I can avenge you.

Such a simple sentence is enough to express hengyanlin's real ideas.

Because he always felt that it was not that simple.

However, how could the apricot faced female assassin believe what Heng Yanlin said?

So after hearing what Heng Yanlin said, the apricot faced female assassin's mouth raised a mocking smile, which was very rich, and even threw a big white eye at Heng Yanlin, indicating her inner disdain and contempt for what he said.

At this moment, when Lu Yang heard that Heng Yanlin was going to avenge the apricot faced female assassin, his heart suddenly "cluttered" and thought to himself, "what does he mean by this sentence? To avenge these assassins? Does he want to kill me? But haven't we just reconciled? Why does he say such a thing?"

"Or is it that he actually looks at reconciliation with me on the surface, but in fact, he still cares about these things in his heart, so he just caught up with the emergence of these assassins, so he can just borrow a topic to play, is it like this?"

"If it's like this, what should I do? What should I do? Is it better to start first? But can I beat him? I'm afraid not?"

"If I can't beat him, what else can I do to make him stop fighting himself?"

At this moment, Lvyang's mind was turning rapidly, and countless schemes were emerging rapidly, good and bad. But no matter which scheme it was, it suddenly sprouted in Lvyang's mind, but it was soon snuffed out by Lvyang himself in the next second.

In the end, Lvyang was shocked to find that he seemed to be really unable to do anything, because no matter what method he used, the final result was only destruction!

Because of hengyanlin's strength... It's too terrible, almost suffocating!

Therefore, at this moment, Lvyang's whole mood became extremely messy, and he didn't know what to do.

Of course, hengyanlin didn't know about Lu Yang's helpless mood, or even so many pictures and so many dramas in his mind. If he knew, he would definitely feel very speechless, and it was the kind of speechless to the extreme.

Of course, for Lvyang's messy mood at this moment, hengyanlin naturally didn't answer, just felt that the tangled expression on Lvyang's face was a little strange, but although it was strange, he didn't say anything more, and then his eyes looked at the apricot faced female assassin. A bright smile appeared on her handsome face, as warm as the sun, Then he opened his mouth to her and said:

"Are you sure you don't want to talk to me? If you don't talk to me, then you won't have a chance next."

Hearing that Heng Yanlin actually said that if the apricot faced female assassin didn't speak, there would be no chance, which immediately made green Yang's eyes burst into a fiery light. Immediately, his eyes also looked at the apricot faced female assassin, looking at her expectantly, and then kept saying in his heart, "hurry up, refuse quickly, say you don't want to say, say you don't want to say when you die, hurry up, hurry up!"

Lu Yang felt that as long as the apricot faced female assassin said such words, then Heng Yanlin would certainly do what he said. Then the apricot faced female assassin would have no chance, and there would be no revenge for her. In this way, Lu Yang felt that he could survive and would not be retaliated by Heng Yanlin.

So at this moment, Lu Yang's whole mood became very nervous. Looking at the apricot faced female assassin's eyes, he was also full of expectations. It can even be said that he felt that his life was completely in the hands of the apricot faced female assassin.

Once upon a time, his fate was actually in the hands of others, and it was actually in the hands of an assassin who wanted to assassinate himself. You know, this is the owner of the Green family of the most powerful four families in the city outside the steel core city. If you say it, it will certainly make many people unwilling to believe it!

In fact, even Lvyang himself was unwilling to believe it, but the cruelty of reality forced him to face all this.

After all, the Hengyan Lin in front of him is standing beside him. This is a living God of murder!

Therefore, now Lvyang can only pray that the apricot faced female assassin don't speak. It can even be said that as long as she doesn't let hengyanlin have the opportunity to help her, Lvyang will also 100% let the apricot faced female assassin leave here safely.

So, under the expectation of Lvyang, the apricot faced female assassin finally opened her mouth.

I saw a thick ironic color on the delicate and beautiful face of the apricot faced female assassin, and immediately sneered, "come on, dog thief, don't cry and pretend here anymore, I can't be fooled, give me a chance? Hehe, I'm really sorry, sister, I don't need this opportunity!"

"I'm still saying that, if you want to kill or cut, you're welcome. If my sister frowns, I'm not human!"

good job!

Lu Yang really shouted in his heart. He was very surprised. If it weren't for now that he had to restrain himself, I'm afraid that now Lu Yang would have been jumping with joy.

It's really too sensible, too sensible, why can you be so sensible!

Lvyang really didn't expect that the apricot faced female assassin would be so sensible and say what he wanted to hear.

In this way, Lvyang will no longer have to worry about the Revenge of hengyanlin because of the apricot faced female assassin.

Therefore, at this moment, Lu Yang looked at the apricot faced female assassin and thought that she was much more pleasing to the eye, and no longer looked as annoying as before.

At this moment, Heng Yanlin has also felt the emotional changes that have occurred on Lvyang standing beside him. He seems to be very happy, which makes Heng Yanlin's handsome face appear a confused color. Then he slightly turns his head, looks at Lvyang, and asks aloud, "what's the matter? Lvyang master, how do I feel that you seem to be very happy?"

"Ah? Yes? No?" Hearing Hengyan Lin's inquiry, Lvyang's face suddenly appeared surprised and asked.

Although Lu Yang maintained a very calm look on the surface, in fact, he was very guilty.

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