The rest of his life nodded, opened his mouth and continued to say: "yes, it's really like this. Because of this, we only know a little about that organization. However, based on various situations, we can normally maintain the operation of this organization. At the same time, because we understand the operation of folding space array, we can avoid the spirit Air storm, safe and sound in the research

"So, you mean you already know how to use that folded space array?" Hearing what he said for the rest of his life, a touch of surprise appeared on Heng Yanlin's handsome face. He immediately asked.

At this point, the deep of Heng Yanlin's eyes is a cold color, immediately in his heart secretly thought: "if the Yu family really mastered the folding space array, it's not a small thing, but it's not right. If the Yu family really mastered the folding space array, according to the truth, it shouldn't be like this, so They don't understand the principle of folding space array? "

Hearing Heng Yanlin's inquiry, a look of amazement appeared on his old face for the rest of his life. He couldn't help asking: "ah? I beg your pardon? What use? "

"That's the principle. Do you understand it?"

Hearing the puzzled color on his face for the rest of his life, Heng Yanlin's eyes revealed a trace of deep thinking. He immediately asked, because he wanted to know how much he had mastered the folding space array for the rest of his life. However, looking at the expression on his face for the rest of his life, he didn't seem to know anything.

Heng Yanlin's eyes were staring at his face for the rest of his life. It seemed that he wanted to see through everything on him. He felt creepy for the rest of his life and couldn't help swallowing his saliva. However, he replied very seriously: "we only limited the folding space array in that organization to the initial stage of being able to use it. What's the purpose of it Although we have made great efforts to study and excavate all these, we have no clue at all. "

After hearing what he said for the rest of his life, Heng Yanlin narrowed his eyes and asked: "is it like this?"

The rest of his life also heard this, and now he nodded, just like a chicken pecking rice, and said: "yes, it's like this. I dare not cheat you at all."

Hengyanlin heard the last words of the rest of his life. A faint smile appeared on his handsome face. He opened his mouth and said, "I naturally know that you dare not cheat me. After all, if you dare to cheat me, I'm afraid you would have become a corpse and no longer exist."

After hearing what Hengyan said, he just swallowed his saliva for the rest of his life. He nodded and said, "yes, if Lord Lin really wants to kill me, then I can't live here to talk to you now."

Hengyanlin also didn't expect that he could become so humble in order to survive for the rest of his life. Hengyanlin couldn't help shaking his head. Even though he was indifferent, he said, "in that case, hand in the map."

"What map?"

Hengyanlin suddenly said this sentence, let the rest of his life also old face is to emerge a look of consternation, completely did not think why hengyanlin would say such a topic.

Hengyanlin heard the words of the rest of his life, his handsome face was a look of indifference. He opened his mouth and asked in a cold voice: "it's up to now. Do you still want to pretend to me?"

After hearing what hengyanlin said, a very helpless expression appeared on his face for the rest of his life. Then looking at hengyanlin, his eyes were full of humble eyes. Then he looked at hengyanlin and said to him, "Mr. Lin, I really don't know what map you are talking about. If I know, I will be happy It must have been handed in the first time

Hengyanlin heard this, immediately felt a burst of speechless, thought: "are you really pretending to be stupid, or really don't know?"

At present, Heng Yanlin said coldly, "the map I'm talking about is naturally the map of the organization you're talking about."

"Oh, it's this map!"

After hearing what hengyanlin said, the rest of his life suddenly realized that Xuan nodded to hengyanlin, opened his mouth and said, "there must be one. I'll copy it to you now."

With these words, the rest of his life is to quickly lift up the device on his wrist, and then quickly copy a copy, and then condense a U disk, and then hold the U disk in both hands, and then the old face is full of flattering smile, handed to the wilderness.

Heng Yanlin stretched out his palm and took the U-disk over. Then he took a look at the U-disk in his hand. Even if he raised his head slightly, he looked at the rest of his life and asked aloud, "so, is this map really in here?""It's true, it's true. I didn't cheat Mr. Lin. if I cheat Mr. Lin, I'm sure I'll die!" Heard hengyanlin asked, the rest of his life did not want to say it directly.

"I hope you'd better not cheat me. Otherwise, even if you leave here, it's hard for you to get out of xuanming's house." Heng Yanlin's handsome face showed a look of indifference and heartlessness. Even if he looked at the rest of his life coldly, he said in a cold voice.

The rest of my life, I still heard the words and shook my brain crazily. Then I opened my mouth and said, "yes, yes, the map in this USB flash disk is absolutely true. There can't be any fake. No matter how bold I am, I won't do anything here. After all, I still want to live!"

"I hope what you said is true."

Heng Yanlin looked at the rest of his life, his eyes were extremely cold. Even if he turned his head slightly, he handed the U disk to the five elders of the Su family, and then he said in a low voice: "five elders, please see if there are any traps in it, and see if he wants to harm my heart."

Hearing what hengyanlin said, the five elders of the Su family answered, and then took the U disk from hengyanlin.

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