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At the moment when the air burst out, the terrible momentum broke out. Immediately, the puppet giant's body had disappeared in the same place, and a gust of wind was set off. Then the puppet giant's body had appeared in front of Heng Yanlin, and a blow was blown out.


Suddenly, the mighty black aura sent out a very cold, cold breath, like a torrent towards the body of hengyanlin swept away.

Hengyanlin felt the surging fluctuation of this black aura. At the moment, a very beautiful radian was set off at the corner of his lips, and he laughed indifferently. Then at the same time, his eyes, like diamonds, were blooming with brilliant light, especially bright. Then he quickly raised his fist, moved his heart, and then came back The furious aura was in his body, shuttling along the meridians, and finally converged on his fists, pounding out.


The aura like gilding rushed out of Heng Yanlin's body, just like the golden ocean, emitting a domineering and rigid atmosphere, and then smashed into the black aura from the fist bombardment of the puppet giant.

At this moment, the black aura and gilt aura collided with each other, and the two powerful energy waves collided with each other, which broke out a brilliant light. At the same time, the terrible waves accompanied with the collision of the two energy waves broke out and spread, swept out in all directions, directly attracted tens of meters The ground is shaking up, raised countless dust.

Then, the strong impact is to beat back the two bodies.

Hengyanlin's body is also back again and again, just like the arrow shot out of the bow string, there is a whistling sound around, but soon hengyanlin's feet suddenly step on, it is a "bang", his feet on the ground hard, steady his body, don't let it continue to back.

But at the same time, the ground that he stamped under his feet made the whole ground crack, with cracks spreading out, like a huge spider web, which made people feel terrible at a glance.

Seeing that his body is impacted and regressed by the energy fluctuation, Heng Yanlin's handsome face shows a look of amazement, but soon this look of amazement turns into a look of excitement. Looking at the puppet giant's eyes, they are extremely hot. It's just like seeing something that makes him passionate. He can't help but say: "Good!"


However, the puppet giant has no emotion fluctuation. After his body is repulsed, his body shakes slightly, and then stabilizes his body. Even if the soles of his feet are trampled on the ground, the ground is directly cracked, and then his body bursts out again, clenching his fist, waving and pausing At that time, a series of aura rushed out of his fist, swept across the void, turned into a series of black boa constrictors, breathed the snake letter, and shot at hengyanlin.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin immediately clapped his hand forward. Countless gold-plated auras rushed out, and quickly gathered in front of him to form a light shield, blocking in front of him.

"Boom boom..."

All of a sudden, a black Python hit the gilt shield heavily, and burst out a clear explosion sound.


However, at this time, Heng Yanlin's ear heard a slight break, and immediately he felt a dangerous breath behind him.

This makes hengyanlin's face slightly changed, quickly turned around, and immediately a black figure appeared in his eyes, but he was a puppet giant. He didn't know when he had appeared here, and then hit hengyanlin fiercely.


Heng Yanlin had no time to dodge at this time, and he was hit in the chest by the puppet giant's fist.

The huge force directly hit hengyanlin's chest is sunken down, at the same time, you can also hear a dull sound of "click" in the body, but the ribs are broken, and then hengyanlin's body was hit out, flying upside down, full of more than ten meters, hard hit on the ground, set off the dust and smoke all over the sky.


However, the puppet giant will not stop attacking like this, because he has firmly locked in the life Qi of hengyanlin. As long as hengyanlin still has the breath of life, the puppet giant's attack will not stop, but will continue until hengyanlin is killed by him.

Therefore, when the puppet giant saw Heng Yanlin's body flying upside down, he also flew out, and then trampled heavily on the ground, his body soared up, suspended in the air, his hands folded together, and then his palms fell down, and then his aura gathered together, forming a series of black light cannons, which were bombarded continuously , fell on the ground where hengyanlin was.

"Boom boom..."For a moment, countless explosions resounded on the earth, and immediately the terrible energy wave was raging, and countless dust and smoke were rolling and surging, rising high, forming layers of dust waves, which was extremely shocking.


However, in this dust and smoke, there is a shock wave burst out, directly from the earth into the sky.

It's not a shock wave, it's hengyanlin's body.

He seemed to have nothing to do with it, and his whole body was flowing with gold-plated spirit, just like a god of war in gold.

Seeing hengyanlin coming towards him, the energy light cannons in the puppet giant's hands burst out faster, and these energy light cannons split at the moment when they were shot out. They spread all over the world and directly came towards hengyanlin.

For the energy fluctuations contained in these energy photoelastics, Heng Yanlin didn't dare to fight hard even though he was no matter how tough his body was. That would only hurt him badly.

So when Heng Yanlin saw this scene, his palm was suddenly thrown, and there was a light blooming. The broken star sword had already appeared in his palm. Then he swept forward, and there was a half moon shaped gilded sword awn shot out quickly, towards these energy bullets.

"Boom boom..."

All of a sudden, the harsh sound of explosion resounded in the air, deafening. At the same time, there were countless streamers splashing out, dazzling, so that the whole sky was shrouded in a gilded and black color.

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