Seeing that both of them were so nervous, Heng Yanlin's handsome face also showed a look of bewilderment. Even if he waved his hand and opened his mouth, He said aloud, "well, you don't have to be so nervous and afraid. I'm just speculating like this, but we don't know whether it's exactly, so we need to first understand whether there are others in this control center."

"Don't worry, even if there is that person, but since he doesn't dare to come out openly, he is so hiding. He must not be a powerful person, and he is likely to be inferior to Su Yu. Therefore, we don't need to worry too much right now."

Seeing that Heng Yanlin had said so, Mu Shishan and Su Yu were a little relieved. Immediately, Su Yu looked at Heng Yanlin and said, "in that case, Mr. Lin, we are now looking for channels everywhere to see if we can find that guy."

Hearing Su Yu's words, Heng Yanlin nodded with his hands on his back. A rather serious look appeared on his handsome face, and then nodded. Immediately, he seemed to think of something. Look left and right, and a confused look appeared on his face. He asked, "Hey, strange, are we missing someone?"

Su Yu glanced around when he heard the words. Immediately, a startling color appeared on his face and said, "where is purple charm?"

Hearing Su Yu's words, Heng Yanlin was also a little surprised. He opened his mouth and asked, "yes, where is purple charm? Where is she?"

"Ah -"

At this time, a scream full of panic rang out in the distant passage.

When they heard this scream, their faces suddenly changed, because they recognized that the sound was full of familiar, it was the voice of purple charm.

"Purple charm!"

Su Yu didn't say a word, walked like a fly, quickly turned around and shot at the sound over there.

"Let's go and have a look!"

Heng Yanlin also said a word with Mu Shishan loudly. Immediately, the soles of his feet were also heavily trampled on the ground, and he rushed away with Mu Shishan.

Immediately, the three of Heng Yanlin came to the sound place in a short time. This is a room. It looks like a archives room.

The desk in the archives room has become extremely embarrassed, and countless documents have fallen on the ground. It seems that there should have been a certain fight before.

"What on earth is this?"

Seeing this scene in front of him in Heng Yanlin's eyes, a look of surprise appeared on his handsome face, even frowned and said aloud.


At this moment, suddenly under the table, there was a clear sound. Immediately, hengyanlin and the three people were all alert, their eyes were full of caution, and the aura in their bodies was running fast and ready to go.

Su Yu leaned forward carefully, and then saw that behind the table, it was not someone else, it was purple charm.

Seeing purple charm's figure appear in his eyes, Su Yu immediately widened his eyes, and a look of horror appeared on his face like a knife, and he couldn't help exclaiming, "Purple charm!"

With these words, Su Yu rushed over and helped purple charm up.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan also showed surprise on their faces. Immediately, they looked at each other, and then looked at each other together. Immediately, they saw purple charm standing up from behind the table with Su Yu's help, and then they saw purple charm frowning and a touch of pain on her face.

Immediately, Heng Yanlin asked aloud, "Purple charm, how are you? Are you ok?"

Purple charm stretched out her palm, gently rubbed the back of her head, and then heard Heng Yanlin's inquiry. Even when she shook her head, she said, "Mr. youlao is worried, purple charm is nothing."

Hearing purple charm's words, Heng Yanlin was a little relieved. Immediately, a very serious look appeared on his handsome face, and he asked: "Purple charm, what happened? Why did you suddenly fall here? And he also screamed."

"I was checking this archives room, and after a while, I saw a dark shadow passing by. I wanted to see who it was. I didn't expect that his speed was very fast and his strength was infinite. He pushed me away and fell behind the table." Purple charm heard hengyanlin's inquiry, even when she said aloud.


Hearing the words said by purple charm, Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan looked at each other. Immediately, Heng Yanlin asked aloud, "can you see what the shadow is?"

"The light was unclear. At that time, it was dark here. I couldn't see the real face of the shadow clearly, but when I was fighting against it, I grabbed it from its body, and then grabbed so many hairs from it."

With this sentence, purple charm suddenly opened her palm, and a pinch of hair appeared in her palm.

Heng Yanlin and Mu Shishan stepped over, close to purple charm, and then looked down, and saw this tuft of hair in purple charm's palm.

Heng Yanlin stretched out his hand, picked up a hair, carefully examined, and found that the hair was gray, and quite hard, like a stone, it didn't look like human hair at all, which made Heng Yanlin's eyebrows frown, and his handsome face showed a meditative color.

After a moment, he immediately looked at Purple charm and asked, "what's the way that the shadow just shot?"

"I'm not sure about this, but I don't feel any killing intention from it. Otherwise, I won't be close to it, but it looks a little panicked, as if it saw something terrible. I don't know much about it." Purple charm heard hengyanlin's inquiry, frowned Xiumei and carefully recalled it. She even shook her head at hengyanlin and said.


Hearing the words said by purple charm, a look of surprise appeared on Heng Yanlin's handsome face, and immediately he thought that he just seemed to encounter that dark shadow.

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