Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin raised his head, and a serious color appeared on his handsome face. Immediately, his heart moved, and his mind sank into the heaven and earth ring, and began to explore what was inside.

Soon, Heng Yanlin touched a hard thing, and his eyes suddenly burst into a bright light. Even in his heart, he thought, "found it!"

Then, his heart moved, and Heng Yanlin suddenly threw out his palm, and then a hard black stone appeared in his palm.

There are countless lines on the surface of this black stone, which looks quite strange. At the same time, its structure is in an irregular triangular body, as if it had not been carved naturally.

At present, Heng Yanlin pulled out a faint smile on the corner of his lips, suddenly raised his head and looked at the increasingly violent energy in the sky, even on the edge of losing control.

In the void, there also began to appear traces of vibration, visible to the naked eye, rippling in bursts.

Obviously, if it continues like this, this energy will break this place.

At that time, I'm afraid the whole world on the first floor will have a chain reaction and collapse and explode directly because of this.

At that time, the consequences will be uncontrollable!

Fortunately, however, hengyanlin has a solution.

Heng Yanlin threw the irregular triangular black stone in his hand, and a faint smile appeared on his handsome face. Looking at the increasingly violent energy fluctuations in the sky, his eyes suddenly widened, and the dazzling light burst out like lightning.

Then, his mind moved, which was to inject the aura into the irregular triangular black stone. Immediately, his palm suddenly threw up, throwing the irregular triangular black stone out.

"Leave you!"


At that moment, this irregular triangular black stone shot out and flew towards the increasingly inflated energy wave.

At the moment of shooting, the irregular triangular black stone began to bloom with bright light on the surface because of the aura injected by hengyanlin. It didn't take long to grow directly, and at the same time, a strong pulling force broke out on the black stone.

At that moment, the violent energy on the sky was frantically sucked by it, making the volume of the black stone become larger and larger, just like a ball filled with gas, and these gases are these violent energy.

However, it took only a dozen breaths, and all the violent energy in the sky that could explode the world at any time was absorbed by the irregular triangular black stones.

At that moment, the whole world became clear, without any destruction and violent energy floating.

Only an irregular triangular black stone that is 100 meters tall stays in the void.

But soon, countless lights were blooming on the surface of the black stone. Immediately, lines released a terrible breath of energy, and then a "Dong" sound, like the sound of a stone thrown into the pool, followed by a "boom" sound, the whole black stone directly collapsed, compressed, and finally disappeared clean, no longer exists, as if it had never appeared here.


An earth shaking noise rang out, and the Tyrannosaurus Rex flying in midair fell from the sky and landed on the ground mercilessly, directly causing the ground to collapse in an instant. At the same time, countless dust and smoke rolled up, like a huge wave, tumbling.

T-Rex straightened his body, raised his head and looked at Heng Yanlin. His eyes showed incredible eyes, and asked, "what did you just do? Why did that energy compress and disappear directly?"

Heng Yanlin looked at Tyrannosaurus Rex. A bright smile like sunshine appeared on his handsome face and said aloud, "guess what I did?"

Tyrannosaurus Rex saw that Heng Yanlin actually showed such a face, which made its just dissipated anger surge out of its chest like a volcanic eruption at this moment. Immediately, his eyes were full of fierce eyes, and he shouted angrily, "son of a bitch, labor management, what did you just do? If I don't kill you, I'm not Tyrannosaurus Rex!"


Another roar full of anger rolled out of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's throat, and immediately another red pillar of fire spewed out of the Tyrannosaurus Rex's mouth.

This red column of light is thicker and larger than the previous two, and even directly split into three red columns of fire, emitting a burning breath to the extreme. The temperature of the whole space soared in vain, as if it had come to the purgatory desert.

"En? How can it split? This is really interesting. Tyrannosaurus Rex, when did you learn this skill? Why don't I know?"

Seeing that the red pillar of fire was directly split into three lines and bombarded towards him, Heng Yanlin's eyes widened slightly, and at the same time, a look of surprise appeared. He felt very incredible and couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Interesting, you ghost, you die for labor!"

Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, the Tyrannosaurus Rex angrily scolded again, opened his mouth again, and spewed out a red pillar of fire. Immediately, it split again, and turned into three red pillars of fire and shot away.

Suddenly, six red pillars of fire erupted, just like a volcanic eruption, enveloping Hengyan forest.

"Ouch, is the energy in your body inexhaustible? It's too bad to be able to spray such three pillars of fire again!"

Heng Yanlin saw that the Tyrannosaurus Rex could also spit out three split red pillars of fire to attack him, which made his eyes widen. At the same time when he said this sentence, his heart was full of confusion. What was the matter with the Tyrannosaurus Rex? Is there enough aura in it?

Because Heng Yanlin can see that Tyrannosaurus Rex is in a very good state now, and it can even be said that it is too good, but the breath it emits is just enough to reach the foundation building environment. How can it have such powerful energy?

Moreover, just the skill of dragon claw that it just showed, the power that erupted was not simple, at least it got the heavy power in building the foundation.

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