Hearing Ruiwen's inquiry, Heng Yanlin glanced at Lao Mao.

At this time, Lao Mao also made crazy eyes at hengyanlin.

Seeing that Lao Mao kept looking at him, and there was a hint of prayer in his eyes, a look of "I already know" appeared on Heng Yanlin's handsome face, then turned his head and looked at Ruiwen, and immediately nodded gently, pulled slightly at the corners of his mouth, revealing a bright smile, He gently opened his mouth and said, "yes, it's true. We're just competing. After all, Lao Mao said his strength is still quite good, so I thought I'd better compete. After all, I drank a lot of wine with them, and it was like waking up the bar."

"Use duels to sober up..."

When hearing Heng Yanlin say these words, Ruiwen's face showed a strange color. She didn't know how to answer, but after a few seconds of silence, she asked aloud, "then who of you won?"

Ruiwen's question immediately made Heng Yanlin and Lao Mao don't know how to answer it.

The two men looked at each other again, and immediately became very embarrassed.

It's really Ruiwen's question that is too tricky.

Say Heng Yanlin wins, then Lao Mao must have no face.

Say Lao Mao wins, then Ruiwen must not believe it.

If so, how should they answer?

Really, it's outrageous!

All of a sudden, the whole atmosphere fell into a very embarrassing atmosphere, extremely quiet.

Seeing that neither of them made a sound, Ruiwen slightly outlined a rather proud smile on the corner of her lips. At the same time, she thought to herself, "really, fight with me, do you really think you can beat me?"

"Why don't you all talk?"

At this moment, Ruiwen opened her mouth again and said aloud, "you won't even forget the results of your competition. Who lost and who won? Is there something wrong with your memory?"


Hearing such a sentence coming out after Ruiwen, I don't know why, hengyanlin and Lao Mao both had such an idea in their hearts:

"It seems to kill this smelly girl!"

However, the answer to this question is really a little hard to say!

Of course, that's what I said, but Heng Yanlin is still a smart man after all.

So after a quiet moment, a faint smile appeared on Heng Yanlin's handsome face, and then he gently shook his head at Ruiwen and opened his mouth, He said aloud, "of course not. You are really kidding. Of course, we can't have such a bad memory. Even if it's really so bad, we won't forget what just happened now? Do you say so, Lao Mao!"

Lao Mao obviously didn't know why hengyanlin said so, and he didn't understand why hengyanlin said such words.

However, Lao Mao knew that since Heng Yanlin had said so, there must be his own meaning in it, so he could only obey what Heng Yanlin said, and nodded with great agreement. Then he opened his mouth and said aloud, "yes, there is nothing wrong. What Mr. Lin said is very right. No matter how we say it, we are still very young. Memory must be strong. How can we forget it?"


Hearing Lao Mao's words, Ruiwen squinted at him, with a disgusting expression on her face: "just you? Still very young? Lao Mao, can you not be so cheeky!"

"I'm old-fashioned, okay? How can I become cheeky?" Old Mao Mian said calmly, as if what he said was a true similarity.

When Ruiwen heard these words, she was too lazy to roast about them. Even if she was angry, she said aloud, "since it's like this, why haven't you said one so far?"


Lao Mao also heard Ruiwen's inquiry, and immediately became speechless. When he was about to open his mouth and speak loudly to refute Ruiwen's words, he was stopped by Heng Yanlin.

I saw a bright smile on Heng Yanlin's handsome face, gentle as the sun, then looked at Ruiwen, gently shook his head, and said, "we are not unable to say a reason, we just don't know how to answer your question."

"Why don't you know how to answer my question?"

"Because we have just said that we are dueling. Since it is dueling, it is not a life and death struggle. Since it is not a life and death struggle, it must be a point to the end. Then you said that we point to the end, and you didn't say that we must decide the victory or defeat. Then you told us here who won. How do you let us answer!"

Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, Lao Mao's eyes lit up. He really didn't expect that Heng Yanlin's eloquence was so good that such an explanation could cover up what they had done before.

At that moment, Lao Mao nodded with great agreement on his face, and his strength was very rapid. At the same time, he said aloud, "yes, yes, Mr. Lin is very correct. This is our answer. We just compete with each other, and the result turned into your mouth like we want to fight for life and death, really!"


Ruiwen was really speechless. She really didn't expect that she could explain the duel like this, and it happened that she didn't have any reason to refute. It was like Ruiwen felt that she had run all her strength, and then punched in the air. She was soft and weak, and her mood was extremely uncomfortable.

"Didn't you say to go to the guild to report your achievements? Why did you come back so soon?"

Seeing the ugly look on Ruiwen's face, Heng Yanlin knew that if he continued to talk, I'm afraid Ruiwen would really run away, so Heng Yanlin was very tactful to shift the topic.

Hearing what hengyanlin said, Ruiwen finally remembered what she was looking for hengyanlin and them.

Immediately, Ruiwen looked at hengyanlin, and a respectful look suddenly appeared on her face. Then she opened her mouth and said aloud, "Mr. Lin, I really need your help. Please help us!"

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