Thinking of this, Heng Yanlin's eyes became alert.

Be more vigilant than just now.

Because on this guy, Heng Yanlin felt a more terrible breath than before, and this breath was very evil and dark, which made him feel strongly uneasy.

Very dangerous!

This guy is more dangerous than just now!

Immediately, Heng Yanlin looked at the monster in front of him. A very dignified look appeared on his handsome face. At the same time, his throat moved and said aloud, "who are you?"

"Human beings! Such a humble creature is like a mole ant in front of this seat. Do you also deserve to ask the name of this seat? You have completely annoyed this seat, and this seat is going to tear you to pieces now, otherwise, you can't calm this seat's anger!"

The mammoth, who turned into an elephant head and a human body, spit out words, and his eyes are fierce. He can't wait to break Hengyan Lin into pieces.

Hearing that the mammoth beast actually spoke human language, Heng Yanlin's handsome face showed a rather unexpected look. Even if he said aloud, "it's really interesting! So you know how to speak human words!"

"Why is it strange that I can speak human words? It's just a low-level language, and I just don't care to say it! However, you let me make an exception to say such words today, and you are proud."

Mammoth beast looked at Heng Yanlin, his tone was full of contempt, and his eyes were full of sarcasm, as if Heng Yanlin was something very cheap.

"What is it?"

Hearing the people who spit out the mammoth's fierce beast say that they degrade themselves so much, Heng Yanlin was unhappy, and immediately opened his mouth and said, "I said you're wrong, this personal insult is a very bad thing, you can't be like this!"

The mammoth beast heard what Hengyan Lin said, and immediately the look on the whole face was more ferocious than before. He sneered and said, "only human beings are equipped with personality? Insulting you is also despised!"


Hearing this, Heng Yanlin immediately felt speechless.

It's really harmless and insulting!

However, Hengyan Linshi is a little confused about why there is such a monster here, and where it comes from and why it has such a high sense of superiority?

Heng Yanlin thinks that this mammoth beast is likely to come from other places, and it can't be native. If it's like this, it's really interesting!

However, this is not the time to think so much, but to leave here.

"Yan Lin, what's the matter with you? Are you ok?"

At this moment, a communication basalt worn on Heng Yanlin's chest lit up slightly, and Mu Shishan's voice full of anxiety was passed into Heng Yanlin's mind.

Communication basalt is transmitted by mental brain waves, which can be said to be similar to sound transmission. As long as the idea moves, it can reply.

This is also a good function of communication basalt, but relatively speaking, it is more conspicuous, and it is a little easy to be damaged when worn around the neck. After all, in battle, if you suddenly suffer an attack, you may be directly damaged.

"I'm fine, but I'm in some trouble. I have to get rid of it first. Otherwise, it will be in trouble if it comes back with me." When Heng Yanlin heard Mu Shishan's call, his heart moved, and he immediately came out with an idea and told Mu Shishan.


In the control center, Mu Shishan, Su Yu and purple charm heard what Heng Yanlin said. Mu Shishan looked at Su Yu, and immediately Su Yu quickly began to detect. At the same time, Mu Shishan asked aloud, "what's the trouble? Do you need help?"

"No, I can handle it. It just takes some time."

In response to Mu Shishan, it was hengyanlin's refusal.

Hearing that Heng Yanlin had said so, Mu Shishan naturally listened to what he said. Immediately, she said aloud, "since it's like this, be careful yourself and report to us immediately if anything happens."

"Don't worry, I know how to do it. Well, this guy did it. See how I deal with him!"

With these words, there was no more movement there, only to know that there was a noisy sound at the end of the sound.

Mu Shishan heard this, and a gloomy expression appeared on her delicate and beautiful face. She suddenly turned her head and looked at Su Yu who was looking down. At this moment, Su Yu's face was full of panic, as if he had done something heinous.

Seeing Su Yu's mood is so flustered, Mu Shishan, who originally wanted to lose her temper, is also bad to continue to scold. After all, no matter who doesn't want such a thing to happen, not to mention that Su Yu checked that there was no problem before. It can only be said that all this was an emergency.

At that moment, Mu Shishan's face eased a little, looked at Su Yu, and said, "Su Yu, you don't have to be so nervous. No matter who doesn't want such a thing to happen, you should first check what happened and we should solve it as soon as possible."

"Yes, Mrs. Mu!"

Su Yu felt a little relieved when he heard the words. After all, he had been checking before the transmission spirit array was opened. Now such a big accident has happened. If something really happened to hengyanlin, he really can't be blamed.

However, no matter how Su Yu detected it, he didn't find any problems with the symbol board. Many symbol spirit lines of the whole spirit array were very normal without any faults.

This made Su Yu's face like a knife appear stunned, and even his eyes showed a confused color, which made him couldn't help but say, "this, how is this possible?"

Su Yu's words naturally attracted the attention of Mu Shishan and purple charm.

Purple charm saw Su Yu standing in place like a piece of wood, which made her angrily throw a big white eye at him and said, "what's possible? Did you find any problem?"

Su Yu heard purple charm's words and came to his senses. Then he frowned tightly and looked at Mu Shishan, ready to speak.

Seeing Su Yu as if she wanted to say something and didn't want to say it, Mu Shishan noticed something bad in her heart, but she couldn't lose her composure at this time, but looked at Su Yu.

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