After telling that major general what he needed to buy, that major general left the camp with a look of pleasant surprise on his face and then went back to work. If it was like what Eternal Yan Forest had said, then the combat strength of the small team would be able to increase in a straight line. Who wouldn't like this!

Thinking about this, the major general was filled with motivation. He was ready to supervise everything that Eternal Yan Lin had just said.

He did not expect that this woman was still a part of the group of sharp blades. However, Lu Danxi did not express that it would not be good for him to act against her, and immediately found a stool to sit on as he waited in boredom for these fellows to wake up.

A few minutes later, the big fellow was the first to wake up. As he saw Eternal Yan Lin and his fallen comrades, the corners of his mouth immediately twitched. He then obediently stood in front of Lin Ming, not saying a single word.

He didn't need to guess to know what had happened before. All of his fellow comrades-in-arms had been chosen by the Eternal Yan Forest. Although he didn't know what exactly had happened, when he faced the Eternal Yan Forest, the massive gap between them was like heaven and earth. It was enough to let him know that his fellow comrades-in-arms had lost miserably.

The Eternal Yan Forest had come here to be their instructor to begin with. Since the Eternal Yan Forest was so powerful, it was only a matter of time before they were all selected. This meant that the Eternal Yan Forest had the qualifications to be their instructor.

If that was the case, then he wouldn't have any more objections. He would just stand there and listen to what Lin Ming had to say and teach him.

Although they weren't able to last for much longer in the hands of Lin Hengyan Forest, it didn't mean that the strength of these special forces weren't good enough. After a moment, these special forces all woke up and looked at each other, their faces turning red.

They, who were known as the most powerful troops in the army, were actually picked by a young man just like that. It was hard for them not to blush, but after blushing, they immediately became incomparably happy.

If this person was so powerful, then wouldn't their strength have increased a little if they were trained in his hands? And if this person was so powerful, then if they were trained in his hands, wouldn't their strength have increased a little?

As everyone thought of this, in front of Lin Ming, everyone was enthusiastically looking at him, hoping that he would start training as soon as possible.

"How many kilometers can your normal limits travel?"

Eternal Yan Forest looked at these special forces and then asked.

"The limit is 30 kilometers. This was tested a few days ago."

After the captain heard what Eternal Yan Lin said, he immediately said with a hint of pride. Eternal Yan Lin didn't have any expression on his face. To them, it could be said that he was proud, but to Eternal Yan Lin, it was only that.

"The limit of carrying weight is fifteen kilometers across, and then when you return, you have to be fast. Do you understand?"

Eternal Yan Lin waved his hand and shouted out to the soldiers. When the soldiers heard this, they immediately responded with a loud and clear sound. Then, they hurriedly carried their loads and set off. They did not need Eternal Yan Lin to say anything.

They were all elites among the soldiers. Currently, they had already submitted to Eternal Yan Lin and now that Eternal Yan Lin had given the order, they who had followed the order naturally didn't hesitate and directly set off with their loads.

More than an hour later, the small team with sharp blades slowly returned to the camp, breathing heavily. It was different from when they first started. They seemed to have overused their strength.

Like what the captain said, the limit was their true limit. The reason they could run back now was because they had witnessed just how powerful the Eternal Yan Forest was. With regards to their desire for power, they naturally went all out.

As for the campsite, after they returned, there were already over ten huge wooden barrels that were emitting steam. As for the Eternal Yan Forest, they would occasionally add some medicinal ingredients into them.

This was what the Eternal Yan Forest had requested the major general to buy. After hearing that the Eternal Yan Forest needed these items to increase their strength, the general hadn't hesitated at all. In just tens of minutes, these medicinal ingredients had been shipped here.

The barrels were all installed by them, and the Eternal Yan Forest was just at their side, directing them.

Seeing the small team of Sharp Blades return, Eternal Yan Lin put down what he was doing and walked in front of the small team. Seeing that they were all exhausted, he nodded his head in satisfaction and said.

"Now I'll hand over a body forging technique to you. You guys just watch and see!"

After he finished speaking, he immediately displayed the body forging technique in front of everyone. This body forging technique was not very complicated. In all seriousness, it was extremely simple. However, training required some harsh requirements.

The first was to temper one's body after one's physical strength was exhausted. The effect would be very good. The second was to combine the medicinal ingredients together and carry out a special absorption process, allowing one to have the ability to temper one's body.

Exercise wasn't only able to train their bodies, but also their reaction speed. It was able to greatly increase their speed. In a place like this where spiritual energy was lacking, the body forging technique was undoubtedly the most suitable for this.

However, the value of these medicinal ingredients were also quite high. These medicinal ingredients just now were worth millions. These medicinal ingredients were only enough for them to use for two days. Therefore, they were also a kind of money burning item.

