"Ah? What?"

Hearing what Hengyan Lin said, Ruiwen's face was stunned.

"So you don't understand what I just said?" Hengyanlin looked at Ruiwen seriously and asked aloud.

"I understand, I understand!"

Seeing such a serious look on Heng Yanlin's handsome face, Ruiwen immediately reacted, and then nodded vigorously at Heng Yanlin, and answered loudly at the same time.

"Well, tell me, what do you understand?"


After hearing Heng Yanlin's inquiry, Ruiwen was stunned again, because she really didn't expect to be asked like this one day. It was like going back to school when she was a child, and then wandering on her own. As a result, she was found by the teacher, and then asked by the teacher.

"Ah, what? What's the matter? You can't answer, can you? If you can't answer, I can only say that I'm really very disappointed. In this case, I can only leave here."

Seeing Ruiwen's face full of confusion, Heng Yanlin immediately shook his head. Even with a sigh, his handsome face showed a look of disappointment, and then turned around, really ready to leave.

Seeing Heng Yanlin's appearance, Ruiwen immediately said in a hurry, "wait a minute, Mr. Lin, I know, I know!"

I don't know why, seeing Heng Yanlin look disappointed, Ruiwen's inner mood became extremely anxious. She didn't want Heng Yanlin to be disappointed, so she hurriedly called Heng Yanlin.

Hearing Ruiwen's words, Heng Yanlin looked at Ruiwen, his eyes became extremely deep, and then he asked faintly, "well, tell me, what's the matter?"

"What's the matter... In fact, to put it bluntly, it's to exclude outsiders!"

Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, Ruiwen thought for a moment. Even if she thought of an answer, a rather bitter smile appeared on her face, then she gently shook her head, opened her mouth to Heng Yanlin, and answered aloud.

"Exclude outsiders?" Hearing Ruiwen's words, Heng Yanlin immediately raised his eyebrows and showed a rather unexpected look.

"Yes, that is to exclude outsiders!"

Ruiwen also nodded gently when she heard the words, and then the self mocking smile on her face became richer.

"Look at the environment here. I think you should know it, but such an environment is actually very rare for us, because in other places, let alone such an environment, I'm afraid that after eating this meal, the next meal will be directly eaten by fierce animals. No one knows what will happen next."

"Only in this steel core city can we have a safe place to take refuge. We don't worry about being swallowed up by fierce beasts or being murdered by others. This is our only safe place."

"However, even if it is a safe place, there are different treatments. Don't look at us now. We are just staying in the outer city, but in fact, the outer city is actually a slum on the surface."

"Those who live here are poor people. They have no property to afford the right to live in the inner city, so they can only stay in the outer city and wait to die!"

"Oh, not at all. You can't wait to die because you have to pay a certain fee. Otherwise, the steel core city will have to take back your residence permit. At that time, you can't live at all. You can only be expelled by the steel core city, and if you don't like it, people may forcibly drive you out."

"At that time, you have to live a meal after meal again, and you may even become the food of fierce beasts or the money bag of others at any time."

"Living in our age, there are always many helpless things, but Mr. Lin's dress should be born in a family of great wealth, so you should not have a lot of understanding of these folk hardships."

Speaking of this, Ruiwen raised her head slightly, glanced at the broken bar whose signboard had been tilted, and then gently sighed, and then her face was full of emotion, and said softly, "although this bar is really broken and rotten, anyway, it is still a home, at least it can give me a sense of security..."

Yes, as long as you can own a piece of land in the steel core city, it means that you have the right to permanently live in the steel core city, and you can even make a guarantee to let others live in the steel core city. Although there are restrictions on the quota, at least this is a good thing.

In a sense, this is also a tolerant policy of the steel core city towards the outer city.

Hearing Ruiwen's words, hengyanlin's inner emotions became very complicated for a moment, because he didn't expect that there would be such a situation here. Of course, more importantly, hengyanlin originally just wanted to tease Ruiwen, but he didn't expect Ruiwen to produce so many emotions at once, which made hengyanlin quite helpless.

At that moment, Heng Yanlin gently shook his head, and a touch of helpless emotion appeared on his handsome face. Then he looked at Ruiwen and said aloud, "Ruiwen..."

Hearing Heng Yanlin calling herself, Ruiwen also came to her senses, then slightly raised her head and looked at Heng Yanlin. Then she saw that Heng Yanlin looked at herself with complex emotions on her face. Ruiwen immediately reacted, and then her face showed an embarrassed look, opened her mouth, and cautiously asked, "ah... That... Mr. Lin, did I say a little more?"

"You didn't say a little more, but a lot, okay? Besides, I'm just kidding. As for... Answering me so seriously? People who don't know still think I'm bullying you!"

"Are you kidding?" When Ruiwen heard what Heng Yanlin said, Ruiwen immediately widened her eyes and felt very incredible. She really didn't expect that it would be Heng Yanlin joking.

"Ah, yes, it must be a joke!"

Seeing this shocked look on Ruiwen's face, Heng Yanlin also seemed to think of something, and asked aloud with a strange look on his face.

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