Mu Jingfu, listening to Heng Yanlin's words, nodded directly. Looking at Heng Yanlin's eyes, Mu Jingfu also took a touch of appreciation. A real doctor should be like this. If he didn't even see any person and didn't know what the condition was, and directly determined whether he could be treated, he thought it would be better not to let Heng Yanlin go.

In the past, it is absolutely ridiculed to go. Heng Yanlin doesn't want that face. What else does he want? He didn't want to introduce people in the past. He didn't want to say anything good at that time. Instead, it was a joke.

"This is the address. You can drive there by yourself. I'll tell him. You can go and see if you can. If you can, try to cure it. If you can't, don't be forced. Don't do anything uncertain. Don't be forced."

Mu Jingfu took out a notebook from his pocket, then tore out a page of paper and handed it to Heng Yanlin. He told him, especially when it came to the end, that tone was much more severe.

Saving people is not so simple. If it is not good, it is a life. Therefore, he makes Heng Yanlin worry a lot. If he is not sure, he would rather not save well.

"Are you not going?"

Heng Yanlin listened to the other party's advice, and did not have any reaction, just saw the other party will address to himself, suddenly is a little strange, and then raised his head is to ask a sentence.

They are all his good friends, and when he is so dedicated, it seems that Mu Jingfu doesn't want to go, which makes Heng Yanlin a little strange.

When Mu Jingfu heard this, his face was suddenly embarrassed. He wanted to go, but the time was not allowed. In addition, there was a big difference between the two.

In this way, he directly pushed Heng Yanlin to the past, but he didn't care about it. It was really something wrong.

"I won't go. I have something on my side. The place where he lives is just not on the way to me, so it's up to you to go. Don't worry, I'll say hello to him over there."

At this time, the two people have come to the underground parking lot. Mu Jingfu is looking for his own car and talking to Heng Yanlin at the same time.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin shook his head helplessly and stopped Namu Jingfu. Then he put all the things he bought into each other's car, which made him leave.

Seeing the other party leave, Heng Yanlin takes out the note in his hand and looks at it. After remembering the address completely, he throws it into the garbage can on the side, and then drives the navigation towards the address.

This person does not know what kind of situation it is. He has already been seriously ill. He ran to a very remote place and was not afraid of the patient's attack. Did he have time to get to the hospital?

Even if the hospital for the disease some helpless, but in the hospital, if there is any emergency, the other side is still able to have some means, perhaps can save the other side.

Fortunately, that place is not very far away from here. It takes only a few hours to drive a high speed there. Hengyanlin relies on the navigation and starts to roar on the highway.

This time, I didn't meet anyone who wanted to race with him, but it still caused some abuse. For these voices, Heng Yanlin didn't care and drove his own car.

When hengyanlin was about to get off the highway, a strange phone call came in.

"Hello, are they Heng Yanlin and Mr Heng?"

The voice seemed to be very pleasant, as if it was a lark. Driving on the highway, there were some boring hengyanlin. The spirit was inevitably shaken, but it was a bit unexpected. The sound was so pleasant.

"Yes, it's me." Heng Yan Lin light response way.

"Hello, I'm Rong Tong's daughter. Where have you been? If you're about to arrive, I'll come out to pick you up."

Hearing the answer, the voice was stunned for a moment. It seemed that some people didn't expect it. The owner of the voice seemed to be very young, so there was a pause, but after a moment, it was picked up again.

"There's about half an hour left. I can get to the neighborhood. You can come out in half an hour."

The navigation is not very accurate. Since people have said that they will come out to meet him, let the other party come out to meet him.

Speaking of this navigator, it is much more convenient for the immortal cultivation world. The invitation letter made by the immortal cultivation experts will actively guide them to get to the place. There is absolutely no mistake.

"Well, I'm wearing a red dress."

"I'm driving a black car with a license plate..."

after hearing this, Heng Yanlin reported his car model and license plate number. After the other party wrote it down, he didn't talk to hengyanlin. He just hung up the phone, which was extremely crisp.

Seeing this, Heng Yanlin shook his head directly and didn't care about it.

Half an hour later, Heng Yanlin arrived near the destination. It was already a bit remote. There were some crisscross and complicated roads around here. Hengyanlin understood why the other side wanted to say something and come out to meet him."Mr. Heng?"

In front of her, a woman in a red dress looked around. She saw Heng Yanlin's car coming. She stepped on crystal high-heeled shoes and went straight to Heng Yanlin and asked.

Fortunately, it's a bit remote here, and there are no people to see. Otherwise, with this woman's dress and appearance, it is estimated that some people will have to look at it.

If some are bold, it is not impossible for them to have evil ideas directly.

Heng Yanlin looked at the woman in front of him and listened to her question. He nodded his head directly and said yes. When the woman saw this, he was not polite at all. He opened the front passenger's door of hengyanlin and sat in.

"Go ahead and turn when I tell you to turn."

The woman has been ahead, and then said to hengyanlin, hengyanlin did not reply, driving the car to the front, the woman said, also no longer speak.

Although the other side is to cover up some good, but hengyanlin just saw her, is still able to see her in the eyes of that wipe of amazement, and then some disappointment, but these are quickly disappeared into.

Just in front of Heng Yan Lin, these are still seen clearly.

The car turns left and right here. If it's an ordinary person, it's estimated that he has lost his way. However, Heng Yanlin has written down all the routes. He just thinks about the road just now, but he has a familiar feeling, which makes hengyanlin frown.

Heng Yanlin is extremely sure of this place. He is sure that he has never been to this place. But what is his feeling at the moment? Actually, he feels that this one is a little familiar?

According to the principle, I can't feel wrong. As an Immortal Emperor, although I'm not now, I still have the cultivation of building foundation period. If my feeling is wrong, it is estimated that there will be a disaster.

Hengyanlin frowned and drove towards the front. The woman on one side noticed that Heng Yanlin's eyebrows were tight and asked a strange question, "what's the matter? Is there a problem? "

Heng Yan Lin heard the speech and shook his head gently.

"Nothing. I just don't know why. I feel that this road looks familiar. It seems to have been passed. But here, I'm sure I haven't been here."

This is not what can not be said, Heng Yanlin also lightly explained a sentence.

As soon as the woman heard Heng Yanlin's words, her face suddenly became strange. Then she looked up and down at Heng Yanlin, and the suspicious color in her eyes became stronger. Heng Yanlin in the side of the car, is do not know, one side of the woman looking at his eyes, is completely changed.

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