Heng Yan Lin saw these cats are running to his side, but also appears to be very sticky attitude, immediately is Leng Leng Leng, how are these cats going on? Do you like yourself?

Heng Yanlin looked at these cats with some doubts. Seeing these cats in their own body, they were all in a very comfortable attitude. With a slight frown, he thought about a thing.

These cats, about aware of some of their own spiritual power fluctuations, instinctively run to their own side, want to rub a bit, see if they can get some spiritual benefits.

But for a moment, Heng Yanlin thought clearly about the reason. After thinking about these things, he was speechless. He didn't expect that these cats were hiding here because of this.

In this way, it is almost impossible for those guys to take these cats away. Some animals are extremely sensitive to spiritual power, and instinct makes them leave without intention.

After looking at these cats, Heng Yanlin shook his head and didn't pay attention to them. If you want to stay, just let them stay. It's just some animals. You can't suck away the spiritual power from him.

If this is the case, Heng Yanlin feels that his thousands of years of practice are all in vain.

They all sat in that seat with a group of people, their faces were a little ugly. Heng Yanlin sat on one side and gave up his position to them, but they were all embarrassed to find Heng Yanlin.

Looking for? How to find it? You said to ask for this position before. They gave it to you, but they also told you not to disturb others. Now you are going, that is not to make it clear that you are going to disturb others?

When I think about what others have done before, I feel that they have disturbed him. When I think of this, some women are gnashing their teeth. When did they despise such things.

But now, it is Heng Yan Lin to despise, let their hearts how angry. Heng Yanlin doesn't know. At this time, these guys have completely hated him. However, even if he knows, he won't care too much. He is looking out at the outside, and then he thinks about the way to make the cultivation grow rapidly.

In addition, there is a guy who can take advantage of it. These times, Heng Yanlin feels that there is no one on his side who can bear and then exert some great power.

Even if he had a flying sword in his hand, Heng felt that he did not have the ability to resist in the face of some powerful enemies.

It seems that he is too comfortable to come back. Except for some extremely destructive heat weapons, he feels that no one can threaten him here.

They all feel that the people here don't even have an immortal cultivator. They feel that all the people here are Muggles. So people who look at this place naturally don't pay attention to them.

However, in fact, there are still some things that can threaten him. It was too comfortable before, thought Heng Yanlin.

At this time, those people on the side did not disturb him. Heng Yanlin was able to think about some things easily and think about it carefully. Next, how can he quickly recover his cultivation.

Time is thinking and passing quickly. The staff in the coffee shop often look at Heng Yanlin. This guy just ordered a cup of coffee. He has been sitting there for so long.

For example, some people like to sit in a coffee shop, drink some coffee, and then kill some time. But where is there such a thing as sitting for hours?

Playing like this is just some of the most disgusting people among these shop assistants. At this time, several shop assistants are ready to drive Heng Yanlin away.

I just ordered a cup of coffee. Would you please not sit for so long and leave the seat free? If it wasn't for looking at Heng Yanlin's formal and incomparable suit and wearing incomparable rarity, they would have been irresistible.

Heng Yanlin has always been very impressed by such kind of eyes. When he regained his mind and noticed these eyes, he thought a little and understood what the shop assistants thought and shook his head slightly.

This shop is really not interesting enough. If it is a high-grade place, he just orders a cup of coffee, but after sitting all morning, no one will say anything.

These guys feel a little impatient at the moment. The service is just too bad, and they don't want to wait for these people to come and chase people. After talking to each other for a meal, Heng Yanlin gets up and leaves the coffee shop directly.

That all and is sitting on one side, while talking with the woman on one side, he has been paying attention to hengyanlin. Seeing that hengyanlin is finally ready to get up, he immediately flashes a smile on his face.

"Look, this guy is finally gone. Let's go and see where this guy is going. If we don't give this guy a profound lesson, I don't think I can swallow it!"He has been staring at Heng Yanlin for a long time. The tone in his heart has not been swallowed. Now he has the opportunity to let go.

"Or, forget it, it's just a quarrel."

The woman on the other side, listening to this, hesitated a little, then shook her head, and then said, just now that the matter has passed for a moment, she does not want to fight.

All and is listening to this word, immediately is in the heart an urgent, afterward is hastily said.

"How can that be done? Look at what this guy said just now, saying that we haven't seen the world, and ridiculed us for being too noisy. We talk to him politely, but this guy is so hateful. How can we just let it go?"

Shuang Xiaorui listened to this, also nodded, "yes, this guy, is really too hateful, absolutely can't let him go, if this let him go, where does this tone come from?"

Wang xuefan listen to this, almost his sisters are open, others are also a face angry appearance, after thinking about, is gently nodded.

Even if they think so, it seems that their opposition is useless. In this case, we should go and have a look, but at that time, we still need to grasp the scale.

Thinking of this, Wang xuefan also nodded, and then went out together.

Heng Yanlin doesn't know. Now someone is following him. It seems that he is going to see Mu Shishan's father. His hands are empty. It seems that it is not good.

After thinking about it, Heng Yanlin is ready to go shopping and give it to others after meeting people. This is also a part of the urban area. When Heng Yanlin glanced at his eyes, he saw the shop on the side without any hesitation. He walked in directly. Seeing this situation, several people behind him walked in directly. As soon as hengyanlin entered the door, he could see the dazzling things on the side. When he saw this, he frowned slightly I don't know what to buy for gifts.

If I had known that, I should have asked Mu Shishan to help me buy some. So did Mu Shishan. It was only when he was about to start that he told him that he didn't think of these things at that time.

When hengyanlin entered the door, the waiter on the side noticed him directly. As a waiter, she was quite aware of his words and expressions. Looking at Heng Yanlin's situation, she was shocked in her heart.

With her years of experience, Heng Yanlin is definitely one of those people who don't know how to buy gifts. When looking at Heng Yanlin's clothes, they are very well dressed. I think they should not be short of money.

It's also true. For example, in this downtown area, it's probably impossible to run here to buy things. The things here are extremely expensive. Think of here, she is with a smile, toward Heng Yan Lin walked in the past.

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