"I don't know? It looks a little strange. "

Zeng Jiaxue took a look at hengyanlin, and then he concealed the look in his eyes. Then he asked hengyanlin.

"Oh, this is Xu Shanyue's boyfriend. It's the first time we've met."

Hearing Zeng Jiaxue's inquiry, that shangxinqiao was immediately pleased in her heart. Then she responded in a hurry, and then opened her mouth. She didn't expect that Zeng Jiaxue was so direct in asking Heng Yanlin, which seemed to be extremely urgent.

In this way, Zeng Jiaxue will not be very polite to hengyanlin.

Listening to Zeng Jiaxue asking Heng Yanlin, Xu Shanyue's Willow eyebrows wrinkled slightly. She looked at him with some impatience. Her heart was filled with disgust. It had been so long in the past, and she had already put it down. Now what do you want to know about her?

"That's the case. It's good for this friend to sit down first. If I have to entertain these old students, I can't entertain you any more. I hope I can forgive you for any improper hospitality."

Zeng Jiaxue listened to this positive response, a cold flash on his face, looked at Heng Yan Lin, nodded gently, and then said quite coldly.

This kind of speaking skills are also very high, said that is to entertain students, can not entertain Heng Yan Lin, in fact, means that these are his old classmates, he needs to entertain, you, an outsider, don't come to join in the fun.

Hengyanlin heard this, but it was reasonable and lazy. He was just a clown. He didn't feel that he needed to pay attention to anything. Even though he was a classmate of Xu Shanyue, he could not let Heng Yanlin tolerate each other all the time. After Zeng Jiaxue said this, he was very proud. He thought that he would be very angry when he was run by himself like Heng Yanlin. However, he did not think that Heng Yanlin looked down at the table in front of him. He did not want to pay attention to his words.

This makes Zeng Jiaxue's face become gloomy and incomparable. This guy is more arrogant than he imagined!

"Since everyone is here, let's serve the dishes first. I think everyone should be hungry."

Zeng Jiaxue gave Heng Yanlin a cold look, then he gave a smile to the crowd, and then said, since this guy is so uninteresting, there is still plenty of time to teach this guy well in a moment.

When Zeng Jiaxue finished speaking to the crowd, he called in the waiters, and then slowed down his voice. He ordered all the dishes, so that the waiter could bring the dishes up now.

"At that time, when we were in college, we were still very young and childish. We didn't expect that in a flash, we all became like this. The time passed really fast."

Seeing that all of them are coming together, they are all sitting on the table. One of the men, taking a look at his old classmates, said with a little emotion. At this time, the rest of the people also responded to it one after another. This sentence directly aroused their feelings. When Zeng Jiaxue saw this, he also gave a little smile. On the one hand, he found out some past events, talked and laughed with the public, and then sometimes brought Xu Yiyue into the topic.

In this, although other students, there are also some people with some of their own friends, but they are very harmonious integration into the inside, and Heng Yanlin is in the exclusion of Zeng Jiaxue intentionally or unintentionally, directly excluded from the outside.

Heng Yanlin is naturally aware of this, but he does not care at all, just let him talk to these people. He does not want to say something to these strangers, and then he has to go to deal with them.

Now he is alone, so well stay in place, do not know how good, but he is not willing to bother with these people what.

While talking to the crowd, Zeng Jiaxue paid attention to Heng Yanlin. When he saw Heng Yanlin himself, he was still in a state of carefree and carefree. He did not feel any sense of embarrassment at all. His heart sank and his face flashed a look of displeasure.

This guy is so thick skinned that he still looks calm at this moment. If he was an ordinary person, he would have already looked ashamed and angry. How could he be so calm?

"By the way, I didn't hear from you later. I don't know where you work now? What did you do? "

A classmate on one side, looking at Zeng Jiaxue's gorgeous appearance, has already been full of speculation in his heart, and directly asked about it.

"Zeng Jiaxue, he is the best one at present. He is probably the best among us. You don't know what car Zeng Jiaxue drove when we just had an accident on the road."

Listening to one side of the student's inquiry, a former and later classmate, at this time, directly cut in and said a word, while speaking, in the eyes, also showed a very envious look out.Seeing this situation, they were surprised immediately and then looked at him and asked.

"What kind of car can amaze you so much? Let's talk about it. Isn't it Lamborghini?"

That Shang Xinqiao is also full of curiosity at the moment, and then open his mouth to ask, while asking is looking at the side of Heng Yan Lin, the meaning in the eyes is very clear.

Look at other people, look at you, people are able to drive a good car out, although do not know what car, but it is absolutely very good, if not, how can their classmates be so surprised, it is not something that has not seen the world.

And that Heng Yan Lin, actually is sitting in the car that Xu Shan Yue drives to come over, think about shame.

Heng Yanlin's eyes droop, but he doesn't pay attention to this guy. He is a very annoying guy. There is no need to pay attention to it. What's more, what makes him speechless is that this guy still shows off his Zhuqing liquid?

The way to show off is still very strange. "Lamborghini isn't, but it's almost where it went. It's millions of business cars. It's estimated that Zeng Jiaxue drove such a car because he was afraid of such a situation. Otherwise, he could afford to buy such a car and a top-notch sports car, and I think it's also affordable."

After hearing this, the student directly shook his head and said what he saw. The car was a business car. If it wasn't for this car, they would not be able to sit down.

"In fact, Zeng Jiaxue is really low-key. If it was someone else, he would have been able to afford such a car. He would have driven some top-notch small bridge car, and he would have been driving such a car. He would have been like a driver."

Another student, who was received, nodded his head at this time, and then echoed, generally speaking, people who drive business cars belong to the category of drivers.

However, seeing Zeng Jiaxue's current dress and confident temperament, they didn't think that Zeng Jia learned to be a driver.

"Wow, Jiaxue, I haven't seen you for a few years. You're such a good jerk now. In the future, you should pay more attention to your old classmates. You don't know, I'm a jerk now. I have no face to say."

"Yes, looking at you guys, I'm very envious. I'm sorry to see me. Fortunately, Zeng Jiaxue keeps a low profile. If you keep a high profile and drive some super cars, we won't have to come."

Other people, joking at this time, said that they did not expect that Zeng Jiaxue, the last one, had such financial resources.

Think about the time before, some of them, but they have been talking about what industry they are doing and how much money they can earn. In the past, I thought that some of them were very good, but now I look at Zeng Jiaxue. They feel that their faces are all lost.

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