"Of course not! What am I doing when I'm full? "

Heng Yanlin's inquiry directly led to Mu Shishan's strong negation, which made her lose a big white eye. Then she continued to say: "as I have just said, since I have lost, although you protect me, fundamentally, I have lost. If I lose, I will not break my promise. I can't fight him any more, and there's no need for that. "

"Really?" Hearing Mu Shishan's reply, Heng Yanlin's eyebrows slightly picked up. A touch of curiosity appeared on his handsome face. He asked again.

Hearing the inquiry from hengyanlin, Mu Shishan's delicate and pretty face showed a very wordless look. Even though she threw a big white eye at hengyanlin, she said: "nonsense, as for me, do I lie to you on this issue?"

After finishing this sentence, Mu Shishan raised her head and looked at the rest of her life. She said coldly, "I don't know what you want to do, but since I lost the fight with you just now, I won't fight you, so you can rest assured!"

After explaining these words for the rest of her life, Mu Shishan looked at Heng Yanlin, spread her hand, and said: "well, now, you should be satisfied?"

Seeing that Mu Shishan had taken the initiative to explain to the rest of his life, this made Heng Yanlin's pretty face appear a color of confusion. His eyes, like diamonds, were shining with bright light. At the same time, he thought in his heart: "strange, if it's not his wife, then who would want to deal with the rest of his life? There are not many threats here for the rest of my life! "

After all, although the realm of remaining life is indeed falling, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. His strength and experience can make him deal with many things. Who knows if he has any cards on hand for the rest of his life, such as the just changed amulet, but no one thought that he would have such cards before.

It's just, who is it?

But also can let the rest of life also cause such a big threat, even at the expense of their own voice to say such words.

Forget it, hengyanlin didn't want to think about it any more. Anyway, he didn't have much to do with himself. He immediately put all this behind him. Then he gave mushishan a smile and said, "I didn't want to misunderstand you. I don't think you need to explain so much to him."

"Whatever. Anyway, he has already said that. I'll explain it casually." Mu Shishan said faintly, but then she continued to ask, "but how does that aura compression work? I haven't learned yet. Would you like to teach me? "

"Do you want to learn?" Hearing Mu Shishan's question, a faint smile appeared on Heng Yanlin's handsome face and asked her in a voice.

"Of course, I want to learn it. It's a kind of magic. If I can master it, then we can't be found whispering." Mu Shishan said with a smile.

"Well, since you want to learn, I'll teach you. In fact, it's very simple. Look..."

As a result, Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan fell into a very loving interactive teaching.

As for the rest of his life, after hearing Mu Shishan's words, he saw that Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan were already doing something else, which made his old face appear speechless. But soon, he felt a strong feeling of confusion and thought to himself, "is Nan Dao really not the two of them? But if it wasn't for the two of them, who else would want to kill me? And it makes me feel so dangerous? What's the matter? Is there anyone else here? "

For the rest of his life, he glanced at the Su and Liu families and thought to himself, "is it on them?"

However, the idea for the rest of his life is the same as that of Heng Yanlin. The Liu family doesn't have anything in line with their interests to attack him, while the Su family's guys, who are so weak that they can't come to him.

So who is it?

"Is it Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan? They are just hiding their ears and stealing their bells now? The real purpose is to let me down my guard, so that I can be solved quickly? "

The rest of his life is still thinking about this in his mind. He thinks that only this explanation is the most reasonable, and only in this way can he have a reasonable reason for the faint sense of crisis in his mind.

"Come on, no matter whether they want to attack me suddenly or not, I have to be alert to them. Otherwise, if the boat capsizes in the sewer, it's really bad!"

For the rest of his life, he decided to be vigilant against Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan. After all, he had already paid such a high price, and almost spent all his strength and cards. If this continues, there is no way to survive. Is it really too miserable?At this time, Yu can already put Yu Erjia's body on the ground, and then whispered to him, "brother Jia, don't worry, I will take revenge for you. I won't let this son of a bitch live in this world unharmed. You wait, I will take revenge for you right away!"

With these words, Yu can slowly stood up and looked at the rest of his life. He looked indifferent and his eyes were full of Mori Han's murderous opportunities.

Seeing that Yu can looked at him, the rest of his life also took back his mind. On his old face, a smile of irony appeared, and he said contemptuously, "what's the matter, Yu can? Have you finally thought about going to Yama with Yu Erjia to report? "

Hearing what he said in the rest of his life, Yu can uttered a heavy hum, and then Sen Han appeared on his face. In a cold voice, he said, "it's not me who should go to report to King Yama, it's you!"

Hearing Yu can's threat, he laughed for the rest of his life and sneered: "it's up to you? Want me to report to Yama? Do you think you are qualified for that? "

"If you have the qualification, wait a minute, you will know!"

Finish saying this words, Yu can no longer have any hesitation, the soles of his feet heavily stamped!

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