At the same time when he said this, Heng Yanlin also gently raised the sole of his foot, and then stamped on the ground. Immediately, he felt the shaking force from the ground.

Obviously, this shaking force is not virtual. In other words, the array in front of us may not be a magic array.

"If it's not a magic array, it proves that this is a folding space?"

Heng Yanlin thought secretly in his heart, even if there was some surprise.

The spirit array is mysterious.

Those who have great power can lay a terrible array based on heaven and earth.

The power of such a large array can destroy the sky and earth, and even immortal sages can be killed.

Moreover, after countless years of development and reproduction, the spirit array has countless categories.

Kill array, trap array, maze array, magic array

Countless spiritual arrays have their own magical functions, and the magic power they contain are all different.

But there is no doubt that those who can display the Dharma array must be respected and respected.

Of course, speaking of this, it is a little far away.

Back to the point, the reason why Heng Yanlin feels that this is not a magic array is because the magic array is based on magic.

Therefore, almost everything in the magic array is false and illusory.

Of course, almost, does not mean all, there will always be some real, otherwise, we can't deceive people's perception.

Naturally, if it's a magic array of heaven and earth, everything about it is like the real world, so you can't notice it at all. It's just an illusion.

In the past, there was a big energy who mistakenly entered a world magic array. There was no difference between it and the real world. The residents and plants in it were extremely real. Even he almost mistook it for a small world, but in fact, it was a divine map, and the world he entered was the world in the divine map.

Therefore, this is extremely shocking.

Even the old boss can be trapped in it and can't distinguish the truth. It can be seen that the magic array has reached the extreme. How terrible it is!

Of course, even so, there are not so many doorways here at present.

The reason why Heng Yanlin decided that the space in front of him was not a magic array was based on two points presented in his array knowledge.

One is that the structural elements of this space are too simple, only white metal cylinders.

If it is really constructed by magic array, it should be more complex and deceptive.

The second is that Heng Yanlin can feel the vibration force generated by the metal cylinder when he steps on the earth. The vibration sound is a unique metal sound. Imagine, if it is really a magic array, why can there be such a real sound?

Of course, it is also possible that the power of the magic array is so strong that even the spirit of hengyanlin has been deceived.

But who is hengyanlin?

His previous life was the realm of the original emperor!

The spiritual power of the great emperor, even if it is reborn, is as vast as the sea, and no one can deceive it, unless this magic array has gone beyond the original state.

However, in such a corner, you set up a magic array beyond the original state? There is something wrong with your brain. With that spare time, you have already killed all the rebellious people on the fourth floor.

After all, the arrangement of arrays is not simple. In addition to the accumulated rich array arrangement experience, there are also countless array materials. Without materials, even if you have more experience, it is just a cloud.

To put it bluntly, spiritual array master is also a money burning profession, which requires a lot of resources more than ordinary spiritual practice.

Of course, they are also more popular.

Therefore, Heng Yanlin can conclude that the space in front of him is not a magic array.

However, it's not a magic array, but from the outside, the Institute is not so large, and it is impossible for the Institute to spend so much effort to build such a place under the ground before it is abandoned, because it is obviously useless to look at this place.

If it is really useful, it is probably to trap the enemy in it and make him unable to go out.

So, in other words, this is either trapped, or lost, or a combination of the two.

Trapped formation is different from lost formation.

The defensive power of the trapped array is stronger and harder. Generally, it is difficult to break it, but the weakness is that it is easy to be broken by stronger forces.

Although the defense of the maze is not strong enough, the victory lies in the myriad changes. Like a maze, people trapped in it are fooled around, but once they are found, they can easily escape.

It is absolutely impossible for such a vast maze or trap array to be arranged here, so this should be covered by another layer of folding space. Otherwise, the area required for this array to support is too large. Where can such a large area be arranged in the research institute?

Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin took a deep breath, because he had deduced almost. Now the only thing to do is to try to understand the array principle of this space.

Only by thoroughly analyzing the array principle can we find a way to break the array.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin turned his head and looked at Mu Shishan behind him. He smiled softly and said, "what's the matter, are you still afraid?"

"No, I just don't like the atmosphere of this space." Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, Mu Shishan straightened her body slightly, and then her delicate and beautiful face showed a serious look, saying to Heng Yanlin.

"Really? That's good."

Hearing Mu Shishan's words, Heng Yanlin just smiled faintly, turned his head, looked at Su Yu and purple charm, and said, "Su Yu, purple charm, come here!"

Hearing Heng Yanlin's call, Su Yu, who was meditating on exercising and breathing, opened his eyes, got up and looked at Purple charm, and then turned around awkwardly and walked towards Heng Yanlin.

"What happened?"

Seeing Su Yuqi was strange, which confused the monk Zimei, who was also two-year-old, and her heart was full of confusion. However, she didn't think much at this time, because Heng Yanlin called them.

Su Yu and his colleagues came to Heng Yanlin. Heng Yanlin opened his mouth to them and said, "if I didn't guess wrong, this should be a trap or a maze, or a combination of the two."



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