
Hearing the blonde's answer, Wei'an's figure immediately became silent.

I don't know whether it's because I'm too speechless, or because I don't know what language I want to use to answer this thing.

Seeing Wei'an's figure kept silent and didn't speak, the blonde also became a little nervous in her heart.

After all, Wei'an's figure is not someone else, but the master of this city. Anything in front of him has no possibility of being hidden at all, only to be seen through.

Yes, the owner of this great figure is none other than the founder of the steel core city and the world's first human hero, zero!

Seeing that zero didn't speak, the blonde finally couldn't help but say, "Sir, Mr. Lin actually joined a C-level team, and is still a team that is about to be ordered to be dissolved by the guild. Is this a temptation? Do you think we should intervene in this matter? Lest Mr. Lin suffer any harm?"

"Hurt? Do you think with his strength, who can hurt him?"

Hearing the blonde's words, zero couldn't help laughing, even shook his head slightly, opened his mouth and said aloud.

When the blonde heard zero's words, she was stunned. She really didn't expect that zero's evaluation of hengyanlin would be so high. At present, she was a little unconvinced and muttered, "who knows? Anyway, he must not be as powerful as you!"

However, zero's ear power was so sharp that he naturally heard the blonde's murmur clearly. At that moment, he gently shook his head, turned around, looked at the blonde, and said faintly, "Akasha, do you want to understand a sentence, it says, there are days outside the sky and people outside the people. Do you know what this sentence means?"

"Sir, I know, but I still think Mr. Lin can't compare with you at all. I don't mean to disrespect Mr. Lin. I just feel that Mr. Lin can't compare with you. You two are at different levels." Seeing that zero has spoken, the blonde woman means that everything she just said has been passed into zero's ears, but the blonde woman didn't mean any fear, but slightly lowered her head and replied in a modest way.

Hearing the words of the blonde Akasha, zero was not angry, but a faint smile appeared on his face.

Obviously, Akasha is highly valued by zero. Otherwise, Akasha cannot come to the palace where zero cultivates, nor can she say such words. After all, if such words were replaced by another person, I'm afraid that zero would have been angry long ago, and even had to take action to destroy the abusive person humanely.

At that moment, zero uttered a sigh, then gently shook his head at Akasha, opened his mouth, and said aloud, "Akasha, don't forget what I just said, there are days outside the sky, there are people outside the people, and the strength of hengyanlin is very strong, which is by no means what you can imagine, even if it is me, it may not be his opponent, so don't say such words again in the future, do you understand?"

"Moreover, he is a very important friend of mine. I don't want others to insult him and slander him like this. It seems that you are unintentional and have been working for me for so many years, so I think I didn't hear it this time. Forget it, but there's no next time. Do you understand my thoughts?"

Hearing zero's words, Akasha, who was originally determined that nothing would happen if she said these words, suddenly changed her face, hurriedly lowered her head, a trace of fear appeared on her face, and said, "yes, sir, Akasha will not discuss casually in the future. Thank you for your forgiveness."

Zero heard the speech and didn't say anything more, Just keep opening your mouth and say: "I don't know why Heng Yanlin joined a C-level team that is about to be disbanded, but it's up to him. Anyway, he will also come to see me at that time. I'll just ask him at that time. But I think even if I ask, he will never give a proper reason, so let him, you don't have to worry about it, just let him play casually, as long as there is no big problem, you don't see it See you, and give him some convenience by the way. "

When Akasha heard these words, she naturally wouldn't say anything more. Instead, she bowed slightly and said to zero, "yes, sir, I understand. I'll order someone to arrange it."

"Well," zero heard the words, just nodded faintly, and immediately asked aloud, "so what's next?"

Hearing zero's inquiry, Akasha shook her head and was about to say there was nothing else, but soon she thought of another thing. Even if she opened her mouth, she said, "Lord Li Chong seems to have made some moves recently, sir, do we want to deal with it?"

"Action? What action?" Hearing this, zero raised his eyebrows slightly and asked aloud.

"It seems that he is going to attack the parliament cabinet, but the specific operation plan has not been investigated yet." Akasha said.

Hearing Akasha's words, zero's face became slightly cold, and a cold hum came out of his mouth.

At that moment, the temperature of the whole palace seemed to drop a few minutes, which made Akasha feel a shiver, and her delicate body could not help shaking a few times.

But soon, the cold temperature suddenly dissipated, and the whole palace suddenly returned to the original temperature. It seemed that the cold temperature that Akasha had just felt was just his own imagination, which made Akasha become a little trance in an instant, wondering whether she had hallucinated.

"It's not so easy for that old fellow Li Chong to move the meeting cabinet. Leave him alone for the time being and see what else he has to do behind him. However, you can send someone to warn him to see if he converges. If he doesn't converge, he will have to deal with some of the things that don't exist. Then wait until all of them happen, and then solve him and his allies, so as not to clean them up at one time, and then go to the end, That would be too much trouble. "

"Yes, sir, I see."

"Is there anything else? If there's nothing else, you can go down. I'm going to start practicing." Zero said faintly.

"Yes, sir." Akasha responded.

"By the way, there is another thing."

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