Biqu Pavilion , the fastest update of the city's best Xiandi!

After all, no one knows if this is the Liu family's plan?

If they suddenly attack from behind, then they are finished?

Therefore, even if the other members of the Liu family did not come forward, they must be on guard.

As for Liu Fei, seeing the move of the Yu family, she also thinks it's very good. At least in this way, they won't have to bear so much pressure.

However, in the final analysis, the real trend of victory or defeat depends on the fighting situation between Heng Yanlin and Yu Laozu.


The thunder like crashing sound is resounding in the void, causing countless energy fluctuations to spread out, shaking the whole space, just like a huge wave in the churning, roaring.

Immediately, Heng Yanlin felt a strange force on the surface of his fist, which was eroding his flesh and blood. He was making a "zizizi" sound, which made him feel a pain.


Heng Yanlin frowned slightly, and immediately the soles of his feet trampled heavily on the ground with a "bang". Then his body quickly retreated, and at the same time, his palms suddenly swung, trying to get rid of the aura on his fist.

However, this aura is extremely difficult. Heng Yanlin wants to shake it off, but no matter how he shakes it, there is no way to shake it off. It's like a flame sticking to it.

At the same time, it is constantly eroding its own flesh and blood and swallowing its own strength.

This makes hengyanlin's eyes reveal a touch of surprise. I didn't expect that it would be such a situation. This guy's aura of cultivation is actually mixed with corrosive, which really makes people have some accidents!

However, although these auras are extremely difficult, and even mixed with a corrosive effect, they are not too much trouble for Heng Yanlin, who is full of Qi and blood.

At the moment, Heng Yanlin suddenly clenched his hand, and then the power of flesh and blood quickly spread to Heng Yanlin's fist, forcibly obliterating these corrosive auras.

Immediately, Heng Yanlin raised his head slightly and looked at Yu's grandfather not far away. A calm look appeared on his handsome face, but a cold look appeared in his eyes. He said coldly: "I didn't expect that your aura actually contains a corrosive spirit."

"Yes, the aura I cultivated is very corrosive, but I didn't expect that you could annihilate it, which makes me a little surprised." Looking at Heng Yanlin, a ferocious smile appeared on the face of the Yu family's grandfather. With his white hair scattered around his shawl, he was just like a ghost.

"But even if you can really erase my aura, how many times can you erase it? I have the strength to build a solid foundation. No matter how strong your body is, it's hard to resist my attack! "

Yu's grandfather looked at Heng Yanlin with a sneer and said in a cold voice, "so now, I'll give you another chance. As long as you kneel down and surrender, I'll spare you a small life and let you serve for my Yu family. What do you think?"

"Not so much. If you think you want me to give in just because of the corrosive power of your aura, you look down on me too much, don't you?" Heng Yan Lin light smile, without hesitation refused up.

Hearing what hengyanlin said, Yu's grandfather knew that hengyanlin was determined not to surrender, but to have a hard time with himself, which made Yu's grandfather very upset. However, at this time, Yu's grandfather was too lazy to talk any more nonsense. He just gave out a heavy hum and said in a cold voice: "OK, Very good, very good. Since you want to die so much, I will help you! "


A powerful and very gloomy momentum erupted on Yu's body after he finished his words. Immediately, the soles of his feet were heavily trampled on the ground, and then "bang", the ground cracked in an instant. Then Yu's body shot out like a bow and arrow. In a flash, he appeared in front of Heng Yanlin and gave a slap Another hand toward Heng Yan Lin bombardment and go.

With the hands of Yu's ancestors, the dark aura is to cover hengyanlin with the power of erosion.

Although Heng Yanlin seems to be very indifferent on the surface, there are still some characteristics contained in the aura released by Yu's ancestors that make him feel thorny.

Moreover, Heng Yanlin wants to see how powerful the Yu family's ancestors are, so he doesn't expose all his cards at the first time. Even if the aura in his body is not released, it is well hidden in it. Then his body is constantly avoiding in the face of such auras.

For a moment, Heng Yanlin's body is like a monkey, jumping up and down, back and forth, constantly avoiding the aura attack of Yu's ancestors.

However, no matter how fast Heng Yanlin's speed is, he will still be infected with the aura of Yu's ancestors. As a result, Heng Yanlin's body is constantly making a "zizizi" corrosive sound, so that many parts of his clothes are corroded.And this kind of situation, also let everyone feel Heng Yanlin jump up and down to avoid the attack of Yu's ancestors, looking very embarrassed, seems to be at a disadvantage.

For the rest of my life, the old man's face was filled with a cold smile, waving his hands and bursting into a fiery aura, which enveloped the five elders of the Su family. At the same time, he made a joking remark:

"don't you rely on Heng Yanlin very much? Now he is not beaten up and down by our ancestors. You are doomed to die here today! "

The five elders of the Su family also shot out their hands bravely, with red aura surging out. They collided with each other fiercely, and burst out a bright aura, which seemed to turn this space into a sea of flames in an instant, and the temperature became more vigorous.

At this moment, hearing what he said for the rest of his life, the five elders of the Su family casually left the battlefield there. Immediately, a sneer appeared on their face, and they mercilessly retorted: "your ancestors can only be suppressed in this way. After that, he will be defeated by Mr. Lin because of his weakness."

"You are really stubborn, but this is impossible. Even if it is possible, you will not see it, because you will be killed by me!" For the rest of his life, he spoke scornfully.

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