out of the hospital at this time. Heng Yanlin was trying to relax.

At this time, an incomparable black gas was emitted directly, and then it seemed to be a round cover, which directly diffused.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin suddenly snorted coldly. His feet and feet gently touched the orthography. Then the orthography burst into a burst of extremely bright light. Then he turned it gently, and then it expanded to several feet.


one after another seems to be the sound of light firecrackers. When the white light falls on the black fog, it directly blows up. The sound makes everyone feel chilly.

Under the pressure of the font, the fog finally stopped after it had spread tens of meters out of the hospital.

At this time, even in very remote places, we can see the strange appearance of Jianghai city. A thick fog, which seems to be extremely evil, is continuously emitting, as if it is a semicircle, which is directly inverted on the ground, covering a large area of the ground.

In the middle of the sky, a very bright font is slowly rotating, and then constantly emit a very bright light, which will be the fog, dead suppression on the ground.

The ordinary people in the distance, seeing this scene, all opened their mouths to a great extent, and then subconsciously turned on their mobile phones and began to record.

"Grass, what is this? Are we seeing gods? What kind of situation is this

A man who lived in a high building and had been awakened by the sound of the shell, looked at the distant situation. Originally, there was constant gunfire and the place where the fire was flashing. After a moment, such a situation appeared, which made him extremely shocked.

"God knows what it is, but what I can know is that the white light is definitely a good thing. I have a bad feeling that if the white light can not suppress the black gas, we will all suffer!"

One of his roommates, at this time, also looked at the situation, and then said, from their instincts, they forced them to stay away from the black fog.

When they see the white font, they can't help but want to be close. From this point, they can know that the white font is absolutely good.

What's more, the constant bombardment of the army just now seems to be the thing on the ground. At present, this thing is on the ground. You can know that it is absolutely not a good thing without thinking about it.But, this thing, in the end is what, they do not know, just in their hearts, are unable to help some doubt, this is not what God ghost thing?

If it is such a thing, once the things inside run out, how to deal with it? When people think of this, they can't help but have a headache.

Seeing that the thing was suppressed directly, Heng Yanlin was also slightly relieved. Then he jumped down from the font, and then fell to the ground, and then walked toward commander Wu. At the moment, hengyanlin looks a little pale. The power of the thing just displayed is not small, but the consumption of hengyanlin is not small. Fortunately, this thing relies on constantly absorbing the positive Qi around to maintain it. Therefore, hengyanlin does not need to absorb any spiritual power into it.

Otherwise, if you want to suppress this thing, I'm afraid that Heng Yanlin's strength will be directly squeezed dry.

"Well done, so I can suppress this thing!"

At this time, commander Wu walked towards Heng Yan Lin with a happy face. Then he opened his mouth and said. As he spoke, he couldn't help looking up at the distant things.

The closer he was, the more he could see the wonder of this thing and the greatness of it.

The huge font, the font, standing here, is able to feel their own weakness in general, and the black mask in the distance, like a tiger in the nest all the time, seems to jump up at any time to give people a hard blow.

However, it is this kind of thing, which is now suppressed by death. Both of them consume each other all the time. Looking at the state of the font, I think it will be able to hold on for a while.

Heng Yan Lin smell speech, is directly nodded, "fortunately is this thing, can also work some, otherwise, estimated that we are even tonight, are unable to endure."

At this time, Heng Yanlin can't help but sigh. In his heart, he starts to think about whether he should refine a flying sword or something after this matter is solved.

There is no magic weapon or flying sword. It's hard to deal with it.

If Heng Yanlin had such things as flying swords, he couldn't use such means to kill them.

"The power is absolutely enough. It's just this ostentation. It's too big."

Commander Wu couldn't help laughing bitterly at this time, and then said, at the beginning, Heng Yanlin said that the movement was a little big. He didn't care much about it. But now, it is estimated that the people around him are blind and can see it. Heng Yan Lin smell speech, looked at him, also did not say anything, know that the other side is just talking about it, there is no sense of blame in which, so he is not concerned.

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