Vaguely, Heng Yanlin gradually fell into a deep sleep.

"How's it going? Is the equipment ready?"

"It's a little short..."

"It's been so long, why haven't you finished it?"

Equipment? What equipment?

Is this a woman's voice?

And it sounds like, why is it so cold, and the high cold is mixed with very angry emotions

Is there any connection between them?

The question is, why do I still feel very cute? Am I brainwatt?

But why was she so angry? And how, how do I feel so distressed?

Heng Yanlin slightly raised his eyebrows, a little puzzled, and then the whole thought began to become trance.

Heng Yanlin didn't know at all. Everything he heard in his ear felt very real. It was naturally true, not dreaming, but what happened in the real world.

Yes, at this moment, in the real world, in the array research center, Heng Yanlin's body has been lying on the hospital bed in the medical room, motionless, and there are three people standing around him.

If Heng Yanlin didn't fall into a dreamland at this moment, he would recognize it directly.

These three people are Mu Shishan, Su Yu and purple charm.

At this moment, Su Yu's face was full of worry. Looking at Mu Shishan, her eyes under her eyebrows were full of helplessness, Facing Mu Shishan's flawless beauty, he said, "madam, it's not that I haven't adjusted it yet, but I really don't have this method. After all, this kind of thing can't be done for the first time, and I don't have any experience. I have to adjust it well, otherwise, in case of an accident..."

"... not only Mr. Lin, but also you will be in danger. If there is an accident between you two at that time, it is really a great loss for us and will make me feel guilty all my life. Can I let such a thing happen!"

Hearing Su Yu's words, Mu Shishan certainly knew that Su Yu was very sincere, and there were naturally no problems with what he thought. The problem was that if Su Yu couldn't solve many problems of the equipment now, there would be no way to go into Heng Yanlin's conscious world and save him.

As Heng Yanlin's wife, Mu Shishan's heart is naturally very anxious. She is very eager to let Heng Yanlin recover, because as early as two hours ago, Heng Yanlin suddenly had an arrhythmia and almost stopped breathing, which is undoubtedly terrified for mu Shishan.

Up to now, Mu Shishan's inner mood is still very unstable. She can still maintain a rational conversation with Su Yu. To tell the truth, it is already a very difficult thing.

Hearing Su Yu's words, purple charm couldn't help throwing a big white eye at Su Yu, but she also knew very clearly in her heart that at this time, Mu Shishan couldn't be stimulated any more.

At present, purple charm took a deep breath, frowned tightly, and showed a very serious look on her charming face. Then she looked at Mu Shishan and said softly, "madam, although I also hope Su Yu will quickly study the equipment that enters the world of consciousness, but what he said is not wrong. This kind of equipment does not mean that it can be completed in a day and night, and he has to be responsible for the safety of your two lives."

"I know madam, you are very nervous and worried about Mr. Lin's safety, but what we have to do is to bring Mr. Lin back. At present, it should be difficult for Mr. Lin to wake up by himself, so he needs us more, so we should be calm and rational, so that we can save Mr. Lin."

"If we can't be calm and rational, if we are rash, don't take any risk measures, and then go straight in, then not only can't we save Mr. Lin, but we may even get in ourselves. In this case, isn't it worth the loss? After all, our purpose is to rescue Mr. Lin, so we must be perfect."

"In this way, we can save Mr. Lin, otherwise, all our efforts these days are in vain? What do you say, madam?"

Hearing what purple charm said to herself, Mu Shishan's delicate and beautiful face showed a look of helplessness, gently sighed, and then looked at Purple charm. Her beautiful eyes revealed the color of worry, and whispered, "Purple charm, I know what you said, but you also saw in front of me, Yan Lin almost died, which is not a good thing for us."

"Although Yanlin's physical condition is indeed stable now, it does not mean that he can be stable all the time, so what I hope very much now is that we can save him. Do you understand what I mean?"

"I understand, of course I understand, madam, we all know very well that you want to save your husband's heart. You must be more eager to save him than all of us, but this kind of thing, impatient can't eat hot tofu, madam!" Purple charm said again.

When Mu Shishan heard what purple charm said, she didn't know it in her heart? But she can't help it. She is really too worried about Heng Yanlin's situation.

With a slight sigh, Mu Shishan raised her head, looked at Su Yu, and asked aloud, "when on earth can the equipment be solved?"

"Fast, fast," Su Yu heard Mu Shishan's inquiry, and a look of thinking quickly appeared on her face like a knife. Then she quickly opened her mouth and replied, "if there was no accident, it should be finished tomorrow."

"Can you promise?" Mu Shishan looked at Su Yu and asked word for word.


Su Yu heard Mu Shishan's words, and immediately his face showed embarrassment. He really didn't want to say such words as promise to Mu Shishan. After all, even he was not sure, but if he didn't promise, Mu Shishan was afraid that his mood would become worse.

What should I do? It's really too difficult for me!

But fortunately, Mu Shishan saw Su Yu's embarrassed appearance and didn't continue to insist. She just sighed, waved her hand and said, "forget it, you go first."

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