At present, hearing hengyanlin's inquiry, Ruiwen came to her senses, then opened her mouth and asked aloud, "Mr. Lin, you just said you were going to the steel core city to do things, didn't you?"

Hearing Ruiwen's inquiry, hengyanlin felt something wrong again, but he was pulled back again because of what Ruiwen said. Immediately, hengyanlin nodded gently at Ruiwen, even if he opened his mouth and said aloud, "yes, what you said is right. I really want to go to the city of steel cores. What's the matter?"

"That's really great!"

Ruiwen heard what Hengyan Lin said and determined that Hengyan Lin was indeed going to the city of steel cores. Suddenly, a very bright light appeared in Ruiwen's eyes, and then she shouted excitedly.


Ruiwen suddenly shouted excitedly, which made Heng Yanlin's face appear a little stunned, because he didn't understand why Ruiwen suddenly became excited.

Seeing a look of confusion on Heng Yanlin's handsome face, Ruiwen also realized that she seemed so excited that she was a little too excited. Immediately, Ruiwen's pretty face showed a look that was not very funny, and she smiled, But soon she said cheerfully, "Mr. Lin, in fact, our cross-country team happens to live in the steel core city. We can take you along the way and repay you by the way. At that time, you don't seem to have much to eat when you do your business again?"

Hengyanlin heard Ruiwen say that they actually live in the steel core city. Immediately, a look of surprise appeared on his handsome face, and he couldn't help but ask, "what did you just say? You live in the steel core city?"

"Yes, our cross-country team originally lived in the steel core city. We have been in the steel core city for many years!" Ruiwen heard hengyanlin have some surprise, when even a smile, said aloud.

Hearing Ruiwen's words, Heng Yanlin immediately nodded gently, opened his mouth and said aloud, "since you have already said so, it would be too inhumane for me to continue to refuse you. Since it's like this, I'll go back with you. By the way, you happen to take me there!"

Ruiwen heard that Heng Yanlin finally agreed, and immediately her eyes burst out with excited eyes, glowing, becoming extremely bright, and then looked at the other team members, who were also full of excitement, and their emotions became very excited.

Immediately, Ruiwen nodded vigorously at Hengyan Lin, and then opened her mouth and said, "Mr. Lin, it's really great. I welcome you to be a guest. Now let's go back to the steel core city?"

Hearing Ruiwen's words, Heng Yanlin nodded and said, "no problem! Let's go back!"

However, when Heng Yanlin got on the SUV, he suddenly became a little trance.

With the breeze blowing, hengyanlin followed them back to the steel core city.

The steel core city is very majestic and magnificent. It is called the steel core city because it is made of a kind of steel core metal material.

As for why it is called the steel core city, it is because in this desolate world, there are countless fierce beasts raging.

Fierce beasts have destroyed the original ecology of the whole world, making the whole world fall into a doomsday scene.

Especially outside the steel core city, there are more than 100000 square meters of desert, occupied by countless terrible beasts.

Of course, although it's a desert, it's not a desert. In fact, there are countless very good resources and environments, just because they are in high danger, because those are occupied by fierce beasts, and human beings have no way to fight back.

However, some human beings are unwilling to let the world be invaded by fierce beasts. Therefore, they have established countless steel core cities to resist the offensive of these fierce beasts. At the same time, they are also developing their own technology and power. They hope that one day, they can eliminate all these fierce beasts and return the whole world to peace.

As for why the world is occupied by fierce beasts, it mainly comes from some extraterrestrial meteorites outside the world.

Those meteorites outside the sky turned into meteors and fell on the world, which caused a huge impact and produced a new kind of energy, but it also polluted the whole world, causing countless animals to change, leading to their ruthless slaughter of human beings in the whole world.

At the beginning, humans were also frantically resisting, and these mutated beasts were naturally too weak to resist, and they were all easily killed by humans.

It was not until the fierce beasts turned on their wisdom, lurked down, and became more and more powerful, and even the nuclear bomb could not hurt them, that they came to the world and tore up everything in the human world.

At that moment, human beings finally understand that the world finally does not belong to them. They can only be forced to resist and survive hard.

Of course, animals change, open their minds, and become more powerful. Some humans are the same. Otherwise, it is impossible to build such a magnificent steel core city.

"Do you know why this city is called the city of steel cores?"

After the off-road vehicle was examined, the steel core city slowly opened the city gate. When the off-road vehicle drove into the steel core city, Ruiwen sitting next to Heng Yanlin smiled and asked aloud.

Hearing Ruiwen's words, Heng Yanlin was slightly stunned. Immediately, a faint smile appeared on his handsome face and said softly, "how can I not know? That's because it was created by the first hero of mankind and he led mankind to fight back again. If it weren't for him, I'm afraid mankind would have been destroyed by now."

"So far, although many steel core cities have been established, this steel core city is still in the name of 'steel core' to commemorate the significance of this revolution!"

Hearing Heng Yanlin talking, Ruiwen's eyes were full of bright brilliance. Even if she said aloud, "I can't see it. I didn't expect you to be able to understand the evolution behind us. It's really incredible!"

Hearing Ruiwen's words, Heng Yanlin was slightly stunned. Immediately, he also secretly thought, "yes, why am I so clear?"

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