As the elevator went down, hengyanlin felt that the air began to become thinner and thinner.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin slightly raised his palm and looked at the heaven and earth ring on his finger. His head moved slightly in his heart. Suddenly, a light burst out in the heaven and earth ring, and then a small lamp similar to a jellyfish appeared suspended in midair. His beard tail moved, emitting a strange bubble, which was constantly broken around Heng Yanlin, forming a faint halo, There is a lot of oxygen in the halo, which makes Heng Yanlin's breathing smooth.

This is the "huff and puff jellyfish oxygen lamp", which can release a strange kind of energy and convert it into oxygen to provide survival.

Of course, in the realm of hengyanlin and others, in fact, they have long been able to use the aura in their body to turn into oxygen to provide their own survival, but using the aura to turn into oxygen will more or less cause some consumption and inconvenience.

After all, if you suddenly encounter danger and encounter a battle, you need to use Reiki in the battle you have to deal with, so you must quickly mobilize your Reiki in your body, but if you need to maintain your oxygen on the one hand, it will naturally make the Reiki movement not very smooth, and it will also make the Reiki slightly slow down by so many steps.

If this is really the case, then for a monk, as long as his aura slows down a few steps, he may be on the enemy to show his skills in a second. In this way, he is likely to be preempted by the other party, or even suffer a heavy blow directly, so that the situation is completely suppressed and the other party has the upper hand.

Therefore, this is also why hengyanlin just hoped that Su Yu would repair such an oxygen system. After all, in this case, he would not have to be distracted to turn the aura in his body into oxygen. Of course, with the "oxygen puffing jellyfish lamp", it does not mean that hengyanlin does not need the aura in his body to turn into oxygen. After all, the energy of this thing is also limited.

With the sound of "Dong", the elevator vibrated slightly. Immediately, hengyanlin felt that the elevator had completely stopped. As for whether the surrounding air was very thin, hengyanlin didn't know, because at this moment, he had the energy of "oxygen puffing jellyfish lamp" to let him breathe smoothly.

But I don't know why, at the moment when the elevator stopped, there was an uneasy emotion surging in Heng Yanlin's heart, and I don't know why. Moreover, this uneasy emotion also became stronger and stronger, which made him frown uncontrollably.

Taking a deep breath, Heng Yanlin's handsome face showed a very serious look, and then a dignified look appeared in his handsome eyes under the sword eyebrow, and then his palm gently stretched out, and then pressed on the switch of the elevator.


Suddenly, the elevator door suddenly opened, and then there was an air fog billowing out at the opened elevator door, and a smell of smell came, which made Heng Yanlin feel extremely pungent at the first time, and made him quickly comment on his breath.

The next second, Heng Yanlin looked out, and immediately his handsome face climbed up with a thick color of amazement. At the same time, his inner mood also became extremely shocked, as if someone was going to tear his heart to pieces, making him secretly painful.

Because, Heng Yanlin saw a passage outside the elevator, which was a corpse.

Yes, it's the body.


The bodies became extremely stiff, and their faces before death were full of ferocity and panic, as if they had encountered something terrible before they died.

That way, people have to doubt that they were scared to death!

Is there really an example of being scared to death alive?

Heng Yanlin was not clear in his heart, but looking at the situation in front of him, it seemed that it was like this.

When Hengyan Linton took a deep breath, he tried to calm his heart down.

However, there was no light in this passage, and it was extremely dark. Coupled with these hideous bodies with fear on their faces, it seemed even more chilling and frightening.

"But why on earth is this?"

Heng Yanlin frowned slightly, and his handsome face showed a thoughtful look. He said to himself, "what happened to these people, and why are they so panicked?"

When Heng Yanlin saw the direction of these bodies, many palms pointed to the elevator. It was obvious that these people wanted to escape from the elevator.

Only, the elevator... Wasn't it transformed before?

Is it true that the elevator was not transformed before, but originally existed at the beginning?

Or... Are these guys from their time?

Of course, strictly speaking, Heng Yanlin is not a man of this era, but since he is reborn, he can also be counted according to the people of this era.

If it is the people of hengyanlin's time, then these people

"Is it from the Yu family?"

Heng Yanlin raised his eyebrows slightly and thought of a possibility. After all, the rest of his life had also said before that there were still some Yu families living here in this great Xuanling array research center. He continued to study this research center, but so far, they have been here for a long time and have not found any Yu family. Are these people Yu family?

Heng Yanlin carefully observed the bodies in front of him, and then saw a strange mark on their forehead, like fire and white clouds, which was very strange, but also made Heng Yanlin feel very familiar.

This made Heng Yanlin frown again, thinking in his heart, "strange, what mark is this? Why do I feel so familiar? It's really..."

For a moment, Heng Yanlin really can't remember a little, but through this mark, Heng Yanlin can also judge that these guys are not from the Yu family, so where are the Yu family?

Of course, Heng Yanlin doesn't care. What he cares about now is how and why these people died.

"However, it can be seen from their posture that something should be chasing them."

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