It was only after that young general had experienced the strength of Eternal Yan Lin that he believed in his words. Otherwise, even if he was a young general, he wouldn't have spent millions to buy medicinal herbs just because of this.

The body forging technique was not complicated. Therefore, after Eternal Yan Lin grew up, Lu Danxi and the others memorized it. After which, they let the Eternal Yan Lin take off their burdens and began to fight.

A moment later, he saw that everyone's posture had improved a little, so he asked them to start their own punches, while he returned to the wooden barrel and began to mix the medicinal ingredients.

"Do you feel any tingling sensation on your body?"

Logically speaking, one shouldn't speak carelessly during training. However, after practicing the Body Refinement Fist a few times, the big man felt that something was wrong. Under unbearable conditions, he turned to his comrade and asked.

"There is indeed a little bit. It seems that this feeling is slowly increasing."

After biting his lips as he spoke, he began to practice body tempering techniques again. The big fellow slightly turned his head and saw that the others' expressions were the same as his own. They were slightly pale and their bodies were constantly twisting.

This twist caused the originally standard body tempering technique to show a trace of something wrong. However, this trace of something wrong seemed to have caused their bodies to become even more out of place.

After all of the medicinal baths were prepared in the Eternal Yan Forest, the body tempering techniques of these special forces were all crooked and could not be put into practice. After all, after the Eternal Yan Forest had finished arranging all of their body tempering techniques, the body tempering techniques of these special forces were all crooked and could not be used anymore.

When Eternal Yan Lin saw this, he did not laugh at them. Instead, he quietly watched them practice their body tempering technique, and with such a strong heart, everyone began to grit their teeth in an attempt to make a standard move, but unfortunately, it was not quite the same, as the body tempering technique was still incomparably awkward. Not only that, their bodies felt increasingly itchy and unbearable.

After seeing that everyone was unable to bear it any longer, Eternal Yan Lin waved his hand to signal for them to stop. He pointed to the wooden bucket behind them and said, "Take off your clothes and jump in."

After everyone heard this, they did not hesitate at all and directly walked in front of the wooden barrel. After taking off all of themselves, they jumped into the barrel, and at this time, Lu Danxi's face flushed red and she fiercely glared at Eternal Yan Lin. She then walked over to the last barrel and took away the comrade who wanted to take over the barrel.

The comrade who had been kicked for no reason turned his head angrily and was about to say something, but when he met Lu Danxi's gaze, he immediately stopped his thoughts and ran over to another barrel.

When the crowd saw this, they wanted to laugh and tease her, but upon seeing her fierce gaze, their necks shrank. They quickly turned their heads away, not daring to look at her.

"Instructor, what's in this barrel?"

Everyone looked at the barrel and saw that it was filled with green boiling water. They were scared stiff. No matter how they looked at it, it seemed to be boiling water. If they jumped into it, they would really die.

"This is a medicinal bath concocted with over a million wasted medicinal herbs. If you want to enter, go ahead. It's fine if you don't want to enter, since you're not spending my money."

Seeing everyone's hesitation, the Eternal Yan Lin immediately waved his hand and said. In any case, he was only responsible for making them stronger. As for whether or not they would listen to him, that was up to them.

This was something that they had begged him to hand over to them. It was not that he had requested for them to be handed over. If he, an Immortal Emperor, were to request for others to hand over to him for training, wouldn't he lose his identity?


When the crowd heard this, they immediately fell silent. They had thoughts of dying, but just as they were about to jump in, the sound of someone jumping into the medicinal bath came from behind them.

The crowd did not turn back. They knew that Lu Danxi had entered the medicinal bath. Even though she was the only girl among them, her strength could be said to be the most violent. In the team, no one could beat her.

Furthermore, they usually did things without procrastination, and when they heard this voice, they naturally knew that it was Lu Danxi who jumped into the medicinal bath. No one dared to look back, because once they did, they would know that their future was going to be very bleak!

It was different from the hot water that they had imagined. The water was just a little hot, but the clearest feeling was that after his body entered the medicinal bath, it seemed to be absorbing something, and everyone could clearly feel that their bodies seemed to be growing stronger bit by bit.

When they felt this situation, everyone was delighted. They could not wait to soak their entire bodies in it and feel themselves slowly becoming stronger.

Eternal Yan Forest didn't bother about them. After being tossed around for so long, they were a bit hungry and hadn't eaten in the morning. Fortunately, there was a chef here, so after making some arrangements, they brought a roasted chicken over.

Currently, Eternal Yan Forest was sitting on the side, eating roasted chicken while watching everyone's situation in case something bad happened. However, if one were to talk about hunger, these special forces were also hungry. After all, overdrawing their strength wasn't so easy.

Now that they saw Lin Hengyan Lin eating the roasted chicken, everyone was extremely envious. However, they only dared to watch from the side and didn't dare to have any thoughts about it.

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