Is it possible to break out such a fierce offensive despite the heavy foundation?

Are you kidding?

For the rest of his life, he didn't want to believe it. He stared at the xuelingxuan sword in Mu shishanyu's hand, narrowed his eyes and thought in his heart: "it seems that this spirit sword has increased her spirit power! This spirit sword seems to have a long history. You must get it! "

For the rest of my life, I still feel that if I can get this spirit sword, then my strength will definitely rise even more!

At the thought of this, the eyes that appeared in the eyes of the rest of my life became extremely greedy. I looked at Mu Shishan again and said, "girl, I'll give you one last chance. As long as you hand over your spirit sword, I can spare your life. What do you think?"

"Not so much."

For the rest of her life, Mu Shishan's pretty face showed a very firm look and said in a cold voice.

Seeing that Mu Shishan refused herself again without hesitation, the old man's face became extremely cold for the rest of his life. There was a strong opportunity to kill in his eyes. The cold voice said: "it's really stubborn. Since you want to die, the elder will help you!"

As the voice fell, the rest of his feet stepped forward heavily on the ground, and then a strong and incomparable energy breath burst out on him, which made his robes sound like hunting. Then the rest of his hands were also in the fast seal, and a thick aura quickly gathered in his hands.

With these auras gathered in the hands of the rest of his life, a very fierce breath quickly spread out between the hands, and then a roar like thunder resounded in the throat of the rest of his life:

"devil tiger flame!"


All of a sudden, countless auras rushed out, and quickly gathered into a black magic tiger surrounded by flames in the void. It exuded powerful and fierce power, stepped on the void and rushed towards mushishan. At the same time, the blood basin opened, and the thrilling roar also followed, just like the fierce tiger from the devil's land, to devour mushishan.

The fierce fire of magic tiger is a unique skill for the rest of his life. At this moment, he has no scruples. He wants to suppress Mu Shishan with the strongest attack and win the spirit sword in her hand.

At this moment, Mu Shishan is also pale, but she is very clear, now she can't back down, once she back down, then it's impossible to fight again.

Therefore, although Mu Shishan is very afraid, she still sticks to her head, and her eyes reveal a firm vision. She concentrates on injecting all the aura in her body into the snow spirit Xuan sword in the jade hand, and then "boom" and wave it fiercely. At the same time, a loud and clear voice slowly comes out in Mu Shishan's mouth:

"snow sky" Nine, the first - breaking snow sword! "


The void trembled and the cold filled. The snow-white sword shot from the snow spirit Xuan sword and hit the burning black magic tiger.


The black magic tiger let out a roar of anger, which seemed to be provoked by Mu Shishan's action. In a moment, the whole black magic tiger was burning, turned into a dark fire and collided fiercely.


The two energies collided fiercely in mid air, and the earth shaking sound broke out. One wave followed by another wave of energy waves spread out in all directions, causing the whole sword tower to vibrate slightly. The spiritual tattoos on the wall also kept flashing, as if they were resisting the energy waves.

Mu Shishan struggled to resist, and frantically injected the aura in her body into the snow spirit Xuan sword, which was passed to the silver white awn to resist the dark magic flame.

The dark flame is also in constant burning, vaguely, you can see a fierce tiger in the flame roaring, roaring, constantly sending out power, impacting the snow-white sword.

Although Mu Shishan's move "snow breaking sword" is enhanced by the blessing of the snow spirit Xuan sword, in any case, Mu Shishan has finally broken through to the double level of the construction environment, which is still unmatched for the high hand who has reached the high level of the construction environment for the rest of her life.

So, at this time, the rest of my life's eyes will bloom a bright light, at the same time, there is a cold smile on the corner of my mouth, and then my eyes suddenly widened, and a roar came out in my mouth. Then the remaining life's hands will "boom" again, burst out a more powerful aura, and delivered to the audience In the flames.

With more Aura support for the rest of his life, the devil's flame becomes stronger at this moment, destroying the snow-white sword at one stroke, and then crashing fiercely towards Mu Shishan with a crushing posture.

Seeing this, Mu Shishan's face suddenly changed. At this moment, she had no time to dodge. She could only lift the snow spirit sword in her hand and block her body."Bang!"

The evil flame heavily impacts on the snow spirit Xuan sword, and the spirit defense on the snow spirit Xuan sword is destroyed at this moment. After all, Mu Shishan has consumed almost 99% of her own spirit when she used the snow breaking sword, so at this moment, she really has no way to resist.

Therefore, the aura defense on the snow spirit Xuan sword is broken, and it has a hot, irascible force. It bombards Mu Shishan's body, and immediately Mu Shishan feels that her heart and blood are constantly churning, and her internal organs seem to be burning clean.

At the same time, the great power also blows Mu Shishan's delicate body up and falls heavily on the ground, which makes her pretty face look pale as paper. With a pop, her mouth spits out a mouthful of hot blood.


Purple spirit, who is fighting fiercely with other experts of Yu family, sees Mu Shishan being shot away. At the moment, she suddenly changes color and wants to rush to support her. However, at this moment, someone gives a cold laugh:

"Jie Jie I'm in danger and still want to save others. I really don't know what to do

As the voice fell, a Yu's family took a bold shot, forcing back purple charm, which forced purple charm to resist.

At this moment, the rest of his life was still looking at Mu Shishan, who fell on the ground. His eyes were full of playful eyes.

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